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Guy N. Heels

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Posts posted by Guy N. Heels

  1. ...Cinderella wouldn't have found her prince, because she would have thrown those slippers out, if they had tons of toe cleavage.

    SO THERE! :o

    Naaah, Cinderella wouldn't have thrown out the shoes, but the wicked step-sisters might have found a way to make 'em fit. ;)
  2. Well, I'm happy to report that my job taking me overseas netted me a litre of export-strength Glenfiddich Solera Reserve for £26! Just enjoying a wee dram of it as we speak. It's a toss up which is my favourite Scotch between this and Glenmorangie.


    Aye laddie, ye've done yerself right proud. :o An have a wee drop fer me too, while yer at it.;)
  3. I'm not quite sure I understand you. People 'dumpster dive' in the UK too, although we don't call skips and bins dumpsters. I work in a mall and you often see staff (and the public is they can get in!) raiding the bins of others shops to see if they can get free stuff - usually when HMV or Waterstone's clear out their stockrooms. I'm pretty sure it's illegal, I thik someone told me once that even though you have thrown it away if someone went through the bin for it it is still stealing...

    Well, I don't know about the laws in the UK, but here in the US an important case was once tried and the appeal was totally based upon improper evidence that was obtained from the defendant's garbage can. I can't remember if the US Supreme Court heard the case or not, but the final opinion was that once it goes into the garbage can (regardless of what it is) it becomes public domain. The only exception is when the trash recepticle is still located on the person's premises in such a manner that inspection of the recepticle would constitute invasion of privacy or violation of property rights (locked-up, etc). But in general, whenever it goes in the trash can, it's public domain and is up for grabs by anyone that wants it. Therefore, anyone in the US can legally obtain virtually anything that goes into somebody's trash can.

    This is one of the main reasons that shredders are such big business here. Any documents, including old bills, etc, can be legally removed from the trash can by anyone.;) Therefore, the only way to protect sensitive information is to either shred it or burn it. In most cases, burning isn't feasible.

    Many years ago a company called Dempster developed a huge trash bin (on the order of several cubic yards) that could only be removed or "dumped" by a rather large truck (lorry to you Brits), hence the name "Dempster Dumpster" which eventually became shortened to just "dumpster". The average dumpster is so large that a person could be injured just by jumping into one (quite different from the average 32 gal. garbage can), hence the term "dumpster diving".

    I hope this clears things up a bit. Please try to remember that the Americans and the British are a kindred people divided by a common language.:o

  4. I'm going to tell you Ford-bashers a little bit of news...

    get off the topic or I will be next posting in the "see-ya-laters"


    Okay Jim, yer point is well taken. I have owned and driven Ford products and I had one aunt who drove many hundreds of thousands of miles in Fords. In fact, the only car I ever heard her call a "lemon" was the only Chevy she ever owned.

    Still, there's something about the topic that's irresistable. But we shall endeavor to exercise restraint and piety. ;):o

  5. Any one here in Dubai Airport last week?

    Caught sight of a man in white wedge heels, going the oposite way. the place was packed and he looked totaly confident.

    Envy is a terrible thing!

    That's the way it's done! Put 'em on and wear 'em with confidence. ;) Pretty soon you can slip the surly bonds of earth...
  6. ...She also sent pics to girl at work who's been dying to see my legs (another has already said she wished she had my legs - i wear size 10 womens jeans) so it will be fun 2moro...

    On the way home my soulmate said you'll be wanting to borrow my boots next (same size!!) and she said she loved me dressing outrageously...

    You and yer girl are the same size?;) I mean even wearing the same size shoes? That really blows me away!:o You just don't know how lucky you are to have someone like that! :smile: As the song says, "Never let her go!":sing:
  7. Have the bouncer bounce him out of the bar for harassment? ;)

    Yup! Report him to the manager or bouncer and let them settle accounts. In most states it's illegal to serve alcohol to someone who is already inebriated. So if the guy's making a nusance of himself, that's a pretty good tip-off that he's already had too many.
  8. Don't you all wonder what the future's gonna be like? I mean, what will happen to heels in the future, about 20-30 years from now? We're gonna be old, but aren't our fetishes still gonna remain? And are the heels going to be here when we're 'somethin'-years-old?

    Please, bring your best opinions or outlooks here.

    I could be mistaken, but I think things will just get better & better. I see the day approaching when men wearing heels will have the acceptance that is urgently needed today. I perceive that newer and better materials, along with improved manufacturing techniques, will provide better and more durable boots and shoes. I think that newer styles will add both flavor and variety to footwear. What is urgently needed today is some type of renaisance to uplift people's spirits. Nothing acheives that faster than fashion and the things we wear. I believe the best is yet to come.;):o
  9. I think it makes a mess of the heels. They can get quite scuffed. Although I do it, not because of any thrills, but because that was what I was wearing when I got in the car and didn't have any alternative other than bare feet...

    I always find it quite disgusting to see a woman wearing one shoe totally scuffed and abused from driving, and I believe it is not safe either. But one thing many people never address is what the heels do to the car, ie carpets, floor mats, etc. That can get pretty disgusting too. I do drive in heels occasionally, but I don't recommend it.
  10. Her IQ aint around 200. She screws the pooch all the time in her column. We've post her f-ups and the right answer above our platoon's toilets at least one Sunday out of the month. She might fool the people and the publishers, but she don't fool the rest of us. She's a cheat, probably a liar, but definately ain't got no 200 IQ, know what I'm saying?

    Measured IQ ratings are very ambiguous, at best. Somewhere someone once came up with the notion that a standard test could be administered to determine a person's IQ level, and immediately IQ ratings became a source of intellectual vanity. So much so that they still refuse to let their bubble burst, even after it was pointed-out that a person who couldn't read or write couldn't take their test, therefore it was really a reading test. :o

    But if the colleges and psych nuts are getting all puffed-up over IQ scores, none are more so than the MENSA members. Apparently they are a mutual-admiration society who love to stroke their own and each other's egos, no matter that they don't have sense enough to get in outta the rain. In truth, a person's real intelligence is best measured by their ability to solve problems - like how to survive a sudden snowstorm out in the wilderness. If you gave the average college professor a knife and a fishing line and shoved him out of a plane in the middle of the night over uncharted hostile territory you would have a much better evaluation of their real intelligence. Most of them would never be heard from again. ;)

    I won't say Marilyn ain't got brains, but I'm far from impressed. I can shoot holes in most of Marilyn's nonsense and have done so many times. (Like I said, she doesn't answer my mail.)

  11. Me? Nope. I don't know whose feet have been in them, which I'm sure some people here would like but no thank you. I have only ever bought 2nd hand shoes once and that's my New Rocks, and that's because they were £130 new and I got them for £60 (hardly worn).

    You often see single discarded shoes in the street (normally I see battered old trainers and engineers' boots but your experience might be different). I heard a radio interview with a paramedic a while ago - apparantly, these single shoes get there when paramedics are sent out to collect drunk/drugged people who are rude and abusive to them. As a calm and non-offensive from of revenge, the paramedics often remove a shoe and leave it behind so that when the person wakes up in hospital they are missing a shoe and have to get home with only the one they still have. Be nice to paramedics!

    Hey, that's RIGHT! When you see a pair of shoes on the street or in a thrift store, you have no way of knowing whose feet were in them. They might have been worn by Mik Jagger, Elton John, one of the Beatles, Godzilla, or King Kong! And suppose the last owner had one of those horrible diseases that eat the flesh right off ya?:o

    As for me, I'll take my chances. If I find a pair of shoes that look interesting to me, I take 'em home. When I have time I'll clean 'em up and try 'em on - or toss them - as the case may be. Around here there is literally no telling just what you'll be able to find in someone's garbage can - including money.;)

  12. I could only wish... Moreover -- that she would share with me and I with her....

    I can dream, can't I?????

    IMO she just found those on the web somewhere and, after the fuses quit blowing, she decided to share those pics with her office workers. If she's really interested in you or yer heels she'll give you some other type of message. Stay cool. :smile::o;)
  13. I was going to pass on this one, but upon further consideration I've decided to stick in my 2 cents' worth. However, I hasten to point out that there is a huge difference between a leather crafter and a cobbler. So this one is really begging for Dr. Shoe's input. Still, IMHO the shoes can be repaired. They will probably need to be re-soled (or perhaps half-soled) and a good cobbler should be able to save the shoes. But you will probably need a master cobbler for the job.

  14. I don't ;).

    I wore heels to that fancy dress event because I was going as Lois Lane, and as far as I can see from pictures she wears court shoes - it's because I was dressing up as the character, not out of free choice for the shoes. It wasn't so much the height on those that I think was the problem, more that they have quite a narrow heel (for me) and they are a cheapo pair and not a great shape. I own one other pair of heeled shoes (ankle boots) that I bought for Shakedown's benefit, but they get worn so rarely they're not really worth counting. I'd bin or sell both pairs if I didn't think someone would trash-dive to get them back.

    People's answers never cease to amaze me. What you should care after you decide to put the shoes in the dustbin, I really can't fathom. But we do have a forum here where you can sell the shoes, assuming that they'll fetch a farthing or two, as opposed to tossing them in the dustbin.
  15. I've never heard of Parade Magazine and have no idea who Marilyn is, but I can't help but wonder: if high heels had never been invented, would any of you lot be trying to modify flats to make your own heels? Would you desire what you have never had?

    Heels would be pretty high up on my own list of unwanted inventions too, not all women enjoy being in pain, walking at a snail's pace and wobbling about like a jelly with Parkinson's. From the women at my work who do wear heels, I would be inclined to agree that they do it for other women and to try to appear more attractive - one who's 5-foot-nothing wears them to get a bit of height, another wears them purely from the fashion aspect (she is a bit of a chav) another says that she hates them and they hurt her but "it's weird not to if you're going out".

    Every time I have pulled I have been wearing trainers, one time that I wore a pair of high (for me, low for you) heeled courts for a fancy dress event I received NO compliments from men but plenty from women.

    Hi Stormie ;) , and thanx for yer input.

    For those who have never heard of Marilyn, she is Marilyn vos Savant, a brainy 40 something Menza type who reportedly has an IQ rating near 200. That would put her about 20 points higher than Einstein. She writes a syndicated column called ask Marilyn for Parade Magazine, which is a weekly magazine that is inserted into the Sunday edition of most of the major newspapers in the USA. She's pretty good at figuring out puzzles and riddles and she often poses questions to pique readers interest. Sometimes her topics (like this week's) are a little off-beat.

    So my question to you is: If you don't like heels, why do you wear them?

  16. Usually women's "Trouser socks" - Target stores has some good ones. Sometimes thin men's over the calf socks - Same that I wear with my more business like men's italian loafers.

    DITTO for me. I am even able to find good trouser socks at some $1 stores. So it's pretty much that or pantyhose if the weather is cold.
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