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Guy N. Heels

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Posts posted by Guy N. Heels

  1. I dunno! I'll bet someone has a working version, but the question remains, is it connected to anything that matters?

    Just think - it was a 340-lb floppy drive that held, perhaps 10k of LAM (linea-access memory, aka, punch cards).

    Probably cost $10k, too...

    Oh yeah! Now I remember. I think they were using 'em for anchors on battleships until they decomissioned the battlewagons. Just one of those things was pretty well guaranteed to permanently anchor a destroyer in in place, unless you were willing to cut the chain.
  2. Oh, yeah -- as the saying goes "She could stop traffic in a gunny sack!"

    The episode where she aged so quickly was "Man of the People". The ambassador was also an empath and he was able to transfer all his negative emotions to another person, thus freeing him up to negotiate peace deals. When his "receptacle" died aboard the Enterprise, he latched on to Deanna Troi. She could not take the stress and aged much faster than he expected. Dr. Crusher's medical expertise and the transporter ultimately saved the day.

    Sorry -- just saw the episode on DVD two days ago.

    I have not seen Ms. Sirtis in any other roles ( -- unfortunately -- ) but she does have a website.

    Well, Com'n over t' my house, baby! :wink:

    I'll bet I could find a gunny sack for her, and maybe even a pair of heels too!:D

  3. Yes, Eric, we all know that men have worn high heels in the past as a normal fashion. But the Wikipedia entry I quoted refers specifically to stilettos; why is it stated there that these have been commonly worn by men? You are not suggesting that this is a correct statement, are you?

    Well, for one thing men have worn stilettoes over the last 500 years or so. For another thing, the definition of stilettoes has changed considerably from what we know today. In years past heels were much thicker. What we might call chunky heels today were known as stilettoes.
  4. What's so interesting about stopping/cutting down on heeling because of age is this: Women over, say, 35 grew up/were alive to see the wearing of men's heels as a style. Younger women were not, and I'm sure their fathers who wore heels because of Ziggy Bowie/Slade/Whatever in the 1970s or in the 1980s because of Twisted Sister/et al are busy denying they ever did.

    Isn't the Nile a river in Egypt?:wink:
  5. what is considered "second mortgage" pricing? my boots were a bit over 300$ but they are high quality and extremely comfortable. it was my biggest splurge purchase, but i don't regret it funny enough.

    Well, being one o the po-folk, I'd consider anything above $100 as being in the "second mortgage" price range. After all, I consider a $2000 car as being expen$ive!:wink: Anything beyond that is like a moon-shot!
  6. Once I spot a woman walking in heels, the first thing I look for is a sexy looking wobble in her walk. WOW!:wink:

    SHAKE! Shake, shake, shake it!

    I gotta do something to save this thread, guys. Somebody help me out here before this sucker vanishes into oblivion!

    Rock, rock, rock rock and roll!

  7. I'd have to agree with Fog on this one. Bankers understand finances and how playing around with interest rates is very dicey business. Many politicians don't.

    That's why those decisions are/were made by Greenspan for the US. After 911, his fiscal recommendations for the Fed rate averted rather significant financial catastrophe.

    I think I'm going to graciously bow out. If you haven't read and understood Hayek and Friedman then you don't really grasp what Greenspan and his lot are all about. But one small clue, in Road to Serfdom Hayek very candidly reports that under proper fiscal policy the price of bread in central Europe remained the same for over 200 Years! . In my estimation that is price stability, and they didn't need the likes of Greenspan to do it! When you understand what's really going on, you finally come to realize that they can have bankers meetings every day of the week and fix the interest rates 3 times a day and still not solve the problem.:wink:
  8. Would you rather it in the hands of politicians? The British economy suffered from political manipulation of interest rates for too long.

    Well, since I've never been over there I can't say for sure, but it seems to me that you lot always did better with the likes of Churchill or Thatcher in office. So I'd have to say that in the hands of the right politicians you might be okay. But it's always a dice shoot.:wink:
  9. Curiosity was the driving force for me. My mother, who was a rather petite woman, almost always wore really fetching heels. I mean she knew how to stop traffic in downtown NYC. So when I was about 10, I was intensely curious about how my mom was able to walk in those gorgeous high heels. One day I found an older pair of her red slingbacks, probably around 3.5", that she never wore any more. So I decided to try them on, and as the saying goes, the rest was history. Later on I found a pair of her brown slingback platform shoes (probably around 5" with about a 1" plat) that I just absolutely had to try on. Then one day I asked my mother why I didn't have any sisters and if she ever wanted a girl? She said that she thought it might have been nice to have a girl, but that things just didn't work out that way. So long story short, we decided to play "dress-up" and she dressed me in some of her clothes (at age 10 I was almost exactly her size) and she even fixed me up with some earrings and makeup. But I can still remember her handing me a pair of her kitten-heeled slings. While I wished they were taller, I somehow knew that I would never be able to give up heels after that.

    Of course, the dress and earrings eventually came off and things returned to "normal". But within 10 years, long after I had out grown my mother's things, I had to buy a pair of heels of my own. That was over 40 years ago, and my passion for wearing high heels still continues.

    My apologies to JeffB, I have merely edited your post with the details of my own story. One thing I have noticed is that with the exception of the details the guy's stories are pretty much the same.

  10. The Euro is a seductive idea - which I support emotionally. And from a practical point of view - spending a lot of money in France buying a house and renovating it. (and thank goodness the exchange rate was ok when we did most of the money shifting) - but I'm really not sure that one size does fit all, from Poland - Greece - Portugal France Germany - all such different economic situations.

    One of the most sensible things Gordon Brown did at the start of the Labour administration was to put control of interest rates into the hands of the Bank of England. That's probably had a lot to do with the economic stability we've had in the past few years.

    Anyway, if you think UK prices are expensive try France - that is apart from supermarket alcohol and eating out.

    Put the interest rates in the hands of the BANKERS? Man that's like putting the fox in charge of the chicken-coop!:D:wink:
  11. before any of these so called "influences" ,murder was still committed and has done so since time immomrial

    Yeah, but it's the "try 'em in the press before forensics has even got the facts" that gets my dander up. In journalism there's a saying: "If it bleeds, it leads." So the yellow sheet rags don't care 2 hoots about the facts, they just want to sell papers! They'll print anything these days! :wink::D
  12. Actually the best thing I have seen of late was on Good Morning America. (early morning US news) Nike Shoes has recently unveiled plans to make a line of heels (and traditional men's dress shoes) that integrate sneaker technology. The female hosts were all really happy when they got to try them. they all said its the closest thing to wearing sneakers and they look very stylish and just fantastic.

    Okay, but are they willing to market them at a price that doesn't require s second mortgage?:wink: Nike has always been kinda proud of their wares.
  13. Jep, me too. It's just a whole other feeling than my ordinary shoes. It's also exiting to do something that's a bit taboo. Just for the fun of it.

    I often try to take guys in public and imagine them in heels to see how I'd react. To get an idea how other people would react if they saw me. I think it depends on the guy and the situation, but I don't think it would bother me.


    People in show business dress for other people. More often than not, women dress for other women. I'm a real radical - I dress for ME! How others dress and what they think about how I dress is their business.

  14. Lesson one in wearing stiletto heels watch where you are placing your feet....:D

    Lesson two, in the event of stumbling, tripping, falling, or breaking heels refer to lesson one!:wink:
  15. Dont you just love them. Today I bought a new pair of courts from Bertie 4 1/2" high stiletoe heel pointy toe. Got them in the sale at Beales Ealing £33 bargain. Even tried them on in the shop and was asked if they were for me by another lady customer to which I said yes. I thought that this is ideal chance to keep them on so paid for them and then sat down again and put them back on. I walked outside, not to busy and the rubber tips on the heels did not make much noise walked about 100 yards and crunch, left heel straight down a pavement crack and big scrap in the leather heel covering, shoe came off and I did a dance trying to stay upright. Several people looking, fortunately my quick thinking resulted in me saying oh well hazard of earing heels, but inwardly was really pissed off at the damage. Why cant they make the gaps smaller.

    anyone else have this problem?

    I think we thrashed this subject out on the RANT forum already. Yeah, almost everyone's faced this at one point or another. I think the consensus of opinion was that stilettoes are made for indoors and you really need something else for out of doors - especially if the crooked politicians are putting the taxpayer's money into their pockets instead of the holes in the pavement.:wink:
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