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Posts posted by Francis

  1. 10% of 24billion isn't all that much if you spread it across 24 companies all trying to cover the same market and there would be! But, you're right in one respect, if one company took up the challenge it could be a real big profit maker for them, but who's brave enough to go for it? Nike, Adidas or Versace? To any them, it would be an extreme risk, but the rewards would be substantial. Take these figures to a more global market and it would be a killing :lol:

  2. Anyone who voices an opinion mus accept that there will always be those who disagree. Cold fact! The art of disagreement comes about to try and find a common ground and then law and order can be obtained, otherwise you may as well go stand behind your barricades and refuse to even listen. As for our 'norms', if you read the codes of practice which are in place to protect you from offensive material, you might just ntoice that we have turned a blind eye to a few as they presented a valid point. We're not as draconian as you might think.

  3. Well, the exhibition was a reasonable success. Seaton performing well. Too well in fact, now they don't really when to store it :grin: Tough! There are other projects that need doing and with Seaton up, we can't do them! So a compromise has come up, she gets stored in the clubroom, but not erected. New projects now on the go are another club members OO scale (14ftx8ft), an N gauge layout (18ftx6ft) and an American HO (12ftx3ft) and there may be another O gauge starting. Guess who's doing most of the wiring? :smile: My stock has grown to include more wagons. 13 x 16ton pressed steel mineral wagons (to be extended to 25) and 11 HEA coal hoppers (to be extended to 42) and 2 Super BG's in RES livery (getting 2 GUV's and a PCV to complete mailtrain). Well now that I've revived the topic and bored some people to death, I'm off :grin:

  4. it's true that, maybe, we are looking at the same problem from different viewpoints, but that's due to your life experiences telling you how to perceive a given situation. Trying to get everyone over to the same viewpoint is rather difficult as this is then telling someone how to think, and none of us like getting told that! if evryone had the same outlook then there would be no discussions, no debate, no war, poverty or illness. It would be a perfect world. But we all know it's far from perfect and variety will always prevail and people will always take their own view, hence difference of opinion, so we may as well resign ourselves to this and move on.

  5. back on the idea of business card style plyers for Mem's Fashion Freedom, maybe we should get a common design going. it would have been handy to have had some cards done for the recent Birmingham meeting. We could have cleaned up there! :grin: so come on all you creative design types. give us your designs. remember it's business or credit card sized and no doodles on the back of envelopes, fag packets or toilet roll, thank you! :smile:

  6. Susan, in my post I did, indeed, say that some posts get edited, but all those edited posts are then given an addendum to why they were edited. And, on the subject on being 'taught', who 'taught' anyone to wear heels or did they just decide to wear them. Perseverance on any subject will teach a person what they need, so anyone can be 'taught' by themselves. Plus it's in the individuals nature whether they attack, some can control this urge, some can't. I'm not condoning this persons actions, far from it. Put this person in front of me and you'll see exactly what I think of men who beat on women for whatever reason. On the subject of 'traditional woman', can you define this because the idea of a traditional woman changes according to the individual. So what I think of a traditional woman may be completely different from the next person. And, no, I am not a male chauvanist. My wife loves getting her hands mucky under car bonnets and landscape gardening, she spends a lot of her time in scruffy trousers and relishes the idea of getting covered in mud, does this not make her a traditional woman because of what she likes to do, it does to her. She thinks that women who sit in front of mirror day in, day out, painting their nails and wondering when their next hair appointment is should be taken outside, put in a big hessian sack and shaken. Please do not take this post to be some type of attack upon you, I am merely pointing out some 'truths' that get covered up. Ask anyone and they will say that I tell it as it is. If truth hurts then that cannot be helped. Now that this thread has well and truly left it's intended topic, can we all now return to it please!

  7. Trolldeg said that it's because we're raised differently! Boy, did he get it right!! :smile: If you have been brought up to be more open minded and toelrant then your outlook to life is generally an easy come, easy go way of thinking and nothing really phases you. As I have mentioned a few times now, it's the close minded people who are afraid of change that anybody wearing anything outside the restricted view of these people is a deviant of some description. My view is the deviants are the closed minds! They are the ones who cause all of the troubles that are faced by anyone with a style or flair that they wish to express in an outward fashion. Educating these people is not an option, as the problem, I fear, is insurmountable. So, we'll wear what we like and if others don't like it, tough, they're not wearing it! :grin:

  8. Well, I, for one, will be sorry to see you go, as I have found that your posts have been constructive, despite what some might say. The whole idea is the contribution of ideas and values. No matter which forum or chat group you go to there will always be some that have a different take on the same situations. Susan has put forward the notion of mindset between male and female, personally I feel it's more of a case of outlook and personal experience. Difference of opinion is one of the things that keeps a forum or chat group from going stale. Please take a 'different view' as Susan put it and rethink your decision and, hopefully, we'll see you participate more often. But, I you decide that you'r going to leave us completely, all I can say is that I'm sorry that feel that you felt excluded by a few negative reactions and will miss you being a positive aspect to the forum. Good luck with whichever you decide!

  9. The day was pretty well summed up by Firefox. I wore my black leather trousers wih criss-cross side lacings (bondage theme there, I suspect), black t-shirt and black leather waistcoat (again, this had criss-crossed lacings down the sides), medium length leather jacket and a black leather (more Australian style) hat. Started the day in my 4.25" block heels with pointed toe and after viewing some of the wares on display decided to don my 6.5" stils with 2.5" platform knee length boots and gained a few complimentary looks. I even demonstrated my ballets to a few people, two of which tried them. The first wouldn't even attempt to stand up, the second (dressed as a schoolgirl) stood in them perfectly, even if she didn't try walking due to the fact that my shoes were too big. A new recruit to the ballets has been found, as the look on her face said "Wow! I gotta get a pair of these!" On the ballet front, it is true, we did meet a guy that can walk in them. While everyone in the group was admiring from a distance, I decided to grab the bull by the horns and go talk to the guy. Turns out that he's not been wearing them that long but could walk in them after a shirt while (wish I could). The pair he was wearing, he'd only picked up the day before from Punitive shoes. Reckoned to have taken 2 and a half months to get them, but he said well worth it. The day finished with me escorting Andy and Yamyam to New Street station where we dived for our respective destinations, Andy went straight away as his train was leaving 3 mins from arrival, Yam wandered down to his and I went gricing (photographing trains). If I didn't bring back some photos from Birmingham the wife wouldn't have believed me :smile: All in all, a short, but enjoyable day. I shall going to the next fair and this time with more money in my pocket, well money that's mine anyway :grin:

  10. sunday only for me I'm afraid! aha! they say! he's still at home! Well, yes I am, but it's nearly 12:30 so I'm going to have a cup of tea and then head off out the door. I may start driver training today :smile: so no heels :grin: if I'm correct Calv, Xaphod and myself along with Yamyam will be in attendance sunday, are there any more takers?

  11. Welcome back, Lion! :smile: I was sorry to hear about your misfortune, I know how heart rending that is, but on the positive side, I'm glad that this isn't a continuing occurence. I hope we all get to see a pic of your little cub when he/she makes their entrance to this world :grin: Well done! :grin:

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