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Guy N. Heels

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Posts posted by Guy N. Heels

  1. Aircraft carriers are great for attacking but you need to complement any air attack with ground forces and these need to be armoured. You also need supply and logistics chains and these are very vulnerable if delivered by air besides, your massive carriers weren't that much of an asset in Vietnam. With all the high tech fire-power you couldn't even rescue the Tehran hostages whereas the Israelis rescued all but one of theirs from Entebbe in 1976, and they had to fly across three hostile countries to do it. I know that the situation was different but it does highlight the need for proper ground bases.

    It all depends upon the mission objective. I agree that no amount of air or naval forces are capable of taking and holding large land sectors. In order to accomplish that objective, land forces and secure supply lines are necessary.

    On the other hand, if the mission is solely punative, one or 2 carriers can generally do the job while standing several hundred miles out at sea.

    As for the failed rescue effort in the desert, I personally know one of the Delta Force operatives who was there and he explained to me exactly what went wrong. In the simplist of all possible terms, the biggest part of the failure began with the buck-toothed jerk in the White House. Even Hyman Rickover had questions about Carter serving in the military, and that was decades before he ever even thought about the White House. As Forest Gump said,"Stupid is as stupid does." Carter proved beyond any question of a doubt that no amount of military power can ever make-up for a jerk at the helm. I think we have legitimate reason to question the leadership abilities of any man who claims to have been attacked by a rabbit.:DB):wink: But then maybe the rabbit knew something we don't. :fine:

  2. There were two reasons he didn't:

    1. There were no neighbouring countries prepared to allow him space to set up bases.

    2. They lacked the military hardware to do the job properly and the loss of life (US personnel) would have been prohibitively high and the whole exercise would have been seen as another Vietnam. Remember that that war had only been over for four years.

    Why's that? They're just as keen to kill our troops as any other group. Al Qaeda are not active in Iraq and never have been. Moreover, they are not insurgents because they are people who live there and just want to be left in peace.

    Until you've seen and experienced up-close and personally the awesome power of a single US strike carrier, it's difficult to imagine any nation launching a seaborne war against a mostly inland country. But please consider: One US aircraft carrier carries a combat complement of 5000 men, is over 1/4 mile long and carries 2 fully equipted combat fighter-bomber squadrons. Just one such warship is capable of visiting unholy war against better than 85% of the surface of this planet, and the US has 13 such monsters. Moreover, I haven't said a thing about the 20 or so carrier escort ships that accompany one of those things every time it sails.

    I will grant you that land bases in the region would be highly desirable, but not necessary. Just one or 2 carrier groups in the Persian Gulf and a similar number in the Black Sea would be quite sufficent to lay waste to that entire region.

  3. ^ My current "beef" with the Iran issue is if Iran is shipping weapons to Iraq, why is it doing so? If I'm not mistaken, anonymous military briefers are claiming the weapons are being shipped to "extremist groups" which appears to be an intentionally cryptic phrase. Which "extremist groups" are the Iranians shipping weapons to? Shipping weapons to Shia militias is alot different than shipping weapons to al Qaeda or Sunni insurgents.

    I think yer mixing up the oysters, crabs, lobsters, and shrimp. In the final analysis they're all shellfish. The only extremist groups in the present-day murder-east that anyone needs to concern themselves with are:

    Iranian Shias,

    Saudi Shias,


    Teleban fighters,

    Hezballah fighters,

    al-quaida fighters,

    PLO fighters,

    Mahdi army freedom fighters,

    Iraqi Sunni freedom fighters,

    Lebanese freedom fighters,

    Syrian freedom fighters,

    Jordanian freedom fighters,

    Egyptian freedom fighters,

    Iranian Sunnis,

    Baath Party freedom fighters,

    Iraqi Shite freedom fighters,


    I'm sorry, but time has failed me. There must be at least one or 2 groups I've overlooked. So which particular extremist group were you concerned about?

  4. From what I've been seeing and hearing about global warming, those bears could use a little of up state NY right now.

    Yeah, well seals are the polar bears favorite delicacy. But with no seals on the menu, what's their next favorite item? In a word, things could fast become un-BEARable.:wink:
  5. ...I have to wonder how strange that all sounds to someone who has no inclinations whatsoever to wearing heels.


    Well, you bring up a good point. Today I consider heels to simply be a part of my wardrobe. But to someone who might find heels strange or repugnant, it must seem pretty far-fetched. IMO about the same way that I view sky-divers. After all, anybody that would jump out of a perfectly good airplane...

    BTW, I can't be certain but I think I first started wearing my mother's heels around 10.

  6. Denise Crosby returned to TNG in several episodes from the later seasons. She played a Romulan Commander named Sela. As the story goes, Sela was Tasha Yar's daughter.

    Ah yes, those warlike Romulans. They were supposed to have the same roots as the dispassionate Vulcans. But how Tasha was able to have a Romulan daughter was never quite clear. But now I do remember Denise's very authoritative demeanor as a Romulan. Maybe I just like gals in uniforms.
  7. Newsweek 2/19/07

    "...At least one former White House official contends that some Bush advisers secretly want an excuse to attack Iran.“They intend to be as provocative as possible and make the Iranians do something [America] would be forced to retaliate for,” says Hillary Mann, the administration’s former National Security Council director for Iran and Persian Gulf Affairs. …"

    Oh dear....

    Never did the US have a better excuse for going to war with Persia than when they attacked the US embassy and held Americans hostage for almost a year and a half. However, president Carter lacked the will to respond to that act of war.

    But as the news article correctly points out, tensions have been running high between the US and Iran (modern-day Persia) ever since. Right now the Persians are pursuing nuclear energy. They claim it's for peaceful purposes, but the fact is, that with almost 10% of the oil in the murder-east, they need nukes about like a whale needs roller skates.

    If George Bush and company had not botched the war in Iraq, there's a good possibility that the US would already be involved in a war with Persia. But given America's enormous disatisfaction with both Bush and the war in Iraq, it is highly doubtful that Americans are in any mood to take on another enemy and another war. How things will play out in the coming months will be very interesting.

  8. I was sorry to see her go! Denise Crosby was pregnant at the time though, hence her disappearance.


    Yeah, man. But that's the beauty of having a military based story line. You can always have somebody get killed-off or shipped-out or something. Then when they get their personal life in order they get transfered back in. Ain't it neat?
  9. Dammit! There was a dominatrix in an episode of Star Trek? I'd have watched it if I'd known! I had quite a thing for Tasha Yar too until she was killed by a big black yuk one episode. Worf was no substitute.

    There was just something about Tasha, she came across as quite authoritative. :wink::fine:


    Tasha Yar, the big blonde that got swallowed-up by an oil slick! :D I think she made a reappearance on another episode where Jean Luc and company go through some kind of time warp and have an encounter with another "Enterprise" from the past. Eventually they send the other "Enterprise" back to certain destruction and Tasha Yar decides to transfer to the other ship. Needless to say, she's never heard from again.

    I was rather hoping to get more participation on this thread. Don't tell me I'm the only Trekie here.

  10. I read an article on it. It said he was trying to blend the lines. Explains the mascara and why every fifth model was a woman.

    He could have picked better heels, or mixed things up instead of every one wearing the same dang wedges.

    Forgive me if I'm getting a little blind in my old-age, but I thought I saw any number of women wearing stilettoes (seen walking away). Besides, I never did see any men wearing what I could clearly distinguish as wedges. At any rate, if that's what is going for fashion, I'll just stick to my own wardrobe.
  11. I like them because they create the illusion of heel height without the actual incline.

    Hi there Wolfie, long time - no hear from. :D

    Yeah, I too find them much more comfortable, or should I say less demanding on my feet?:wink: I just can't seem to get that same feeling without the plats. :fine:

  12. I have a couple of 7" heel plats, but prefer the ones with a 5"-6" heel with no more than a 1" platform. IMO , more stable for all terrains, and still quite wearable for longer periods of time. Needless to say, most of my plats fit the latter classification.

    Right you are. One of my major objections to spike-heeled plats is that some mfgrs. actually reduce the surface area under the platform, thus making for a rather unstable shoe. With both spike heels and that going on, nobody in their right mind would dare wear such shoes out of doors. Personally, I require a plat that (poet & don't know it) is suitable for outdoor wear as well as indoors. Any shoe that doesn't measure up just isn't worth my money.
  13. ...Posted Image

    Krista from thighboots.com (now defunked) Issue 10

    Weell, you sorta like emulate the images. In a true mirror, when the model has her right leg crossed over the left you would have to do just the opposite and cross yer left over yer right - etc., etc., etc. We become so accustomed to viewing ourselves in flat mirrors that we fail to realize that that is not really true. To truly see yerself in a mirror you would actually need 2 mirrors joined at right angles to each other. So wanting that, we have to accept that what we see in the mirror is just the opposite of the way things truly are. Thus the right hand becomes the left and so on and so on.:wink:
  14. Hello Smitty!!

    Welcome to HHPlace!

    I enjoy ANY type of heel, whether stiletto or chunky. If it's got a heel, I'll wear it!! My collection ranges from about 3" wedges to ballets. Typical wear is 3.5-4" chunky heel boots but sometimes I go for the 5" (or higher...) spikes when out with the wife :D I wear heels nearly 24/7 but occasionally do flats for work purposes. I've been getting away with 3" wedges at work and loving it! But I typically reserve the more obvious styles in public, outside of work.

    I have NEVER gotten a severe negative reaction but have received some giggles and laughs. The best reactions are the "WTF?!?!?!" looks I get from guys sometimes. It's funny to watch them do double and triple takes as their minds TRY to comprehend what they've just seen :wink: IT's even funny when some women recognize what I'm wearing! Most get a "HOLY CRAP!!!!" look on their faces but then it's over. Life goes on :-)

    Point is don't be afraid to wear what you like when you want to. Of course be abservant of work-related situations but when you leave work, leave work behind and be free to be yourself!

    Again, WELCOME!!

    Happy Heeling!



    If yer a high heeled nut, like most of us are, you're definitely in the right place.

    As for me, since I'm an old fudd with a broken back, I prefer wedgies, but I also wear some chunky heeled boots. I have to agree with Shoeiee and say that wearing and modeling shoes for myself became too unsatisfying. You have to use a little common sense, of course, but the sooner you decide to step out the more you'll enjoy your heels. Eventually you'll start putting your outfits together and matching your shoes with your clothes.

  15. There's a chain in this area called Gussini that often sells the Two Lips brand. They advertise no item to sell for more than $12.99 (plus taxes, of course).

    Another chain called Bare Feet also handles the Two Lips brand often has a much wider selection. But they tend to be a bit more pricey. Most of their ware goes for around $35.

  16. Well if we don't do something about the Iran, the Israelis will defiantly do something about it and they may this time use nukes.

    The modern day state of Israel has exactly one agenda - survival. They've been in the crosshairs of their neighbors for over 50 years and they have no illusions that most, if not all, want the present state of Israel gone!:wink: I too, believe that Israel will do whatever they think is necessary to survive.

    Oh that men would learn the the simple truth that we are all brothers. That we are all more alike than we are different, and that the only way to truly live is to learn how love one another.

  17. Did a Las Vegas trip this last week... Packed the 5 inch stilleto oxfords in my computer bag/brief along with long jeans. Changed after security (no probs). Got to board early - I think a few noticed the heels walking in the concourse - even though not much showed. No comments or concerns. I even boarded the airplane without poking holes through the walkway even at 220lbs.

    Managed to keep the shoes on the whole flight -though they were a bit tight after we gained altitude. I think if i took them off it would be hard to get them on without a shoe horn. More looks at baggage claim, but no complaints or comments.

    Good flight - nice heeling.

    The previous discussion on poking holes in the flooring had to do with the early days of the "jet-setters" when the floors were not engineered to withstand the assault of fashion. Today's aircraft have well designed structures that are both light and durable. Some of the structures in today's aircraft are so light that you can easily hold them in your hand, and yet tough enough to withstand hammer blows! So I seriously doubt that you will ever again hear of shoes poking holes in aircraft floors.
  18. I say 3, cause nothing lower feels high. They feel medium, until you get low enough you can't tell your wearing heels. That's about 1-3/4inches for me.

    Thank you for your response, as I was afraid this thread was going to die of old age.

    Interestingly enough, your vote for 3" is exactly where I thought this poll would go. But then votes started coming in from the boys from Brazil, and other sundry places, where they think that 5" heels are the minimum, and that rather drastically skewed the numbers upward. Nevertheless, the matematical model seems to be tenaciously clinging to 3.5". Not my notion, but hey, that's what polls are all about.:wink:

  19. Ben, in my opinion wearing high heels makes me feel more sexyer.... well.... when i wear high heels it looks like my clothes fit me more than before and i feel that my humps became more attractive. sometimes i feel like i'm fat and with high heels i feel much more confident with myself. and my boyfriend enjoys it alot!!! :D he tells me that he likes to see more that way, happy with myself.... and he likes a lot to see me wearing them. :fine:

    Wearing boots on the street makes me blush a little bit because most people stares at me...and sometimes im a bit afraid of what they could think...

    Posted Image

    If you look like that:text_cool: then, believe me, you'll never be afraid of what I might think - although it might make you blush:redface:. :wink:
  20. Didn't intend to start a discussion about the weather but hey! what ever works huh. Dang!!! Thats alot of snow in NY. Hope everybody is Ok. We aint got nothin compare to that. I can messure all the snow we've gotton so far with my 6" heels.

    Amen to that, brother. We've had a light dusting around here that refuses to go away because of the Arctic cold, but those Yorkers have got some real problems! :wink: If I never see that much snow again it will be too soon.
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