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Posts posted by Francis

  1. I'm thinking of using DCC for my american HO layout. I have ideas of modelling a fictitious roundhouse with a single running line passing the site. Maybe if I use a freeway as a background I might be able to get away with not modelling any residential or Industrial buildings and just restrict it all to railroad only :lol:

  2. while it's true that heel height is measured form floor to the meeting pint of heel and sole, it doesn't really give a good indication of the angle. A person wearing a size 5 shoe with a 7" heel is going to have a far greater angle (more on the toes) than a person wearing size 8 with a 7" heel. someone has to come up with a fairly good sum to work out just what that angle is or even have it regarded as a severity level. Anyone got a formula worked out?

  3. if men adopt the wearing of 'strap on baps' then it's going to make looking for female company in a nightclub next to impossible :lol: it might work, you never now. I mean, men are always trying to get into womens underwear and quite usually have a breast fixation, well now they can have it all ways. They can wear them! :( I would probably only be seen with breasts if I was on hormones (unlikely), going to do a charity collection (and they want me dressed as a woman) or it's playtime in the bedroom. It may be a long time before I adopt it as everyday wear.

  4. well, there are a few of us lucky enough to own a pair of ballets, fewer still are lucky enough to be able to stand in them let alone walk in them. I'm afraid I'm in the standing (bent legs) and manage a few steps before gravity gets the upper hand :lol: I'm a size UK7.5 and was lucky enough to purchase a used pair from Onyourtoes (thanks, mate!) There are more ballet wearers out there, so come on people. Even if you just thought about trying a pair or have tried and failed, air your thoughts! Even failure can be informative, ie learning how not to do it, etc. :(

  5. 1. Lose weight 2. Get waist back down to under 30" (currently 35") 3. Learn to stand and walk in my ballets (or a pair, at least!) 4. Spend more time on my railways (I haven't touched my layouts for 7 months and one's due for exhibition in April !) !!eek!! 5. Get the car serviced and the cat to the vet's Anyway, a great and prosperous New Year to All !!

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