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Guy N. Heels

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Posts posted by Guy N. Heels

  1. 'Wasn't that the home of the "BRAINIAC"'

    ...Aside: A 4th-generation Manchester machine - Atlas - was the first computer with virtual memory. I heard (but cannot vouch for the accuracy of) a story that University of Manchester held the patent on virtual memory for some time, before it was sold to IBM for far too small an amount of money because someone at UoM didn't know what they were selling.

    That's usually the case. Somebody will one day develop an anit-grav drive and sell it for peanuts because he doesn't realize the potential of what he has in his hands. Just one example, the guy that drew the icon of the dog and the victrola sold it to RCA for something like $35 because he needed money to buy a meal.
  2. Odd that you should mention it, I'm after a pair of 6" knee high boots, *and* a pair of 4" maribous! I suppose you could always use the feathers to tickle a burglar to death...


    LOL:spin2: Stop it! I'm crying, I'm dying. ROFL You guys are determined to put me in the hospital again.:wink:
  3. The newspaper here recently had a fashion article on the adaptation of tuxedos for women - the latest thing! So the women can take over anything they want, and no one cares. I really don't understand why the men can't do that, too. The only answer I can think of I don't like - that women are so unequal that they are not to be taken seriously - airheads who can do anything and it doesn't mean anything. Actually, isn't the whole fashion industry sort of in that direction? They don't have anything better to do than get so involved in what to wear, what is in and what is out.

    I can see this thought train isn't going anywhere, so let's just do whatever we want, and to hell with the rest of them!

    :D Amen brother, you really hit the nail on the head that time! :fine::wink: To my mind, there's something intrinsically wrong with this one-way fashion street!

  4. Come over here to the UK and wear them tonight, they are forcasting rain, that should get them wet!

    I honestly think you may have left it a little late for mods.

    have a great night though and I am sure they will have stretched by 1am.

    I agree that yer running quite a bit behind the curve for mods and stretching. It usually takes about a week to put a streach on a shoe - especially the toe box, where most of the action is. It can be done, but not overnight and certainly not without risking serious permanent damage to the shoe(s).
  5. My GF and I headed out to church today as we try to do every Sunday but today we past by a fairly new church close to home that I've been meaning to try out. Well I was wearing my 3" cowgirl boots and she was wearing her 3" granny boots. Ran into a girl from work and had met the pastor once before. There was alot of people there today and I believe only a couple of them actualy noticed that my heels were not of the norm to say the least but nobody said anything and we had a great time.It is a very down to earth and casual church. The pastor spoke a little on how it doesn't matter what you wear and or look like etc. He was in a very casual shirt and pants his self and greeted us with a very warm welcome. Needless to say, I believe we have found a new place to go on Sunday.

    Posted Image

    It's probably just as well that you showed-up in heels on your first day. But the minister is correct - unless you are wearing something really outlandish your attire shouldn't matter. People should go to church services for worship, not pass judgement on what someone is wearing. BTW, I like the boots too.
  6. When you select an outfit to wear, you will always choose something which will go together and look good. Does anyone also like to wear a little jewellery to finish the look?

    Since I only dress up from the waist down I try to find different things to wear to compliment the heels. However, for the legs, its pretty much limited, so an anklet is one thing I can think of.

    Posted Image

    Any other suggestions? :wink:

    Well, earrings are always a good choice if you want to draw attention to the face instead of your feet. Once you have your ears pierced you have a huge selection of styles to pick from, ranging all the way from the more delicate and feminine earrings to the really heavy gauge macho biker earrings. I used to wear 8 ga. studs (actually small plugs) in my earlobes, but I seriously doubt if I could even wear a 10 ga without discomfort today. Nevertheless, the right earrings could help to complete the image you're trying to acheive. Then there are the other accessories, hats, belts and belt buckles, bracelets or arm-bands, finger rings, etc.
  7. In my opinion, it should be based on the lift of the heel above flat, the "arch" if you will. High HEEL implies that the heel is lifted significantly higher than the remainder of the foot, which delieates it from terms like "platform". You can have platforms with high heels, but without substantial lift of the heel above the rest of the foot, you just have platforms. For me, minimum for a "high" heel is a 4 inch lift...I guess that is kind of subjective, but for me that is the definition. 3 inches are mid-heels, 2 inches are low. Of course this is from someone who customarily wears heels above 5 inches on a daily basis.

    Just my 2 cents worth...

    In my response to HighHeelArt I deliberately avoided any discussion of platforms and "lift" which, IMO, opens up a whole range of discussion that is actually irrelevant to the subject of high heels. There are, no doubt, purists like yourself who only consider X inches of "lift" or "arch" to constitute a high heel. But that has nothing to do with what the language says, and speaks only to the way the shoe (footwear) feels or looks to you. We could also employ even more archane and esoteric definitions like: how much does the shoe shorten your stride; angle of inclination (or declination); how well (or fast) can you walk, run or whatever; how much does the shoe cause your hips and buttocks to protrude, and so on. The fact that such things occur when wearing heels is a given. But if anyone has ever bothered to quantify such data imperically, I'm totally unaware of it.

    Still, in the final analysis, it really has nothing to do with the words heel or high heel. Any modern dictionary worth owning will define these words without mentioning any of the matters you are pointing to. Therefore, as a purist of the language, I must reject your notions and definitions as being non-applicable. I have a very good idea of just what a shoe is. I also have a very good idea of what a given part of a shoe called a heel is. From this perspective, I must insist that a high heel is one that is bigger or greater than a ordinary heel. In the case of Catherine d'Medici, it was court shoes with 2 inch heels. Today, many men around the world wear work boots with heels that tall. In the movie High Noon Gary Cooper wore boots with about 2.5" heels. My mother typically wore heels in the 3" to 4" range, as I do today. I have worn a pair of her shoes (before I was a teenager) with about 5" heels and 1" plats. I'll admit, they seemed quite high at the time. But according to the language I have used all my life, they are ALL high heels. I prefer to wear shoes with 3" heels. If you prefer to wear shoes with 4" heels - that's fine with me. But there is a great deal of difference between a preferance and a definition!

  8. ...One of them laughed and said "Make sure you get the right box. You don't want to be running downstairs armed with a fluffy mule!" :biggrin:


    Yeah, I have to agree. Somehow it's difficult to make a 4" maribou look very threatening. A 6" knee high boot, maybe. Besides, how would you react if someone hollered at you, "I'm coming downstairs and I've got a shoe!!!" :rocker:

  9. From the other post which probably spawned this thread:

    Excellent points. My first dial-in BBS, in 1986, allowed for threads to branch off. Although it was dial-up, and phone lines were expensive back then, my friend and I had four incoming lines. When connected, even at just 9600 baud, this text-based system that ran on a dedicated 286 was fast! Faster than most BBS's.

    I'm not sure which one it was, but both QuickBBS and TurboBBS come to mind. I was an admin on a different BBS that ran the other one.

    When SLATE first came out, one of the Internet's first message forum sites, it didn't have branching capability, and so was really a disappointment. Following the branch was very easy - just tab to it and hit enter. The default was to always follow the root thread.

    Howzatt? :biggrin::rocker:
  10. First of all, I'm not a smoker so it doesn't matter to me what, where or when politicans declair smoking illegal. However, I've often wondered why, if smoking is so harmful to a person's health, the US Government -FDA- hasn't declared tobacco an illegal substance like cocaine? Perhaps it has something to do with the huge number of dollars ($) local, state and federal governments collect in taxes each year from selling tobacco?

    Finally catching on to that one, are you? Since I have never seen any documented health benefit to smoking, the only sensible answer to your question is the TAXES! BTW, did you know that at one time America had exactly one and only one cash crop? You guessed it - TOBACCO! We've been growing and exporting the snuff- er - stuff for hundreds of years!
  11. If just any platform shoe is a high heel than I wonder why most member’s avatars are showing nothing but very sexy, very high (high arch) heels. In fact most of the avatars can almost be considered fetish type shoes...Why not just call this entire forum "Shoe Place" since the Heel height apparently does not matter anymore (based on some responses to this threat here)?

    Permit me to respond in this way: those high-arch stiletto avatars are indeed very sexy and provocative. I like them and I have chosen one for myself, even though I haven't worn my stilettoes out of the house in years. Moreover, the consensus of opinion is that any kind of footwear higher than 3.5" constitutes a high heel. So, IMO this forum is indeed about high heels.

    However, the main point that I think needs to be clarified is the fact that the realm of high heels includes far more than the stiletto shoes and boots. I mostly wear 3" wedgies because they're both comfortable and convenient. But I also wear chunky heeled boots from time to time. Also, one type of shoe that was mentioned, but has gone out of fashion since Shakesperian times, is the chopine. These too constitute high heels, and if you ever saw a pair you'd know why. Some of those things could get you nearly 2 feet off the ground, so how could that not be a high heel?

    One other matter that we were trying to address is the nonsensical notion that only heels that are 5" or higher constitute high heels. There are any number of high-heeled wearers - including myself - who simply cannot wear such shoes. So does the fact that I only wear shoes in the 3" to 4" range, and almost never stilettoes, mean that I am not a high-heeled wearer? I don't think so. There are any number of very sexy women who wear similar shoes every day who will tell you in a heartbeat that they wear high heels.

    So the main point here is that a whole bunch of the macho braggadocio that seems to have invaded this forum really needs to go. High heels are a very real and viable topic for people to discuss. Moreover, it is refreshing to talk to people around the world who are caught-up in this fashion. We just need to be a lot more sensible about matters and start looking at high heels as being the fashion accessory that they are, rather than trying to make them something that they are not and excluding entire segments participating in this forum in the process.

  12. I am happy to say that as of Dec.7 2006, Ohio has gone smoke free in ALL public and work places as has Nevada and Airazona. People where I work have to go out on the street on their break to smoke. Most work places have banned it completly off company property including parking lots.YEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAA!!! Businesses have to post no smoking signs with a toll free number to report violators at every entrance. Smoke related desiese causes 450,000 deaths in America a year and 50,000 from second hand smoke.Cigerrets have over 450 chemicals and 40 other leathal poisens that all should NEVER be inhaled. Boy, don't know how I missed this thread.LOL. Want more info, I got it. Yes I am an ex smoker but I got wise 10-12 years ago and chose life. Now I am with smoke free Ohio and WE finally made it happen. Now we can take our children and ourselves to any resturant,bar,pub,bowling ally,etc.etc.and breath clean air. It's my right to breath clean air!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Entire states going smoke free; Ohio, Arizona, NEVADA??? I might have to move.

    But yes, most medical authorities will tell you in a heartbeat that smoking is the NUMBER ONE cause of preventable disease and death.:biggrin: We can all breathe easier without it.:rocker:

  13. Yes, oil-cooled. As one of his many maintenance jobs, my father wrote test code to exercise different parts of the system - and got rounded on by the hardware designers for writing code that continually flipped one word of memory to test the oil cooling. "It's not designed to take that - the cores will overheat!"

    I'll look at alt.folklore.computers - hadn't seen that. I went to University of Manchester, who lay claim to having the first digital electronic stored-program computer, and was taught by two of the PhDs (professors by the time I knew them) who worked on the Mk I. Dad also was maintaining mainframes in 1961. Having run a 1960s mainframe at school, it's left me with something of an interest.

    (Edit) 5 1/4" floppies?! New technology! (looks at the pile of 8" floppies in the corner on top of the PDP-11, just by the QIC-150 tape drive)

    Manchester? Wasn't that the home of the "BRAINIAC", that vacuum-tubed monstrocity? Er- uh, excuse me, I think you Britts call 'em valves.

    So sorry, I finally got rid of all my 8" floppies. They make pretty good mortarboards for graduating pre-kindergarteners.:rocker:

  14. A high heel is just that, a high heel. It doesn't matter what the platform is, if you have a 6" sole and a 6" heel you still have a high heel but not one that'll give you the tactile sensation that a high heel wearer would seek. If your heel is lifted from the ground by more than 5" in lager sizes or 3.5" in a smaller size then you have a high heel.

    A more correct term would be an "elevated heel".

    ...It would seem that in some quarters "6" heels" means high heels and "high heels" means anything over 1"!

    BRAVO! BRAVO! :irked::huh::rocker::biggrin:

    How refreshing to find someone with some sense on this topic. A high heel is a HIGH HEEL. Even chopines, which were hardly more than shoes on stilts, were high heels.

    As for that sexy inclination of the foot - well that's a horse of a different color.

    But I was honestly begining to wonder just what sort of madhouse this was, what with some people talking about high heels as only relating to the size and angle of the foot, and still others plainly declaring that the minimum height for a high heel was 5" or more! It all rather makes one wonder just what they've got in their water?

    Thank you, Dr. Shoe! Thank you, thank you. What a relief it is to at last have a sensible answer.

  15. Hiya Bernheels

    All my friends know as they have seen me, often when I turned up at their place wearing them...

    Personally speaking, I think the more you make an "issue" out of something, the more it is seen as something to be worried about from those around you, almost as if your trying to come out of the closet and feel ashamed about it, whereas if you just turned up in some heels one day and carry on like nothing has changed then you will pretty much be taken at face value and either your buddies will say something that you can all laugh off and move on, or they will just ignore it, if they even notice.

    Bottom line I think is to just get on with it and not to put yourself in one of those vulnerable positions of having to sit anybody down and "Come out" about it.

    BANG! on target.:rocker::irked: Like most everything else in life, it's really no more of a deal than someone wants to make of it. One of my buddies showed-up the other night (quite unexpectedly) and I had just got in and still had on my boots with chunky 3" heels. So no big deal; I'm running around the house finding-up whatever it was he wanted and even stepped out to his car to see him off. If he noticed any thing at all he certainly didn't say anything. But even if he had said anything, I would've simply said I thought the style matched my outfit.

    Now nonchalance probably won't work too well if your friends find you wearing 6" red or pink maribous. In that case, you really do need to have an explanation prepared.:biggrin:

  16. The objections are everything from:

    "Horrible composed outfit" till "You are wearing a whores kinda boots, (and you're a guy)". In other words, imagine the worst comment you could recieve, and it's all there... :irked:

    I am reminded of the story of a man who was sitting in his barber's chair when the barber pulled the apron off him and started to brush him off. But when the barber put some scented powder on his brush to brush him up the man said, "Don't put any of that sweet-smelling stuff on me. My wife will think I've been in a whore house." So the barber put his brush aside, collected his fee, and then started cutting his next customer's hair. Upon finishing up he habitually dusted his brush with the scented powder and was about to brush the man up when he happened to think about his previous customer. So he politely asked the man if he wanted to be brushed-up to which the customer replied, "Sure, go ahead! My wife doesn't go in those kinds of houses."

    So my first question is: How do they know what kinds of boots whores wear?:biggrin::rocker:

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