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Posts posted by Francis

  1. and a nutrient drip so I never need to leave the house again :)

    add a sipping tube attached a bottle of whisky and move the computer into the bathroom :lol:

    I'm looking into ADSL for a connection with either BT or OneTel. Both offer the same speed 512k but offer a better upstream speed than NTL, 256k as opposed to 128k. Plus they don't mind you serving webpages from your machine, which would be quite handy for me. Just means the computer will be left on more often. That'll annoy the household management :(

  2. Well, he certainly came to the right place :lol: Maybe he might feel a little more comfortable if he were to come on one of our meetings, but in the meantime, if you or he require some extra input to help him find himself then don't hesitate, ask away. We're here to help wherever possible :(

  3. <pedant>I might remind you it's 1GB, not 1Gb. Gb is gigaBITS.</pedant>

    When did you learn about computers? I have been using computers since before you were born and knew all the operations of them before I touched one, so please don't try to lecture me on notation.

    but now that's out of the way, NTL offered their modems for sale but put a rather large (or that extortionate) price tag on them and all for the want of the customer getting the service for £5 a month less. It made sense in the long run, but only the wealthy could afford to do that.

    on another note, 0845 penny a minute dialup isn't what it claims to be. It stills cost you 3.5p/min between 0800hrs and 1800hrs, then it's 1.5p/min between 1800hrs and 0000hrs, so the only time that 1p/min comes into play between midnight and 8am and then it's 0.95p/min.

    here comes the kicker, they also charge you 4.5p for placing the call to the 0845 as well !!

  4. I quite often forget that I'm wearing heels as I'm not that conscious of them. Occasionally, I'll get stared at and I'll wonder "what's wrong with him/her" and then realise "ah, the shoes". Oh well, that's their problem! :( I frequently get pulled up when I'm not wearing heels, more often than not to be asked "no heels today?". "Can't climb over rubble in heels" comes the reply. "Oh!" and that's it. I think it's because I'm a technician that they think I'm not capable of anything else anf they forget I'm a carpenter, electrician and builder :) but heels can't be worn for most of them :o Occasionally, I'll not be wearing heels and still get stared at. Maybe it's because I'm such a handsome b*st*rd :lol:

  5. NTL have always given the user the option to buy the modem instead if renting it. At least you don't still get charged for modem rental 2 years into the agreement! Besides the cost of cable modems has dropped dramatically. I have freinds who have the NTL service on all of the options. 2 on 128k, 1 on 512k and 1 on 1mbit and all have problems of some description, but they all get what they want from the service. Admittadly the olnlt one that would exceed the 1Gb a day would be the guy on 1Mbit as he leaves the machine on all day to download. The whole idea of capping the download traffic is so NTL can market another option and charge more for it. BT Openworld (or should that be Closedworld) have cut their service to 150 hours a month (or as Dr.Shoe points out 5hrs/day) seems completely barmy. I use Dialup and I'm on for much more than 5 hours every day. Sometimes I'll leave the connection on overnight (oh the joys of not having a cutoff time) and before anyone screams "He must be loaded", nope, I just have access to a number that doesn't cost and doesn't timeout :( Again, this move by BT is to force more users onto the slightly more expensive ADSL options to which they can then impose download limits and create more marketing options. Whichever way you look at them, they are as bad as each other. They will always try and find ways to make more money from you and once they have you, they reckon you can't live without them. I doubt would have any use for downloading more than 1Gb a day anyway. That's far too many CD's to write every week :lol:

  6. my only problem with heights is ... falling from them !! :lol: I'm one of those people who can look down and feel like they're about to fall unless I know I have hold of something that ain't gonna move! BUT, saying that, I can look out of a plane window at 30,000 feet and not be bothered at all. Strange, innit?

  7. Shoe swapping can be fun! :lol: I know a few women that have tried my shoes and I've tried theirs, though more often then not, it's been them trying mine because they have smaller feet :) Quite often, though, it's my 4" ankle boots and all my knee high boots, my thigh boots and the ballets that get tried. Maybe they just wanted to be a little more adventurous or have not had the opportunity to try such high heels before, I'm sure which, but they certainly enjoyed it. Oh, and I did too !! :(

  8. That all comes down to individual taste! You think it looks bad, they think it looks great! What's good for one ain't necessarily good for another. Our personal tastes in clothing and footwear might not sit well with other members of the forum, but they are polite enough not to verbally air it for all to read. They merely suggest their preferences. For example, I don't care much for wedges, but Highluc, I know, loves them and he's perfectly entitled to. his doesn't mean that I think any less of him. In the same way, he might not think much to ballets, but I wear them and he doesn't think badly of me. Highluc and I have met and we get on well, even if our tastes are different. If everyone had the same attitudes and preference then there would be no variety, just a great flock of mindless sheep! The old adage "To each his own" works well here and people should remember that.

  9. being spotted by people you know isn't a problem, it's the people you don't know that create problems. But sod them, you wear what you want and to hell with the small minded people who can't see past the ends of their noses. As for a hhmeet in Nottingham, I think that is a perfectly reaseonable venue.

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