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Guy N. Heels

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Posts posted by Guy N. Heels

  1. Great true story:

    1955 my grandmother was driving in Miami (home town) and a guy jumped in the car with out being invited. My GM believing he was a no-goodnik (she was correct), whipped off one of her 4.5" pumps with nasty B) stilletto and beat the ever livin' stuffing out of him. My Dad remembers this well because he was in the back seat AND had to clean the blood stains off the upholstery.

    I guess the guys lived but I am sure he is no fan of the stiletto!


    By the way, guns AND high heels is VERY SEXY!

    That's a great story, Heeltoe, and I don't doubt that it's true. No one should doubt that a stiletto (either on or off the foot) can inflict some serious bodily damage:nurse: - especially some of those with the metal tips and/or metal trim on the toes.

    But for some reason this thread just branched to the humorous side of someone chasing a burgler with a HH shoe. I think it has to do with the fact that in this day and time we could all use an extra laugh. With a collapsed spinal column, I am personally facing some serious physical problems. Yet the humor I find in this thread is often better than a pain-killer.

    Besides, I hope the incident taught that nogoodnik the truth that dynamite often comes in small packages!:wink: Of course, I'm sure you understand that someone who would dare to jump into someone else's car uninvited can't be the sharpest tool in the shed. As he, no doubt, found out - getting in is one thing, but getting back out, now that's a whole different matter. :fine: Then too, it might be kinda interesting to learn how the guy was able to explain why the "Cat's Paw" trademark was imprinted so prominently on his face?:D

  2. Ahh, Nana Visitor, the tough talking broad with the wrinkled nose. Yeah, I liked her alter ego better. At least the alter ego didn't put on airs about being "miss goody 2 shoes".

    As for Marina Sirtis, she would look good in most anything. :wink: Unfortunately, I can only recall one episode with her in heels. She somehow got hooked-up with some ambassador and aged about 60 years during the course of the show.

    Has anyone ever seen her doing anything else?

    In the interest of keeping this thread alive I'ver posted this mssg. Please respond .
  3. One question I've always thought about is how do you enforce a law against something that isn't illegal in the first place? The practice of smoking isn't illegal. The sale of tobacco isn't illegal. And, it appears to me these laws are arbitrary in the first place. So, why hasn't anyone bothered to take these laws to the U.S. Supreme Court to determine if they are actually enforceable?

    Quite frankly, I really don't understand how any government operating under the provisions of the United State's Constitution can dictate what anyone can and can't do in their own homes or businesses.

    And just what makes you so sure that we are actually operating under the terms of the Constitution iof 1794???
  4. I can't take this any more, there's a really big shoe on tv I have to go watch. Gonna slide on out of hear, jump om my mule, go to the neighbor's, find a nice platform to sit on and watch the shoe.

    ROFL I'm crying, Im dying! This is way beyond amulesment

    Help me to the hospital, I my never heel.

  5. I'm with you, Pumps! While I enjoy wearing heels, I do not enjoy others noticing me wearing heels.

    I took my two favorite pair to the cobbler to have them replace the hard plastic tip with one made of durable rubber. Result - they now make about half the noise as before, and instead of a clack, it's more like the thunk of a typical man's shoe.

    Also, there is another thread around here somewhere:detective: that deals with this same topic. :wink: They even discuss replacment of the tips (lifts) and so on. We thrashed this one out pretty thoroughly already.
  6. ..that was a great suggestion for "wrapping the heels" to avoid wear to the heels..but I would like to expand on this a bit more in the form of a second question...

    ...if you look closely you will note the heel is that off-tan/brown color that many of the styles are favoring this season and, as such, it's pretty hard to cover any dings or color breaks in the heels..does anyone have any suggestions on how to REPAIR blemishes and small wear-marks in heels of this type?



    ..by the way, a pair of these just arrived today and they are beautiful!!!

    ..want to keep them as nice as possible for as long as possible...

    Weeelll, at the risk of sounding like a square peg in a square hole, it seems to me that you basically have 3 choices: 1] find some type of overshoe that you can use to protect your investment(s), or 2] find some kind of very durable urathante to coat the shoes, or 3] abandon the heels at work as being impractical. My experience with matching paints and colors has generally been unsatisfactory, so all I can say about that is good luck.
  7. ...I like skirts and such that hit knee-length or lower, even to the floor. I have a kilt I made and I have a few peasant skirts, even a few gothic-looking long black denim skirts. Some days, I don't feel like putting my legs through two separate holes to get dressed.

    ...Skirts can be quite manly.

    Posted Image

    Wolfie, I really don't know why you might say something like that. Were you perhaps noticing the gorgeous skirt Yul Brenner was wearing as pharaoh in The 10 Commandments, or was it the Roman battle skirt Richard Burton was wearing in Cleopatra? Of course that's not really fair since so many guys have worn Roman skirts: John Wayne, Robert Talyor, Rex Harrison, just to name a few. But then time would fail me to name guys like Sean Connery, Mel Gibson, Victor Mature, Kirk Douglas, James Doohan, and Charlton Heston - all of whom have worn either skirts or kilts on screen or in public.

    BTW, once a garment gets much below the knee, it's not really a skirt anymore - more like a dress or a gown.

  8. Leather does go through a number of processes in its transformation from cow-hide to leather material, then a number of more processes to become shoes. Some of these processes involve some fairly harsh chemicals, such as the tanning solutions and dye solvents, but most of those chemicals are driven out of the product at the end. Even with all this, leather is considered a natural material while PVC (polyvinyl chloride) and PU (polyurethane) are clearly synthetic.

    Personally, I find the natural materials to be vastly more comfortable than synthetics. Leather, pigskin and cotton fabrics "breathe" while synthetics often feel like plastic bags. Synthetics are getting better in this regard but they have a long way to go.

    My most comfortable -- Fitzwell "Fallara", pictured below. In my size, US 12, the heels rise 3 inches and the rounded toe has plenty of room.

    Posted Image

    Thanks! I have till yet to see any live animals wearing leather coats.

    BTW, I love those boots. Perhaps a little tall for me, but I l love 'em anyway.

    My most comfortable heels are a pair of 4" White Mountain wedgies with a 1" plat. I feel like I'm walking on air with 'em.

  9. Well the first thing is to put a spike or a stiletto into to it to see if it's done.......

    I guess he just doesn't want this to slide into getting too corny lest he has to over burden his mules getting the corn out.

  10. It's not just currency exchanges - things really do cost more in the UK than in the US - about 30% more.

    To add insult to injury, the gross domestic product per capita in the US is $41,600, while it's $31,100 in the UK. Thus, the average per capita income in the US goes 33.76% further.

    Combine that with the costlier prices in the UK, and those in the US have approximately 44% more buying power.

    While some countries' economies went downhill when the EU adopted the Euro, most improved, and the overall financial situation improved for all EU members, on a weighted average basis, improved as well.

    If the UK were to join the EU, financially, both would be better off over the long term.

    Eventually (and we're not far from it today with nearly instantaneous exchange rates and our global economies) the world will adopt a single monetary unit, with the rare exception being very remote areas which do not interact with the global ecomony to any significant extent. This will serve to anchor values in any given area, curb runaway inflation and deflation, and provide for a more stable, healthier world finacial situation.

    As an added bonus, it will also provide significant economic incentive for countries at odds with another to continue cooperating economically, rather than duking it out ideologically.

    Your points are well taken. However, for many countries the issue of state sovereignty is still a major sticking point. Nevertheless, today many nations, including most of Europe, are willing to sell-out their sovereignty for a chance to get a piece of the ecconomic pie. Is it not interesting that today people are perfectly willing to do for silver and gold, what Adolf Hitler tried to do with the sword and the bayonette?:wink:

    Nevertheless, those who choose to ignore the lessons of both Hayeck and Friedman are doomed to repeat the failures of the past. There are certain fundamental rules that simply cannot be ignored! :D In the final analysis, a scheme that is fundamentally flawed, regardless of how inviting it looks on paper, however clever or subtile the arguments for it - is doomed to failure.

  11. Mind you, I'm a dedicated non-smoker. Never smoked a day in my life and don't intend to start. Ever. Tobacco -- I hate the stuff, it stinks and it is unhealthy. And nicotine is one of the most addictive substances known -- just ask any smoker about their first cigarette, it's never a pleasant experience. I enforce a strict smoking ban in my home and in my vehicles.

    But at least in the United States, these smoking bans bug me. This is supposed to be the "land of the free" and we keep ratcheting down on what people can do. My home -- that's not a public place. But a shopping mall or a restaurant -- those are public places -- and at least restaurants have had smoking and non-smoking areas for years. If tobacco is so confounded bad for us then why don't we just ban it outright?

    Of course all Americans know the answer to the question at the end of my last paragraph -- Washington DC and all the state governments are positively addicted to tobacco . . . revenue. In the form of taxes.

    If we are really all that concerned about public health then we had better ban the use of the wheel post-haste -- ever look at traffic death statistics?

    Congratulations on waking-up to the totalitarian police state that we still hail as "...the land of the free..." Of a truth, none is more pitiable than the enslaved man who thinks he is free. Perhaps nothing speaks more loudly to the degree of our enslavement than the laws requiring us to wear seat belts. Not that there is anything necessarily wrong with seat belts - they make about as much sense as taking a good breath of fresh air every once in a while. But laws that require them and police who enforce them under the coersion of law are indeed a form of tyranny.

    Nevertheless, unless something is done to limit the intrusion of unwanted smoke into our personal lives, we may indeed become the "...poor, tired, huddled masses yearning to breathe free..." Besides, most authorities agree that smoking is the number one cause of most of our preventable diseases.

  12. Fitting is such an issue for me it is almost a absolute must to try before buying. Now doing business from the mail I look for free return shipping or good customer assistance to determine the proper fit.

    Ancient proverb: "Very bad luck to buy shoe without first trying on.":jap:

    It just makes sense! I recently bought a pair of pants at Wal-Mart that the label said was my size without trying them on. They turned out to be 2" too big in the waist and 2" too long in the legs. So from now on I'm trying-on all my clothing before I buy. If some store clerk doesn't like it, I'll take my money and my custom elsewhere! The same thing goes for prices, too. If they don't want to sell at the advertised price they can keep their merchandise. There are plenty of other shops around where I can take my business.

  13. I recall the day in the early-1980s when the university I attended (20,000+ students) announced that the total storage capacity for all computers and their storage devices (mainly large platters and tape) had finally exceeded 1 Terabyte.

    These days, that's just a few hundred dollars away, what with the Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 HD 750GB SATA II drive available for just $360.

    Just think - I could have a 1.4 TB RAID 5 array for under $1,600.

    That blows my mind!

    That's nothing, the 1 Gb memory stick really blows me away! Just think, the day is rapidly approaching when even the 3.5" floppy drive will be history and all of us old fudds that remember all of the stuff that preceded that will also be regarded as living fossils.
  14. Thanks Pussy. I think I'm going to avoid using pain relief gel except as aftercare if I have overdone it. I'd rather have my sore feet telling me to sit down for a while, than have the pain numbed and risk damaging my feet.


    Actually, it gets much worse than that. If your feet are numb and/or you're ignoring the pain, you could hurt your ankles, knees, or even yer back rather severely. Far better to have the pain in yer feet notifying you that it's time to sit down and take off the heels than to really hurt yourself and spend the next few days trying to get straightened out.
  15. I say 3.5 inches, because i have never worn heels higher than 4.25 inches. They were stilettos and i loved them. Under 3.75 isnt really a high heel. I love heels, i hope i wear 5 inches & higher one day.

    Got that! Next time I'll be sure to include AU as one category.
  16. Smoke free states and countries. Recently added was Ohio,YES!!! Nevada, and Arizona.

    While I find the AMA report encouraging, it is also far from satisfying. For example, both Alabama and Arkansas had very limited restrictions on smoking (in and around hospitals, etc.) while most of the other states had bans on smoking in the workplace and in certain public areas. I was somewhat surprised at the fairly sweeping bans in New York. I never would have expected it there. Still, it is a start, I suppose.
  17. :...Fashion is Trapped in a Citadel of Limitation

    Frankly, I think our world of fashion is trapped in a citadel of limitation. Citadels are built to keep the enemy OUT. By keeping masculinity from mixing with femininity, we effectively trap out male fashion trends from growing and expanding...

    One very important point that is so often overlooked is the fact that the same gate or door that is intended to keep others out, also locks you in! This is just as true in fashion as it is in physical protection.
  18. thanks so much everyone. turns out things went crazy new years eve and i didn't get to wear them. but its okay cause now i have time to get them to fit properly. now do i have to go to a shoe repair place to buy the stretcher and wood pieces? i'm from long island, so i'm sure there are places everywhere that would stretch them. espcially in manhattan. i'd just rather do it myself cause that way i probably would have to pay as much. haha. thanks so much again everyone.

    You might as well get yourself one of those wooden stretcher devices with the different plugs for stretching different parts of the shoe. One will fit either right or left and should last you a lifetime.
  19. I met him once, years ago, in the early 80s, during one of my first, and one of his last, CONs.

    ...I never got a chance to speak with him, but I overheard him talking to others. While old, he was still full of life, but more importantly, he held to an ideal, that no one should be treated differently simply because they're different. I was surprised to hear him utter words along these lines, but I shouldn't have been, as he wove this thread throughout his many novels.

    He was truly a champion of those who contribute to society while not necessarily conforming to societal norms. If you'll recall, in Number of the Best, slipstick Libby, upon resurrection, told Ishtar that he really wanted to be female, so Ishtar renewed him as a female.

    Now that I've taken the time to repent of envy, let me say that I would've loved to meet Heinlein. I did finally manage a trip to Bancroft Hall at his alma mater, the US Naval Academy in Annapolis (about 30 miles from where I live).

    Please do give us some details on the encounter: where, when, etc.

  20. The following is a table that my wife and I use when buying her new shoes.

    0 – 1.5 inches are flats

    1.5 – 3.0 inches are low heels

    3.0 – 4.5 inches are regular heels

    4.5 – 6.0 inches are high heels

    6.0 and up are extreme heels.

    We know it is not "official" but it made it easier for us to swap out old flats, low and regular heels for high heels and occasionally extreme heels.

    Well, at least yer not calling 5 inch stilettoes the minimum height for a high heel. But the original question had to do with the minimum height to qualify as a high heel over an an ordinary heel without regard to medium, extreme, stratospheric, or ionospheric heels. For crying out loud, does anybody want to go for AU heels while we're into all kinds of ridiculous discriptions here? (For the neophites out there, 1 AU = approx. 98 million miles)
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