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Posts posted by Francis

  1. make sure you only take the spaces out from inside the [ ] statements and leave a space between them before making another [ ] statement or it won't work, but SH has it correct :lol: ps. please try not to turn this thread into a BBcode tryout area. Might be an idea to make a thread just for this experimentation.

  2. But the heel is only four inches high. That will not do.

    what do you expect? compared to some of us Posh is a part timer :lol:

    maybe Beckham should find bigger padlocks for those shoes and while he's at it, one for her mouth! :(

    I don't mind snake skin patterned shoes. I have a pair of 4" boots in brown crocodile which are close.

  3. Well, here it is. The first pictures coming to you, recorded at my convenience :(

    Posted Image The shoes themselves

    for a bigger picture


    The new shoes with spiderweb tights with and without red leather trousers

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    leopard print tights

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    fashioned tights

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    and finally, the heel height compared to my 6.5" platforms

    Posted Image

    I still can't get used to the fact that I want these shoes on my feet 24/7, but can't do to various constraints, ie. can't walk in them properly, so driving is out of the question, climbing into the loft and lifting heavy objects.

    However, putting small holes in the quilt and mattress are easily achievable :lol: just hope Jackie doesn't see it :)

    ps. missed out on the other shoes :lol:

    never mind, there's always next time :o

  4. don't you think I might get done for copyright ?

    Red Shoe Diaries

    but why not, if I wear them for a few hours each day, who knows, I may get proficient :lol:

    apart from that, I can't let my fans down now, can I?

  5. Well, they arrived !! :D

    They fit !! :D

    I tried to stand in them and couldn't get my knees straight ! :(

    Walked a few steps and thought "Something wrong here!" :D

    Took a tape measure to the heels and ...

    6 5/8" :lol:

    17cm to our metricated friends :D

    No flipping wonder I couldn't straighten my legs !!

    I guess the guy should have advertised them as 7" heels, he'd have got more bidders!

    But, WOW!, they are gorgeous !! I'm in love !!! :rofl:

    Sorry FF, but I don't think they'll used for the "Marks out of 10" parade :o I don't think I'll be able to confidently wear them outside for a long time, never mind be used to them for Comic Relief which is on the 14th March. Let's hope the bid for the other 6" red heels is successful :D Also they might be a little lower so I can wear them straight away :D

    In the meantime, I think I might try wearing these new shoes, bed them in and learn to walk in them properly before attempting anything outrageous, such as going shopping :rofl: otherwise I'll be looking embarrassed :)

    I know, some of you think that it's difficult to embarrass Francis, but it is possible.

    Maybe I need a pair of crutches with these heels, might help with the ballets as well :D

    I'll post some photos very shortly :D as I know some of you will be drooling to see these shoes in the flesh (so to speak) :lol:

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