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Guy N. Heels

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Posts posted by Guy N. Heels

  1. Three METERS of snow? Whoa, it's impressive! I bet you have to dig burrows and tunnels now :wink:.

    Some of them claim their driveways and walks look like canyons. But the real problem is: where to put all of it? Right now they've got so much of it that they'd need 2 or 3 days of 80 degree temperatures just to melt it off. Then they might have some serious flooding problems.

    The flip side of that is if they continue with the bone chilling cold they might never get rid of it!

  2. Have you ever heard of a Swedish music group by this name? I ran across it while looking for music on line. Turns out it is two guys, who apparently don't wear heels. They don't seem to be active at the moment, but they do have a website:


    Sounds like false advertising, to me.
  3. Why don't they just ask what they want to know? If they ask one question they're going to get a reply to that question. Not many of us are clairvoyant. I too would prefer them to do the research themselves, asking for an opinion or a novice asking for hints and tips is not stupid IMO. I don't reply to them but I hate wasting my time reading them, you don't know what the person has written until you've read it!

    Asking for an opinion or a review is different from being lazy.

    But they're articulate enough to post in a forum eh? :wink:

    Dear Dr, (I just knew that I would eventually get a chance to use that line.)

    As you have, no doubt, observed, the people on this forum actually present 2 profiles. One is the "official" profile thet they post about themselves. Then there is the unofficial profile that they present every time they make a post on this forum. In the process of time it is easy enough to recognize who is being honest and who isn't; who should be taken seriously and who is just "messing around".

    As god's children, we must all be patient and kind to the feeble, the blind, the backward, the underprivileged, as well as to dumb animals.

  4. A wee dram helps keep the cold away that's for sure! So far I think Glenmorangie is my favourite scotch, although the Glenfiddich Solera reserve is giving it a run for its money.

    Have you ever tried Welsh whisky by the way? I didn't even know it existed, but it's actually rather nice.


    No laddie, I was na knowin' them Welshers had any brew on the market. I've never seen any in the markets hereabouts. But 't stands t' reason they'd be wantin' a wee drop too.
  5. If it's snow yer wanting, try upstate New York! Last report was more than 2 meters with more on the way. They'll likely get 3 meters worth before it's over with temps down to 0 degrees Farenheit.:wink:

    (I really never expected to be quoting myself.)

    Okay, it's officical now, some parts of upper NY State got approximately 120" of snow. That's well over 3 meters:text_wow:, for you guys running around with a meter stick.

    Pretty soon they're gonna have to start shoveling off their chimneys :huh:and finding barrels to discard the smoke into after they break it off. :D

  6. ...As many times as i've gone to thrift stores and bought a beautiful pair of pumps, i wonder how many women who have donated shoes to the store have thought, "well i'm giving these shoes away to charity. I wonder what MAN will buy them and parade around in them?" I also wonder how many women have gotten envious, thinking "damn! that guy bought those beautiful pumps. I wish i would have found them first!" There's a thought! A man and a woman fighting over a pair of pumps in a thrift store. Wouldn't that be classic?

    ...It's innocent, it doesn't cause anyone harm, and it's exciting for both parties involved.

    Man, you guys are blowing me away! Guys and gals fighting over a pair of heels? What a hoot! Can you picture this scene being fought-out at Macey's or J.C.Penny's?

    "Security to the shoe department, security to the shoe department! Fight over high-heeled shoes in progress, and the girls are winning." ROFL!!! What a gas!

  7. Thank you for the detailed inforomation in your reply. I have progressed in her stock of heels and have increased height slowly so not to dissapoint her or get her frustrated. She has many 2-3" heels that I have bought her, and the 4" are only for some special occations. I try to encourage her when she wears them, but this was the first time she complained of knee problems. Not having worn heels myself, I did not know if this was a normal response or not. Maybe she will wear them more and learn how to walk in them over time with less discomfort. I try to make sure if she wears the 4", we have time to sit and rest her feet during the event.

    Again, thanks for the information.


    If your wife has progressed slowly to the 3" level without any problems, then her latest experience indicates that she is very near her height limit in high heels - especially if she has small feet. Do take things slowly, don't have her on her feet for long periods and do allow her to rest her feet if she needs to, avoid stairs and hills - especially winding ones, and by all means, have a pair of low heels handy in case she starts having severe pain. :wink: It might also be a good idea to avoid sugars and alcohol, which have been known to contribute to arthritis.
  8. Would like you to shoe me walking on a platform in those .22 heels. Now that would be hell on heels!!!

    So sorry, but the platforms are getting too clogged with spectators lately. I've flat got to give it a rest and slide outta here. Plus my TV program is coming on, to boot!
  9. At the risk of sounding a bit crass, it really gets down to the "golden rule". The guy with the gold (the one who's paying your salary) get to make the rule! That's rule number one. Rule number 2 is that the boss is always right! Rule number 3 is that in the event of controversy, disagreements, or objections please refer to rules one and two.:wink:

  10. There were some nice frosts in Poland last year... the temperature reached -20°C (or less!) and there was a lot of snow. Now it's snowy too, but the temperature is unfortunately zero (I wish it was -5 so the snow wouldn't melt). This year I bought a faux fur and knee high cowboy boots, and the weather is right- at last! Imagine that there was NO SNOW AT ALL in whole December and most od January!

    If it's snow yer wanting, try upstate New York! Last report was more than 2 meters with more on the way. They'll likely get 3 meters worth before it's over with temps down to 0 degrees Farenheit.:wink:
  11. I've not seen any, but on my last trip abroad I did pick up a litre of export-strength Glenmorangie. That's going down very nicely!


    Ahh, right ye are. An wha wid the freezin cold Arctic temperatures we now ha outside, ye can bet the whiskey bottle has been sampled frequently aroun 'ere too.
  12. I get Chris Farley or Drew Carey!!!

    Funny thing is that with age and I guess experience (confidence), I get hit on fairly frequently by the soccer moms who are 10-15 years younger. My wife thinks its fun because I can get them a little torqued up and she swoops in to reassert her position.

    Yeah man! That's always a hoot when yer lady sees someone else knocking on you and then they get all defensive and territorial and everything. One night my neighbor was hitting on me - right in front of the frau. You guys probably heard the eruption, wherever you are, after we got inside.
  13. It's so funny how wearing the clothes and/or footwear you choose instead of what society chooses for you can make all the difference to your well-being!

    I am reminded of the story of the doctor who cut his patients to fit the bed instead of making the bed fit his patients.

    The more that a society tends to cage you in, the fewer freedoms you really have. In order for one to be truly free one must live free without walls to surround - especially the mind.:wink:

  14. ..well the day I knew would come has come...

    ,,,yesterday I went in to one of my customers..some big deal self-important manager from one of their other branches was in there...to make a long story short he called my company and complained about my choice of footwear...

    ..this afternoon all we drivers got a memo: "no shoes with heels exceeding one inch" due to "an incident that happened yesterday"


    ..maybe the manager saw me catch my heel-tip on the metal steps leading up to the dock level and saw me nearly take a fall..can't say I blame him for doing what he did..or my contractor/employer for doing what he did...as I said, I knew I was just one "incident" or one "anal individual" away from this...

    ...so while I am not pleased I have to consider that I could have fallen badly (but did not..this time) and might have fractured something..how would I explain that I caused the whole thing by wearing very high heels...and what might be out there waiting to happen in the coming weeks or months if this "wake-up call" had not come when it has...

    ..so my plan is to wear the heels at every opportunity when I don't "fall under"-definitely no pun intended here-the conditions of the contract/memo but I'll keep a pair with me and looking for opportunities to get "off the clock" whenever I can...

    ...I worked so hard to build up the confidence and measured indifference to the perceptions of others around me that this is the part that really pizzez me off...but the show will go on..so stick close as I check in...everyone will be at this point sooner or later and we can all learn from the experiences I am going through now...




    Ancient proverb: Discretion is the better part of valor.:fine::D In the work environment there are safety regulations :wink: and even insurance regs that must be observed. One would be foolish to jeporadize his job over shoes.
  15. As much it as a scam, it can easealy fall apart if alowed to, why do think the IRS keeps silent as much as possable?

    Interestingly enough, I was at a meeting of "constitutionalists" just this past week-end (in heels, of course) and this particular film by Aaron Russo was one of the main topics of discussion. Only nobody had any real answer as to why the march on Washington hasn't already begun.

    But yer right about one thing - about the only time the IRS ever tells you the truth is when they say they're going to do something bad to you. Otherwise it's either lies or silence.:wink:

  16. My opinion: I look at platforms as a way for people to get taller n feel better about one's self. I would like to try one on to see a difference in height, but otherwise, I don't consider them that much.

    I will admit that plats will get you "up there" faster than an express elevator. But I prefer them for the comfort more than anything else. Most heels simply don't provide that cushioning under the balls of the feet like the plats do.

    On the other hand, BalletBoot likes his 1 foot heels with a full 7 inches of platform. So just how much cushioning can one stand?:wink:

  17. Try http://www.libertyboots.com

    Very very cool boots, but expensive.

    Made to measure, so width and size won't be an issue.

    Well, I didn't see any prices, but you can bet they're expen$ive. I would be enormously surprised to learn that they had anything for less than $200. By the time you add on shipping& handling, taxes, imposts and duties - well remember what I said about a second mortgage?

    Frye is another big boot mfgr. But they aren't exactly cheap either. I think their prices start at around $100.

  18. I bought my wife a pair of 4" thicker heel knee boots. She wares them for me sometime, and it should be noted that she is not a real high heel wearer; but I'm working on that. :fine: This past weekend, she said that she started to feel sore knees from the height. My question is, is this normal for someone that is not use to this height of heel? Will it go away if she continues to wear high heels? Or, is it just that shoe type or fit that may be causing it?

    Any help would help me to see her more often in high heels.


    Ah, the old knee problem. (Maybe we ought to start some kind of injury/medical forum?) So welcome to our forum.

    There are no easy answers for the limited information that you provide. However, assuming that the boots fit well and that your wife actually knows how to walk in them, it may be said that sore knees are not uncommon. On the other hand, if the boots do not fit well, then that alone could cause some problems. On the other hand, if your wife is really not a high heeled wearer and has not made any previous effort to learn how to walk in heels, that could also explain this problem.

    Most people are not born knowing how to walk in heels. Moreover, even for those who genuinely want to master this fashion, it takes time and preparation. The average person cannot just jump into a pair of 4" heels and strut around like a movie star. Many people spend weeks and even months working their way up to 4" heels before they master the requirements. Even then, some people sometimes experience some mild pains in their neck, shoulders, lower backs, and knees. In my case, a couple of asprin will usually take care of it. :wink: (This is not medical advice and is for informational purposes only.)

    If your wife has little or no prior experience wearing heels, she might want to try some lower heels, say around 3" first. If she continues to experience serious discomfort, heels may not be for her. Some people just can't handle heels.

    Do stay in touch and let us know how things turn out.:D

  19. My extreme pair have a 7" platform and a 12" heel, and they are actually quite comfy to wear.

    You just need to careful where you walk, as uneven surfaces tend to be amplified. Wouldn't mind trying something higher though !

    Those aren't platform shoes! :wink: Those are low profile stilts!:D
  20. I didn't notice this had come back to the top a couple of times. My pet hate is cars creeping up behind you and then turning left across your path (that's right for you guys in the states). They just expect you to stop dead, which you can't do if you're doing around 20. I've tried to explain to a couple of them that they just wouldn't overtake a car and when half way through the manouvre then cut across it.

    Yer absolutely right! I don't know what the average bike weighs, but I should imagine that some of the big Harley's might tilt the scales at close to 1/2 ton. Now anyone with any sense knows that you can't get that much mass up to speed and then stop on a dime! So barring some kind of James Bond rocket propulsion, that really leaves the biker with nowhere to go!:wink:
  21. I'm a cyclist. The following was bulletin was put on my desk and highlighted with the words - Fog - don't wear a helmet wear a wig.

    Road safety

    Bath University traffic psychologist Dr Ian Walker, who used a bicycle fitted with an ultrasonic device

    to measure the margin for error given to cyclists by drivers in 2,500 overtaking manoeuvres, half of

    them recorded when he was not wearing a cycle helmet, has concluded that cyclists wearing safety

    helmets are more likely to be involved in a collision with motorists, who, on average, steered an extra

    3.3 inches further away from cyclists not equipped with helmets. Dr Walker, whose research will be

    published in 'Accident Analysis and Prevention', also found that drivers gave him a wider berth when

    he disguised himself in a woman's wig.

    (G 12/09/2006 p8; Ind 12/09/2006 p13; T 12/09/2006 p15; Tel 12/09/2006 p3) (D0602888)

    Thinking of SP's and Pata's photos and videos, I wonder what sort of findings he'd get wearing heels.

    Upon re-reading this story, I must say that Walker's study and conclusions are very interesting.

    For one thing, I find his conclusions counter-intuitive. Since I would expect a cyclist wearing a helmet to have more restricted hearing, I tend to give them a wider berth. But at any rate, I feel most uncomfortable if I cannot give a cyclist at least half the width of my car as clearance (about a yard). Needless to say, that's not always possible.

    Moreover, I've often wondered how do the cyclists feel about this thing? I think matters are bad enough with our American cars, but a cyclist encountering one of our monster 18 wheelers, especially on a bridge or near some kind of wall, ought to be enough to scare anyone witless.:D:wink:

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