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Guy N. Heels

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Posts posted by Guy N. Heels

  1. Well, at the risk of sounding like a square peg ;), the black shoes look like the designer cut away every last mm of material from the vamp that he could possibly delete, and added it onto the overextended toe (in order to be able to step on bugs in corners?) creating a weird look. If that's fashion then I'll stick to my open-toed White Mountain slides.

  2. Posted Image

    I try as hard as I can to keep the wearing to places where they don't get scuffed - however - dabbing them lightly with cotton wool soaked in slightly diluted nail-varnish remover - is magical for removing marks if any arise.

    Good choice, but alcohol (non-drinking variety) might be a little easier on the finish. Still, in my experience the biggest problem with white shoes is that they show the scuffs so readily. I can even find scuffs on my brown shoes, but at least they don't show up like they do on my white shoes.
  3. Actually the whole Gay/Cross Dressing thing defies logic...

    Well, personally, I find that many people's notions about dress and attire defies logic. For example, if I described to you a man who was wearing long hair, jeweled ear rings, a shirt with lace ruffles, and boots with heels; did I describe a gay man or a courtier in Elisabethan England? What about a man wearing a wig, and long flowing robes; is that a gay man or a judge in an English court? The plain and simple fact is that men have been wearing all sorts of skirts for thousands of years in many different lands. Earrings and pierced ears are so commonplace that many jewelers have quit designating a sex for them; and laced ruffled shirts and even silk stockings along with high heels can be named among men's clothing items.;) So what's all the uproar about? :o
  4. I have to out myself here as an absolut platform heels lover - I don't wear heels personally, but seeing women in platform heels is the most sexy thing that could happen to me.

    Can't share the opinion about platform heels looking clumsy - especially the view of some platform heels (with stiletto heel) from the front is very, very sexy IMHO. Best combination in my point of view are platform heels with any kind of trousers - jeans, normal trousers etc. Don't know why, but that combination seems very sexy to me - maybe the platform heel fetishist here will understand me :-)

    Welcome to the forum, Oli. ;):o

    IMHO the reason some people think that plats are clumsy is because the wearers are clumsy in them. Plats do readily increase one's height without increasing the "stability base" (area of footprint), and so it does take a little extra skill to walk in them. However, unless someone is going to extremes, this should present no real problem with a little practice. But I will agree that one should take the time and trouble to master these shoes in private before wearing them outside.

  5. I've been hearing about toe cleavage for a few years now. ...Lots of women are going through surgery these days, to shorten their toes, JUST so they can fit into a nice pair of Jimmy Choo's. ...Let's see your opinions.

    Women going through surgery just to be able to wear a certain type of shoe? :smile:;) That makes about as much sense as a screen door on a submarine. :o My late girlfriend had to have some extensive foot surgery while we were together, and you can bet the farm that it wasn't to satisfy any shoe fashion. For a long time things were dicey with her:dice: , and I don't recommend any kind of surgery unless it's absolutely necessary.

    As for toe cleavage, I've always been rather ambevailent on the topic, but I must admit that a shoe that shows cleavage somehow looks incomplete. If one wants to show some toe (poet and don't know it), why not simply put on a shoe that's designed that way?

  6. A few years back PBS did a film on two polar bear cubs that were abandoned. They named them Klondike & Snow. Scientists that were caring for the cubs nearly lost one of the cubs (I don't remember which one), but with patience and perseverance they saved them both and later moved the cubs to Sea World. But what I thought was most interesting and touching was learning that polar bears have a very keen sense of smell. Reportedly they can smell prey up to 10 miles away. Well about a year after the bears were given to Sea World one of the original handlers came to visit and see how they were doing. Even though the handler was hidden behind a very thick glass wall, the bears soon detected her scent and came over to the enclosure to investigate. It was quite touching to see. If you get a chance, don't miss the PBS special on Klondike & Snow.

  7. As a genuine Scots lass let me weigh in with a wee recommendation or two: my very favourite is Talisker from Skye, but a nice recent find (as discovered by my dad!) is Ledaig (pronounced 'Lay-check' I think) from the Tobermory distillery that somebody else mentioned above. You can get it from the whisky shop but no doubt elsewhere too. Slainte Mhath to all, have a great weekend. :smile:

    Ah lass, yer report's enough to warm a Highlander's heart.;)

    Unfortunately, those lads at Tobermory 're right proud o their brew. The last time I checked they's askin' upwards o' $40 a bottle hereabouts. A mite too steep for this poor lad.

    Slainte Mhath to ye lassie.:o

  8. That height of platform is very attractive because the heels are higher without the platform being too extreme, and that particular style is very graceful. However, the thing that makes them difficult for me is the narrow sole - often quite a bit narrower than your foot. That makes them difficult for me on uneven ground, particularly since my ankles don't tend to be stiff enough and have a tendency to turn out when tired, with a bad result in platforms. Otherwise, they are very comfortable.

    Golly BobHH, I thought I was the one with the world's worst ankles. ;) But your point about the way the mfgr. undercut the soles is well taken! Precisely why they'd want to do that escapes me. :o
  9. And, in one of the strangest twists ever, I'm watching a close female friend's dog this weekend. She just dropped the dog off, and lo and behold, what was she wearing? You guessed it - the exact style of shoes that I was talking about.

    Now I just have to get the courage either a) ask her outright, or ;) come up with a reason for inquiring that won't arouse her suspicion.

    Instead of making a big production out of it, why don't you just say something like: "Nice shoes. Where did you find those?"
  10. I first wore platforms when I was very young - then grew into stilettos and high-heeld boots - and stayed wearing those for a long, long time.

    Whilst I would still class myself as a true 'stiletto heels' girl - I have recently got back into platforms - thanks to a friend encouraging me to buy these 6.25" beauties - which I absolutely adore now..............

    Posted Image

    Unh Huh! ;) Just the thing for high altitude work.:o

    Just one question: Do you have trouble keeping the scuff marks cleaned off them?

  11. You guys should all be ashamed of yourselves.....

    Here he is, sharing his experiences, to enlighten others and the best thing you can think of to come up with is to start bashing ford???? :o

    That's because friends do not let friends drive Fords. ;) Even when you spell it backwards it stands for Driver Returns On Foot!:smile:
  12. Amen... or something like that.

    - Peter the atheist

    Amen is merely an ancient form of affirmation or expression meaning "so let it be", or "truth be spoken". It was actually used quite freely in everyday parlance at one time. You don't have to go around in religious garb with some holy book under yer arm to use it. I would personally like to see it regain usage again outside of religious circles.;)
  13. This thread seems to have wandered a bit. Back to the original subject with something I noticed just recently.

    Some shoes seem to be designed deliberately to wobble. With many high heel shoes, there is a definite flat spot when I rock from side to side, and that makes it easy not to wobble. But I have a pair of 5" pumps by Ellie that has no such flat spot. The sole in front seems to be very slightly rounded, and if I rock from side to side, they roll smoothly with no hint of a flat spot. It seems to me that they are designed to encourage a bit of wobble!

    I think yer right, Himark. I too, have noticed that some shoes just seem to rock and wobble around. If it wasn't intentional, then why did they make them that way?

    Not so easy when the person following you holding the camera wobbling in her own heels.LOL

    Well, I was unable to detect any of the traditional wobble at all in that video. However, with those chunky heels, I would have been somewhat shocked to see any. I cannot ever recall seeing that traditional wobble with anyone who was not wearing either stilettoes or very narrow heels.
  14. utmost respect!

    As a trekie i adore all of you! its good to have a seriously geeky conversation now and again. i am a true geek through and through so this thread makes me happy.

    Oh and I believe the leader of the Borg in one of the movies is wearing heels.

    check out the series Lex as several episodes include demon heels! i shall try and dig some out for you



    A Borg in heels?;) By all means, tell us more, Peachyshoes. Just when I was afraid that this thread would die of old-age you came along and saved it! So now I've gotta hear more about this high-heeled Borg.
  15. ...I stopped for a woman walking in a cross walk and I looked in my right mirror as she passed in front of my tractor, a car in the right lane didn't slow down or stop and I blew the air horn just before the woman would have stepped in front of the moron. The car behind me was a state trooper and he had the car stopped about a half klick up the street.

    Right on about the pedestrian in the crosswalk! ;) That happens to be one of my peeves as well. But who said there's never a cop around when you need one?:o
  16. You mean things like the Spanish Inquisition, the burning of members of other denominations at the stake just because they disagreed on the meaning of a tiny part of scripture. You mean where innocent people were starved to death because they would not embrace Christianity. You mean wars in which hundreds of thousands of people died...

    All this happened centuries ago but you must remember that all religions go through phases of development and the Moslems are in their Medieval period right now...

    BTW is this politics? I think it is.


    You said it. The scripture says, "By their fruits you shall know them." That still stands. Here in America it was a bunch of religious zealots and do-gooders who got the federal government to ban alcohol. The backlash was underground "speakeasies", and Al Capone style gangsterism. It was an age when the Thompson submachine gun became known as "the Chicago typewriter". Eventually the congress had to repeal prohibition.

    Yet anyone with eyes to read could easily find where Christ's first recorded miracle was to convert about 180 gallons of water into wine. God save us all from radical zealots and do-gooders.

  17. I like single malt with some water - two drops! It is ok. if you like blended ones. IMO blended whiskeys are allways similar, always with soft taste. Chivas Regal is a good example of good blanded whisky. Single malts are an adventure, becase the taste a bit different every year. Taste is wild, burning, sometimes soft but not tame. maybe Nigella Lawson could say it better with her lovely flirty eyes.

    My favourite is Bowmore single malt. Some year ago I could feel taste of smoke and tar. Another year was different. I still miss the tar taste.

    It is funny because we talk here 12y or 15y whiskeys. Remeber it is the minimun years. If you don't drink your whisky it older than the label says.

    Or does the year says the age in barrel or cask before whiskey is inside the bottle. Is there any expert who knows?

    AYE laddie. The age is the number of years the darlin' brew spent idlin' away in the cask. After 'tis pour outta the cask an into the bottles it makes no difference if 'tis there a thousand years, 'tis still th' same age.

    BTW, if ye ere seen the darlin' brew when 'tis comin' straight outta the still, 'tis clear as loch water. 'tis the aging that gives the colur and th' taste to the darlin' brew. What's more, no self respectin' brewery ere uses the same casks twice. Once the darlin' brew is poured up, them casks are smashed an' burned. That's why there'll always be a need for good oak trees in Scotland.

  18. I really think you should read the Q'Ran you will see that the foundations of the moslem faith is not too dissimilar from Christainity, it's these mad mullahs who are twisting it to suit their own agenda. The problem is is that many of their followers cannot see what's good for them much like some fanatical Christians I know! :-)

    The main foundation of Sharia is the desire that every person should want live upright moral lives which is why the punishments are so severe.

    While I will admit that I've never actually read the Q'Ran, I hope to do so in the not too distant future. However, my Teacher said, "By their fruits you shall know them." Therefore it is not entirely necessary for me to understand the tenents and doctrines of other faiths when all I have to do is observe the fruits they're producing. I tend to wholesale reject any faith whose main fruits are death and destruction, regardless of what their actual doctrines might be.
  19. Welsh Whisky has been around for a while - it's the sort of thing that makes the local news on telly when they've got a quiet day. I've never tried it, I suppose I should. Has anyone tried Australian single malt. I saw some in a supermarket in Agen (France) just before Christmas. I didn't buy it, it was €43, which seemed expensive when you could get aberlour for €20.

    Well laddie, I was just in my local wine & spirits shoppe jus this morning. Now this is a big shoppe, mind you, an they did na ha' any Welsh brew on hand. I found the Irish brew, along with plenty of Scotch brew, t' be sure. But n'er a wee drop of Welsh whisky to be found. Are ye certain they're shippin' it here to the States?:wink:
  20. ALL RIGHT, guys! For the first time in almost a month I woke up with the temperature outside above freezing! :wink: (church choir in the background breaks out with the Halleujah Chorus):D Now if I can just get the ice out of my driveway things will be doing a lot better.

  21. It was my moms pink ones. He asked her if he could borrow them.

    Unfortunately he got sick and didn't make it to fastelavn.

    Maybe if he'd beat the cat he wouldn't have gotten sick. LOL Okay, I repent. :wink:
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