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Guy N. Heels

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Posts posted by Guy N. Heels

  1. Thank you, Ozzard for a fine response. However, as you have correctly surmised, I find such notions about as sensible as building a house on a sand-dune. With everything always shifting around, it would be impossible to guarantee any kind of stability in the structure. Perhaps our society is experiencing a very high degree of instability because of this same kind of thinking? ;)

    On the other hand, the ancient Greeks had a term for a person who upheld one set of standards one moment but a different set of standards the next. They called such a person an "actor" because he was wearing two faces. It is the same term we use today in perjorative sense - hypocrite.

    For myself, I find instructions like: "Thou shalt not commit murder." a lot more sensible than: "thou shalt not commit murder, except..." (you fill in the blanks).

  2. ...I'd rather be protected from the lunatics.

    But then, I am an utter moral relativist - I do not believe one can "stand up for what's right" because I do not believe it is possible to define absolute notions of right, wrong, good or evil. I rather suspect Guy N. Heels and I are at opposite ends of the spectrum here.

    Now let's see if I understand this business of moral relativism correctly. According to my understanding, all morals are determined by their relavance at the moment. Therefore, under the correct circumstances it may be okay to murder someone who is creating a problem in your life, but if some thug has the barrel of his gun stuck in your ear - then murder is absolutely morally wrong.

    Or is it morally okay to have an affair with your secretary at work under the correct circumstances, but if your wife decides that she needs a little sexual variety in her life, then adultery is morally absolutely wrong. Is my understanding correct? ;)

  3. PC has nothing to do with democracy. Democracy means majority Concencus whereas political correctness does nothing but pander to the minorities.

    Political correctness means that an employer has to employ a black or asian worker regardless of suitability or aptitude. Political correctness means that girls have the choice of skirts or trousers to school and boys have no choice. Political Correctness means that a business owner has to install a chairlift in his premises for disabled staff despite the fact that he has no disabled staff and someone who is too disabled to climb stairs wouldn't be able to do the job anyway...

    Political Correctness means we have to apologise to black people because of a practice that ended 200 years ago. That's a bit like the Italians apologizing on behalf of Caligula...

    I'm all for equality and fairness but how can anyone ever justify a system that places the desires of a minority over the needs of a majority?

    Your points are superbly taken, Dr. Shoe!;) Political correctness is a way of standing democracy on its head and allowing the minorities to rule. Yet the very essence of democracy is rule by the majority. So what we have with PC is some kind of political perversion in which we say that we have a democracy, but the minorities will be the first-class citizens.

    Hogwash! Isn't it past time when we started calling a spade a spade, and letting our yea be yea and our nays mean nay?

  4. Returning to the original theme:

    The sexiest and most graceful walk is one which appears effortless as if the heels are part of the body...

    HighHeelArt makes a very good point. Now that I think about it, the people I have most admired in heels are the ones who are able to make the it seem as if the shoes are merely an extention of their legs; those who put forth such an effortless motion, that it seems as if they've worn heels all their life. Very few heel wearers are so accomplished.

  5. We were in a jeweller's today and his wooden floor had thousands of little pits in it exactly where people in stilettos would stand to look at the jewel trays.

    Thousands? If I were a betting man, I'd be willing to bet that a huge percentage of them were made by steel tips. They're also pure hell on the carpeting.
  6. Hi all,

    I think I have found the reason why I started liking and wearing heels, some 25 years ago...

    Yesterday I happend to watch an early episode of the TV-serie Star Trek (S01E02 I think it was). It run first time in 1966 in USA. I don't really remember when it came to Sweden, but I do remember never missing an episode of it. It must have been in mid 70's.

    Anyway, do you remember the footwear they had?

    The men wore som high-heeled (ok, only about 5 cm) boots that I guess wore supposed to look futuristic for men. And occationally some nice loking woman stepped into the picture wearing (even with todays standard) a pair of nice looking stiletto boots.

    ...Anyone else having a special relationship to Star Treck or other old TV-series?

    I think you've also found the Star Trek thread on this forum, Thighhighs. ;)

    Live long & prosper.

  7. ...A guy from India applies for a job, the personnel manager asks the man to use the words Yellow, Pink, and Green in a sentence.

    The man from India says, "The telephone went green green, I pink it up and say,'Yellow, may I help you?'" He got a job working in a tech support call centre. Perhaps you've spoken to him.

    Isn't that the guy with the Lexmark tech support center?;) I think I spoke with him when I was having trouble with my printer. We got past the "plug it in and turn it on" questions and then I never did understand anything else. :o
  8. I personally think the whole "political correctness" issue is caused by councils scared of lawsuits, council jobsworths with nothing to do but come with stuff thinking it'll make things better, and all whipped up by the press as some sort of government conspiracy to make us all walk on egg shells around different sexes, sexualities and races. When in fact, people will think what they want and the only way to change one's opinion on something, for example homosexuality, is through constructive arguments. People's opinions do change, but you can't force them to change - this only makes them dig their heels in more.

    Close, but not quite. The real problem revolves around the fact that most leaders in this day and time lack the fortitude to take a stand, or stand up for what's right. They would rather call evil good and good evil than to risk stepping on some toes.

    Perhaps the matter is best illustrated in the musical comedy Best Little Whorehouse in Texas when the governor can't seem to make a decision until he gets all the faxes and phone calls tallied. First he goes into a song and dance routine: "I like to Sidestep". Then he "decides" what the people want.

    However, there are times when even the majority of the people are wrong and a leader with fortitude needs to act to do the right thing. That's what is in pretty short supply these days.

  9. Hello Curlergirl, and welcome to the forum.;):o I don't know what to say that hasn't already been said. Some guys just can't be pushed too hard, and I think that may be what you're experiencing. Back off the heels thing, warm-up to your man and let him know you love him, and gently - ever so gently - lead him back to it later on. If he's really spooked, it might take 6 months to a year.

  10. I was wondering how many prefer a french pedicure over doing nothing or painted nails?

    As for the Men, how many have had french pedicures? I have been thinking about it for a while. Especially since summer is coming, I wouldn't mind walking in some of my nice high heel sandals and having nice toe nails.

    I have hear a lot of bad stories about getting pedicure's so I would also love any advice anyone would have..


    On occasion, I have done my own nails. Unh, at the risk of sounding a bit square :o, what do you mean by a "french pedicure"? How does that differ from an ordinary pedicure?;)
  11. Another thing that I hate is my bank's or BT's Indian call centre ringing me up to try and sell me something. Their English is so bad I usually can't understand what they are saying, I tell them they have got the wrong number and hang up. If they don't have their call centres in England I don't talk to them.

    Thanks for the clarification, I thought I was the only one with that problem. In fact, considering how you Britts have been in India for over a century, I thought you lot would have gotten them straightened-out by now. I know that most of their leaders, including Ghandi, attended university in England. So what went wrong?;)
  12. What does every one do when they have had a long day on their feet to releive the pain? How often does this happen? What circumstance are you in? Does your man help relieve the pain or is he one that wants you to show agony in the heels? Is there ever a point where you think you can no longer be a heeler or may have to go down an inch or two in height?

    Hi there, CMoore0, and welcome to the forum.;):smile:

    In view of some of the persistant medical questions that keep coming up, I really do think we need a forum that specifically addresses questions such as yours.:o One thing is for sure, heels ain't for sissies or the faint of heart.

    Heels are notorious for creating some classic problems: pain in the feet; pain in the legs; pain in the hips and lower back. The specific type of pain you are experiencing is directly dependent upon a number of factors, including your: age, weight, height of heel you are wearing, type of heels you are wearing, amount of experience you have wearing heels, and the lenght of time you've been wearing heels when the pain struck.

    In general, the lower the heels the less pain you are likely to experience. In like manner, the longer you have worn heels the lower the incidence of pain. Also, did you gradually work your way up to a high heel over a period of 3 or 4 years, or did you simply jump into a pair of 4" stilettoes for an 8 hour session on your feet? If you did not slowly work your way up to the higher altitudes, by all means, consider going down an inch or two. 3" and 4" stilettoes are not for novices, and certainly not for long periods on your feet. If you are required to be on your feet for long periods, consider lower heels and non-stilettoes (wedgies) if possible. Otherwise, stay off your feet as much as possible. Do not continue to wear high heels for long periods thinking things will get better - they won't!

    Your best bet for foot pain relief after a long period on your feet is a hot soak (either just for your feet or for your whole body). Some people take pain relievers - asprin is generally a good choice. Alcohol has very limited pain relieving qualities and I do not recommend it. You might also want to consider some topical ointments such as Icy Hot.

    I hope this helps, but this is for informational purposes only and is not to be taken as medical advice. For specific medical questions you need to consult your physician. Best of luck to you.

  13. i have metal tips on my heels i've been getting lots of looks when i walk i think it's the certain sound it makes. ever have people look down where u have walked and see if u made any marks in the surface u have been walking on. i have notice people doing that. i was standing and someone kept looking down at my feet. when i walked away he was starring down where i have been standing.

    Hi there, Niceboots, and allow to say welcome to the forum. ;):o

    Actually, we've already thrashed this topic out pretty thoroughly in several threads. Metal heel tips can start fires, especially if you damage someone's flooring - just see how hot they get under the collar. Unless you need the heels for puncturing things you really should consider covering them. One solution is to cover the tips with some type of plastic or nylon tip protectors or lifts. Although I now forget which one, Dr. Shoe and I discussed this on one of the threads on this forum. You can look it up.

  14. Please note that the English is not as good as "WE" think it is, you have only to read the postings to see that.


    That is a major part of using a living language; it is ever evolving, ever changing. While my 1611 King James Bible is written in English, from a practical point of view it is a foreign language or obscure dialect these days. If you want a language that isn't changing we could dust-off Latin wherein everything that is said has an exactitude that English can never equal.;)
  15. Fascism is an authoritarian political ideology and the antithesis of political liberalism.

    ...There are all sorts of different kinds of fascism. Mussolini's fascism was totally different from Hitler's Nazism. Besides, it is possible to be a nationalist without being a fascist...

    ...I don't think anyone would argue with your definition of Mass Media either, another name for it is propaganda.





    AHEM, I sincerely hope that you lot realize that such matters SIMPLY ARE NOT DISCUSSED!! :smile::o;)

    In reality all of the "isms" are simply variations on a central theme. It's rather like going to a car dealer where the sales person can show you a coupe', or a sedan, or a stationwagon, or perhaps you fancy a hardtop, or even a convertible! Maybe you would prefer air conditioning, or perhaps you would also like stereo - the variatrions are almost endless, but the one thing you will never have is FREEDOM!!

  16. ...I don't want to stir up the pot too much here but I have a question aimed to you from the US: Someone said that why should you have to press 1 for english as the US have been speaking english for over 200 years and that people coming to the US should learn/speak english. I can agree to this but the people who have lived around in the states for thousand of years when us europeans came some hundreds years ago, should they also speak english? Isn't it "we" that should have been speaking the language of the indians when we emigrated to the US? Instead we forced the native people to change their language.

    Would like to see some comments from you in this matter.

    Your point is both noted and well taken. However to understand the complexity of the point you raise, you need to first appreciate the fact that there were literally HUNDREDS of native "Indian" tribes and about an equal number of languages that they employed. Perhaps the predominant lanuage exercised on the American East Coast was the Algonquin language, which was employed by most of the major tribes. But even then, there were literally dozens of tribes that didn't speak Algonquin. Then, after America expanded west of the Mississippi (also an "Indian term), the problem compounded geometrically. That doesn't even address the fact that none of the native American languages were written languages and that it was only after the white men arrived that any attempt was made to develop a written language for a sundry few tribes. The plain and simple fact is that there is no one native American language to refer to. ;)

    P.S. I married an American Indian. My late father-in-law was 1/4 "Indian", which gave him full rights under several treaties that were signed. (Does that mean that now I'm an Indian too?)

  17. I've never met an American yet who can speak English...

    For a start there is no such thing as a sidewalk, it's either a pavement or a footpath. What is a billfold? It's a wallet. A purse is for keeping your money in and then that goes into a handbag. Hands up any American who knows what a fortnight is? Cars do not have hoods and trunks, they have bonnets and boots.

    As for pronounciation it's she'diool not skedyool. There are no such thing as 'erbs the "H" is hard like in hotel not soft like in hour.

    As for spelling? well! Colour, honour and night are the correct spellings not color, honor or nite! You wouldn't make an armour wearing gentleman a knite would you? Or perhaps you mite!

    Quite frankly I'm not surprised your ATMs ask you if you want English, if you scroll down you'll probably find an option for American!


    Somebody, please help. After I finally pick myself up off the floor and wipe away the tears ;) from laughing so hard,:P I'm pretty sure my back is gonna need medical attention. :smile:

    Did I mention that Americans and the British are a kindred people that are separated by a common language? :o

    Actually, I really wasn't discussing the difference in dialects between the Americans and the Britts. I was really trying to address the insulting implications that the other posters have thus far addressed. In many cases, it's inane. In some cases, it's insane! And in the majority of cases, it's insulting and assinine.

    Now, is there a chiropractor in the house?

  18. In this day and time there seems to be no limit to how outrageous people will get and the lenghts they will go to in order to make other people's lives more complicated. Take for example, the telephone. I can remember when all one needed to do to make a phone call was to pick up the handset, wait for a dialtone, and then dial the number. But these days things have gotten so complicated that pretty soon one will need a master's degree just to operate a telephone. Then to be even more aggrevating, many organizations now have a computerized answering service that often begins with the mssg: "Press 1 for English". How assinine can one be? ;) Thanks to the far-flung British Empire, English has been the universal language for well over a century! Even when I found myself stationed in the western Pacific where Japanese was the predominant language, there was usually somebody around who spoke English. Yet here in America, which was founded by English colonists, your friendly business computer will now ask you to "Press 1 for English". How about some comments on this one?

  19. I completely agree with what Guy N. Heels says. Lets see now---in 20 years I would be 92 years old and in 30 years 102 years old. I don't think that I will be able to wear heels that long, but one thing is for sure---I will still be looking at other people wearing theirs.


    Dawn HH

    In her last public outing the Queen Mum was seen wearing high heels, and she was well into her 90's. So why shouldn't you continue to wear heels?
  20. oh please, we dont do ol ol ol no i cant even spell it, we had a previous life now we're stickin at 18 til we die like bryan adams so pls do the same!! Went to a Shadows concert and thought why r all these old people here then i thought oh fk! We dont do hair of the wrong colour and we dont do anoraks jackets or cords so nor shoud u!!

    What did he say?;)
  21. Certainly, the color of the shoe or boot does either make or break them. The style and design sometimes makes a big difference also.


    Dawn HH

    The point is well taken. It is difficult to imagine any guy showing up in any type of maribou heels not getting some strange looks & comments. ;) The same thing goes for almost any type of gold or silver colored heels. Unless you are a cd or a transexual, I would strongly suggest that you stay away from them. :o
  22. The boots that the female crew members wearing may have been GOGO boots of that day and you can still get them today, I have a 3" GoGo boots too that looks very much like the boots of old Star Trek.

    "Live long and peosper"

    Peachyshoes indicated that there was a female Borg member wearing heels in First Contact. The problem is that after reviewing my copy of First Contact I failed to find anyone wearing heels. So either she is mistaken about the particular show in question, or else her edition shows something that mine doesn't. ;)
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