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Posts posted by Francis

  1. I think most men would be the same if they woke up in the morning and found a pair of Double-D's on their chests. :lol: First, there'd be the initial shock of "Oh, my god! How did these get here?" and "What am I going to do now?" then their last question will be answered when they grab them. :) Never leave the house, I doubt they'd leave the bedroom! :(

  2. Welcome Melanie, it's nice to see that we do attract the younger generation :lol: it's interesting that at your age you love thigh high boots, this makes me wonder what your parents had to say when you got them, as I know most parents are still in the victorian era and deny their children the freedom of expression in footwear and clothing. I'm happy that you have found our little corner on the net and hope you enjoy every moment.

  3. I can't say that I've had any problems in our local New Look store, although the newer staff do look twice when they see a bloke wearing heels. These days the only place I seem to get whispered remarks behind my back comes from garages after I've been in to find out when they can fit my car in, but that's a different topic :lol: It does help if you have tried someone else's boots first, but then you still run the risk that you get the pair that they mis-sized. Always try before buying if at all possible!

  4. which ever way round you choose, it is going to cost. Whether that be time or money. If you buy the knee or thigh length you will get far more support and be able to stand and walk quicker, however, if like me you went for the shoe, then time is going to be your cost. Learning to stand in my shoes has been a long (rewarding) experience, even if I still can't straighten my legs. I can now walk a little as long as I have something to ballance myself with and take it slowly. On a plus side, ballets really go well at parties, especially with the women who have seen the Liz Hurley pic :lol:

  5. as a species, we are fixated with breasts. most men judge a woman on the size of her mammary glands, in fact, some men just talk to the breasts rather than looking the woman in the eye (rather sad, really). without them a child's development after birth would be severely hampered, so the human race looks for good ones. one the other side of that is the fact that quantity doesn't equal quality, but we like to think it. I can play backgammon sufficiently to beat the computer 95% of the time (and the computer cheats), but I'm not ready to have a pair of knockers surgically attached to my chest just yet, even if could get away with it. mind you, with the weight I seem to have be piling on, I appear to have A cup tits already :lol: I bet those will disappear once I go on a diet. As for curves, well, not so many years ago I had curves. I was a skinny little urchin with a 36-28-34 figure, which would make women envious and men believe that it was female (well, from the back anyway) :( if men did adopt the wearing of breasts, then at least it would be slightly more interesting them comparing breast size as opposed to comparing beer gut size or intelligence needed to beat someone up. do you think that football might, even, take a back seat during such discussions? :)

  6. yeah, DCC has massive advantages over standard control, but in the end it stills suffers from the same problem as a DC system. Pickup! Fail to clean the track and wheels and the trains stall, but I do want the ability to control the lights. A roundhouse with all engines lights on would look fantastic, if a little heavy on the old power supply :lol:

  7. Zero One was a rather abortive system as it only allowed control of direction and speed of any loco, but not any other controls. Plus it was completed non standard and lots of people still had a fear of micro technology at that time. Now that there is more than one system to choose from and the extra features that can be supported it all seems far more interesting. Not sure that being user freindly would be a major factor, but the ability to control any train, anywhere, at any time must surely be it's key to success. I can see some people getting rather confused with some stock as they might not be able to discern which end of the loco is cab A (forward), This applies to a large proportion of british and european locomotives and multiple units (railcars). Single cab locos are obviously easy. With that said, I will still choose DCC to operate an american layout, but my british outline will remain DC operated, as it's very unlikely that I shall be moving a large diesel with an 08 shunter so DCC won't be needed.

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