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Mickey S.

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Posts posted by Mickey S.

  1. Yes, once you change to black or brown in the color's pull down menu the image changes accordingly. Anyway, there's just one drawback to it: It comes only in up to size 10 (and won't probably ship outside the U.S.). CU! -Mike

  2. ... In germany there are some stores which sell eu 47 and 48. Maybe a member here has a good experience with one of them...

    I think you are talking about these and here is the company's home page. Unfortunately, the pages are in German only. At least I haven't seen any 'English' entrance yet. Anyway, if you want to know something particular about their products please feel free to ask me for a translation.

    Although they are rather expensive (I've seen some of the styles a lot cheaper elsewhere in the past but can't actually tell where anymore) they are very reliable and in case the shoes don't fit you can give'em back (unworn, of course!). They actually have to take them back (you got 14 days to decide) because it's law in Germany.



  3. In the beginning when I wasn't aware of suppliers offering high heels in larger sizes I checked our regular local retailers several times a week for a pair of high heels the at least I could my feet let slip into it. Since I didn't succeed in finding some I was bound to the usual male flats. But only a couple of years later high heeled shoes in my size became available to me and I - if I had to catch up for something that was missing for a damn long time - immediately went for the highest heels possible spending a vast amount of money since there were only hand-made 7"-heels. That was also the time when I still thought of limiting my high heel wearing to an exclusive indoor-wearing. Pretty soon there came the time where only 'strutting around the appartment' didn't do it for me anymore and I thought about someting to go for street-heeling. One thing was obvious: It wouldn't be my 7" heels that make it for a first outdoor experience. Back then I wasn't even able to walk more than a few steps in them. There had to be something else and I went for something like 3..4" heels. Fortunately there was a time around the end of the 90ies when slightly higher heels / more chunky shoes came into fashion for men. Of course, I immediatley got a pair and when worn out, another one and again a year later one more pair of them. After like two years and a half or so those shoes weren't offered anylonger. Men's shoes went flat again and stuff in the ladies' shelf turned into more pointy-toed / spike-heeled and away from the chunky platform styles. Not the best thing - although very interesting - if you are just on the verge of comming out. By now the last pair of these higher-heeled men's shoes were worn out and I had to think of something else. Right then I found a supplier on eBay selling 'work boots' (chunky heeled ankle boots with a small platform) which seemed about right for starting wearing heels outdoors. They have almost 4" heels and don't look too female either. And roughly half a year later the same guy offered knee high platform boots with 0.75" platform and 4.75" heels which I wear nowadays and everywhere. So I've come to the point where I have to agree with you folks who say ~4" heels are good avarage to go for. They are also quite practical since you can do everything in them you usually do with 'regular men's' shoes. It seems to happen to almost any male high heel enthusiast: Starting out with extreme heels in private and then going down to more reasonable heel heights when starting (first) outdoor experiences and 'rational thinking' sets in. Hope, I'm not too far off track with this... CU! -Mike

  4. The only thing that's left is whether or not the shoes arrive on time. Otherwise I need to go for a backup solution which I have in place already but not sure yet if really to go for. -- Regarding backup, I was talking about shoes... ;o))) CU! -Mike

  5. Jim, yes, your boots look great! But I don't think that they will be available in my size from Tommy Hilfiger. -- The noise? Ahm, I'd basically say that (I wish I was wrong) all my friends and relatives (although there might be some exceptions) are rather 'conservative'. So I'll try to get the shoe-thing not too much into the public focus. I'll ask the manufacturer to add some rubber tips to the heels in order to accomplish a less noisier 'show'. Ballet boots? My future wife is a doctor and since I want her to be with me that particular day I won't do so - because she would find herself soon into giving medical treatment to our guests who suffer from a serious heart attack once they've noticed my shoes... ;o) CU! -Mike

  6. ... fuck-me pumps with heels higher than 13 cm. ...

    I'd personally be careful using the f-term in this case. That's why quite a couple of girls don't want to wear these shoes cause they're afraid of being seen from that perspective.



  7. ... However, how about the dancing afterwords?...

    Don't worry, that shouldn't be an issue. I did that already and in even less supporting 4" stiletto-heel pumps...

    ... Can you make it through a 3 or 4 hour reception without taking them off? ...

    In the past couple of weeks I wore boots with like 5.5" heels and 0.5" platform to work, to shopping and to almost everywhere. It happened to be that we spent several hours shopping while walking up and down all the shopping malls in the city center looking for stuff on several days. Streets and passages were quite busy so it felt like dancing... ;o)

    ... (Wouldn't it be easier for her to get a nice pair of white flats to wear during the picture session?) ...

    My GF is actually not the type of girl who likes to wear high heels all the time. But when we're out she does it once in while. Anyway, since she's been using high heels quite a while (of course, longer than I have) she's quite used to it. But for the wedding it is in her mind that it has to be those shoes which are the only ones that go with her dress. I think there will be some full size pictures taken as well...



  8. Folks,

    the best thing in trying to push limits of all is yet to come: Next year when I will be marrying my beloved girl-friend I'll probably be wearing 4" to 5" heels to church. Why? Here it comes: She already has a very particular concept what her wedding gown should look like and (!!!) what the shoes are that she will be wearing. It will be some 3.5 .. 4" white ankle boots either plain or with front laces. Anyway, that would make her taller than I am because she's almost my height. And even if her shoes and my regular men's shoes would make it for us both being the same height, due to her 'wardrobe' she would still look taller than me. Basically, we don't have a problem when we are going out and she wears high heels that she is taller than I am but on the wedding photos it would look clumsy. So we figured I have to have high heeled shoes as well. I'd actually like some plain black matte leather ankle boots with a slightly thicker - or even a more chunky - heel than the usual 'female' stiletto. The shoes would then somehow remotely look like western boots but not exactly and rather more far than close. I now have to thoroughly think about the design that in turn it will look good and not like either real cowboy- or women's- or even work-boots. It must be something in-between them all. This is pretty much what I want (from 6InchHeelsForever; check 'Boots' in the 3rd section from top in the left-hand side menu panel and go all the way down in the frame that was opened by your mouseclick), maybe with the heels a little bit more chunky - but we'll see about that... -- What do you think? Can those be worn under 'longer-legged' trousers to a wedding? I actually want to cover them not because I feel embarrassed but I don't want the event 'Me, A Man, In High Heels' to overshadow our wedding. This would be highly inappropriate...



  9. ...They should have been glad that I didn't offer them my highest heels :wink:

    That's the point: People with bigger feet could actually wear higher heels! But even for the shoes in the women's section in regular shoe stores the heel-heights come gradually down once a certain foot-size was exceeded. Not to talk about men's sizes, where even higher heels could be established and eventually be walked in... ;o)

    Here's one for all you 'Trend-Scouts' out there: If you read this go back to your shoe-company you work for and tell them that there's a wide range of (potential) male high-heel wearers out there 'in the wild' who are 'on the jump' (very German English, sorry) and just wait to spend their money on great, stylish high heeled shoes...



  10. Guys, thanks for your comments so far. To all guys who didn't dare it yet to "step outside" in high heels: Admittedly, the biggest problem is to get out on the street. It doesn't matter if you are at home or in your car and have just changed shoes. Once you've put the 'first' foot/heel on the pavement it is then almost going on by itself. And if the first steps are done and even the sound comming from the heels hitting the ground has become 'familiar' you don't pay any attention to the world around you anymore; you just keep gooing... CU! -Mike

  11. Folks,

    I just wanted to share with you what I did yesterday.

    I went to a 'special' ;o) store where they also sell high heels. At least I thought they still would. To check reactions I wore these. They have 7" heels and a 2" platform hence wearing them is/was quite comfortable. I also wore boot cut jeans but their legs reached only down to slightly above where the the actual shoe sits on the platform so the lower 2..3" of the shoes were quite visible and one could easily tell what I wore. I made sure I didn't go there too late so that there was a chance of other customers being around there. And, right, three or four other people were in the shop as well. One guy looked down on me, up and then down again but didn't say anything. The one salesgirl behind the desk immediately noticed my shoes when I entered the shop with suddenly eyes wide open (the entrance is just vice versa of the cashier's desk), then smiled at me but she didn't say a word either. I asked the other shop-assistant for shoes and she told me that they don't sell them anymore in this facility but in another subsidiary. Bottom line: Noone actually seems/ed to make a big deal out of (my high heeled) shoes nor shows/ed any reaction. :o( Okay, the shop I went to was kind of a proper ambience to try out this particular footwear without risking too much.

    Earlier that day I had the heels of some of my boots repaired and wanted to pick them up again from the cobbler. Once I was checking the quality a woman lined up behind me and watched me collecting (my) three pairs of high heeled (large footsized - US ladies 12, EU 43 - ;o) shoes and boots. It was pretty obvious that they were mine and not for my S/O. Once I was all set and done and about to leave I noticed that she was smiling at me and after 3 or 4 seconds or so she just turned to the cobbler and took care about her own business...



  12. Any more references to heels at the gym??

    No. Just do it if you want. Actually, I go there regularily wearing my 4.75" heel knee boots with the heels more or less visible. I only need to pay attention with the 'muscle-guys' in the boy's change room. I don't really want them to 'monitor' me when I put the boots on or off - just yet. But somehow I don't have an issue with my other almost-4"-ankle boots. Maybe it comes from wearing the 4.75" heels so the almost-4" ones now appear to be much more common... :-?

    Thanks for the story.

    You're welcome!



  13. Well I just walked up 4 blocks n then back again n I can tell you my feet were killing me ...how do women walk in these all day??? ...

    What do you mean? What heel height? If there was a picture one could actually tell. Or did I miss something out? At least for my part I don't see any picture.



  14. 'kay, here's my diary... Worst: Actually none. Best: 1.) Some years ago I had a chat with my best friend's (now: ex-) girl friend. We talked about this and that and discussion came to clothing and stuff. Somehow I got overwhelmed and admitted my big crush for hig heels to her. 'Ooops', I thought, 'shouldn't I have...?'. But: 'So what!' she replied, 'why shouldn't you wear this? If you like it then go ahaed. I don't think that someone would actually mind...'. I was really baffled and didn't know what to say. Anyway, that gave me a lot of confidence for my passion. 2.) Two weeks and a half ago one of my co-worker discovered my heel-wearing. I've been wearing 4.75" platform boots with quite a chunky heel for some weeks now. Of course, I wear them together with boot-cut jeans so the shoes aren't too obvious. When she discovered it she doesn't noticed my shoes in the first place but she found out by 'accidentally' walking right behind me since we left the company for home the same time that day and found that I somehow walked like a women, she told me. That had her to take a closer look at my shoes: 'You're wearing such high heels...' - 'Doesn't it look right?' I asked in return. 'No, no, I was just wondering why you were walking like women do when they wear high heels!'. I asked her if some of my other colleagues noticed already. 'Probably not. Maybe only women will ever notice [short explanation: I work in the computer industry developing chip designs with almost all of my coworkers being male besides our team assistant and the two project coordinators; the girl who discovered my heel-wearing is one out of our three female engineers] since they know why someone walks that way you do right now...'. I gave her a lift (she asked for that the moment before she found out) and she still joined me so I knew my thing about high heels didn't make her feel uncomfortable being with me... ;o) So we continued to talk about that topic while driving home. She said she finds it funny/interesting but in no way ridiculous. She never met a guy like me who likes heels before, she added. 3.) One day I sat together with one of the other female co-worker at lunch time in the cafeteria and - guess what - discussion went to 'equality' (if this is the right term) and finally I said: 'Okay, if you girls want equal rights then men should be free to wear high heels as well!' - with a smile. She said: 'Why do you complain? That's what you've been doing for quite a while already...'. That day I also wore my 5.5" chunky heel loafers. Damn, she knew it. ;o) And I was so blind thinking that all my efforts to keep my heel wearing private would have been successful. After all I realized that it was somehow known and nobody seems to have an issue with this and so I felt/feel great. So I call it a good reaction of my 'environment' to my heel wearing. 4.) And one minor one: Again I wore bootcut jeans to hide my thigh high 5.5" heel platform boots when I went shopping. A young sales lady behind a both's desk spotted me and her jaw literally hit the floor. Her attention was apparently drawn by the click-clack-sound my boots had made. I noticed and responded with a big grin on my face and went on to complete my shopping tour. After I got everything I checked my appearance in a shop window and found that the heels were quite visible and the trousers didn't hide much of the shoes. I found out about that not before the end of that Friday nite's shopping tour. Hence, a lot of people must have seen me but no one actually said anything. Since I was finished there was no 'Undo'. Had I know beforehand I probably wouldn't have gone shopping like that. ... and yet two more very good reactions that I have already outlined somewhere else here on the forum some weeks/months ago. Okay, maybe I didn't receive any bad reaction because I've been wearing heels in public for only 4 years more or less obvious but rather less obvious than more, although one could tell that I'm in 'women's shoes' if one would look closely enough. @white_6_inch_spike_heels: Could you please put up some pics of your 6" and 7" boots? Would be very nice... :-? CU! -Mike

  15. ... and actually some good ideas for shoe-styles that should really be manufactured. At least I already picked my favorites from the things shown there:


    (Hm, since I'm not able to open a thread in the 'Favorite Pictures' section I had to put this here.)



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