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Guy N. Heels

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Posts posted by Guy N. Heels

  1. I have a couple friends on this forum who have flown over 150,000 miles in the last 12 months, but that is beside the point.

    I wear heels when flying...the only part I don't like is standing on a filthy dirty floor and then putting my feet back into my clean shoes. I supppose I could bring an extra pair of hose or thin socks and remove them...

    Your concerns are well noted and appreciated, Kneehighs. Still, I had to laugh because I was reminded of an experience some 30 years back. A couple of guys in my class were stopped somewhere in a small Texas town and arrested by the police. Our instructor reported that when he went to get 'em out of jail that he found one of the men standing like a statue over in one place. He said that the floor was so dirty that this guy found the cleanest spot in the whole jail and just stood there in that one place until someone could get him out.:wink::D

    A dirty floor can surely be a concern. By all means, carry an extra pair of socks you don't mind throwing away afterwards. It'll at least ease your mind.

  2. It sounds to me like she was a user anyway, you're better off without her.

    Been there, done that.

    You'll find someone better before you know it just wait and see.

    DITTO! Girls, even older ones, have a tendency to use guys and make us jump through hoops. But what I've found is that there are plenty of 'em out there. So chalk this one up to experience and move on. Maybe the next one will be the doll of yer dreams. :wink:
  3. I don't watch anything labeled reality, because then it probably isn't (Just like the People's Republic of China is not by the people at all). How about American Chopper? Is that reality? Probably. It's pretty wild, but sort of fascinating.

    Much like BobHH, I don't watch it either. Not because it isn't reality, but because it IS! I have more than enough stress in my life without artificially pumping things up.

    Speaking of pump... oh sorry, that's another thread.

  4. I'm the same, I'm single at the moment, but I'm going to be upfront about my heels when I do meet someone. I've gotten too comfortable with being out of the shoe closet to try going back in. Anybody who can't accept me as I am is not going to be a good long-term prospect.


    RIGHT ON! :wink:

    While I don't necessarily advocate wearing heels on the first date (you have to use judgement on these things), the subject of heels, earrings, etc. should be addressed early-on. Then if the gal freaks out, change the girl.

  5. The reason I am unsure if its a victory or not is because its a million miles away from acceptance.

    I suppose its a legal victory but I have done little for the transgender movement.

    I'm sure if I had actually been a transexual, the outcome would have been the same.


    Even as a building may require many hundreds of bricks to complete, each brick serves to make the building bigger and stronger. Dispise not the day of small things.
  6. There are three models you missed:

    Class E Motorhome: A sleeping bag in the back of an SUV. I did this in a pinch because it was pouring down rain and I didn't feel like pitching a tent in the pouring rain, so we just folded the rear seats down and unrolled our sleeping bags. I had rain shields for the windows, so we could keep the two front windows cracked about an inch and a half. It was muggy, but we would have been absolutely soaked, and mugier, if we'd pitched that tent. No shower, though, unless you stepped outside.

    Class F Motorhome: A mattress in the back of a pickup with a full-sized bed and a cap (a friend of mine actually lived like this in college because it was all he could afford). And he did have a fridge, one of the 12V kind. He was usually parked close enough to a 115V power source, so his battery was always good, and he'd sleep on friends' couches any time the temps dipped below freezing.

    Class G Motorhome, with built-in swimming pool. It's not very big on the amenities, sleeps only three, sitting up, but with a good right plastic liner and 478.75 gallons of water, you can convert that puppy to a right nice wading pool!

    Class H Motorhome, often used by those who're fairly poor. Sleeps only two comfortably, and is based on unmodified "landcruisers" such as 1966 Buick LeSabres or old Cadillacs.

    I must be missing something on the Class G. Unless yer in the desert, I can't imagine why anyone would want over 470 gallons of water in their vehicle.

    But a variation on the Class H is the herse. Sleeps one with coffin or two without. But the real kicker is that at the mere poke of a button it'll trundle you right outside for yer wakeup call.:wink:

  7. I remember when I started wearing skirts to work.

    The guys objected to using the same toilet as them, as did the girls.

    The unions supported me and had the company build me my own toilet.

    I don't know if its a victory or not.



    You bet that's a victory! :fine: At the very least, it gets right to the seat of things!:wink: Right On! :D
  8. I'm another huge Crusher fan!!

    I do prefer Troy though. I thought Troy's character was weak but her makeup was awesome.

    Well oddly enough, one of the cutest and sexiest gals was a elfen pixie on Voyager named Kess. In at least one episode she was playing the part of a booted high-heeled dominatrix with a really bad attitude. Apart from one episode on TNG where Riker had an affair with a hollogram, nothing in the whole Star Trek series compared with it.
  9. Hmmm Seven of Nine! I'm going to get off that train of thought before I post something I'll regret. :D

    That aside, I always liked Dr Crusher. (Wesley's mum) I think it was partly the red hair that did it. Anyway, In one episode of TNG the crew were on the deck of an 19th century ship, and she was wearing a naval uniform with tight white trousers and black leather knee boots with stiletto heels! :wink:


    Really? I must have missed that episode. I can only recall Gates McFadden in heels on one occasion on TNG. I think she was playing the part of a '30's type Sam Spade doll on some kind of holladeck program. I have seen her in other roles apart from TNG and she wasn't particularly fetching.
  10. Getting back to the topic in hand, the office where I work is really warm all the time. One of the guys was saying that if it doesn't cool down any he's going to start coming in wearing a kilt. Apparently he did this in his previous job, which his boss wasn't happy about. He replied that if women were allowed to wear skirts, it was discrimination to say he couldn't wear a kilt and that he was prepared to go to a tribunal if the issue was pushed. The kilt stayed.

    It'll be interesting to see if he does.



    Right On! Let 'em have it between the eyes!!:wink::D If a few more fellas would simply stand up for what's right, we might be able to break this oppressive discrimination against men!
  11. True...

    And given just 123 voters, it's only statistically significant to the tenth's digit, anyway, hence my rounding it to 3.5.

    Tenth digit, no less. Hummm, that 3.5 inches is holding much more solid than I ever anticipated! So I guess I'm really a heeler after all!
  12. She's actually a terrific actress, but it's difficult for one's acting to be noticed when you're playing the human equivalent of a robot. However, there were enough subtleties in her part throughout the series that her acting came shining through, although she's not had the depth and level of parts since then that I'd have expected from her performance on Voyager.

    I quite agree. With a really good writer they might have actually began to tax that untapped ability. I most sincerely hope that she isn't relegated to the scrap heap.
  13. Here's one technique for you U-Tubers which proves very effective:

    Securely mount your camera to either a mono-pod or a tripod (with the legs closed). This substantially reduces the vertical and tilting shakes. If you want to reduce the panning shakes, consider getting a weighted stabilizing platform (cheap) or a gyroscopically-stabilized platform (expensive, but worth every penny, as it cancels shakes in all attitudes).

    Then there's the old shooter's gimmick of bracing against a post or tree, or some stable object that will give you a steady shot. Cheap but effective.
  14. All I can say is: "Polish on, polish off!"

    What I do is get a tin of Kiwi Parade Gloss (from any good shoe repairer) and a clean lint-free cloth. A yellow duster is traditionally used.

    Wipe the boots clean with a damp cloth, using a brush to remove any stubborn dirt.

    Next you open the tin and rub the duster in the polish so that you pick some up on the cloth. Next you go across to the boots and then rub the polish laden cloth on the part of the boot that you want to polish. It's best to do it in small circles. Keep going until all the polish has been transferred to the boot.

    Repeat the process several times until the boots are polished.

    I hope this helps!

    Fundamentally, this is the essence of it! However, I would like to add a few things:

    1] For really dirty footwear (caked-on mud, etc.) use a good brand of saddle-soap to clean first and allow appropriate time to dry.

    2] For a quick medium gloss shine a brush dabber can be used to apply the shoe polish, working in small circles. Brush briskly to a gloss with a soft brush and then buff to a high gloss shine with a high-nap shoeshine rag. Truly professional shine cloths (they're about 1/2 yd long) have a coarse side and a high-nap soft side. I use both sides

    3] A complete set of brushes, rags, etc. should be kept on-hand for each color used and don't mix the tools and the colors.

  15. I had to x-ray my boots last flight from JFK but no one looked very surprised. But it wasn't stilettos though.

    What I found interesting/scaring is that when I got to the hotelroom on my next stop on the trip I realized I had a pair of 6-7" scissors in my carry on bag that had went through the x-ray machine un-noticed. And my travelpartner had 3 x 200cc juice boxes in his x-rayed luggage. What does that tell you about security? Hmmm.....

    Happy flying


    Get a pilote license and fly yourself and you will not have all the security troubles. *smile*

    Our alert:detective:, highly-trained airport security personel :fine: are there to insure air safety. So please don't get overly excited if some restricted small item should happen to slip through - like maybe a chain-saw that isn't running! :wink::D Enjoy your safe and friendly skies and happy landings.
  16. Seven of Nine was often in heels, too.

    As for Marina...

    7 of 9, the green Borg? Well yeah, after they got rid of most of that Borg junk they did give her a fairly decent role and some chunky heels. Oddly enough, Jerri Ryan was probably the most under utilized talent ever on the Star Trek shows.
  17. WEeelll, now yer getting kinda personal. But no, my avatar is actually a picture I found on the net. In fact, I don't even own that particular style of shoe. However, the avatar does express how I feel about high heels and I think it's just racey enough to pique some curiosity. In fact I have received one compliment on my avatar. But while we are on this topic, I must say that the absolute best and most provacative avatar I've seen on this forum is the one used by PussyInBoots. Since I don't know how to do those motion things, about all I can do is admire her choice. :wink::D:fine:

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