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Posts posted by Francis

  1. Prisoner number 284, step forward! :lol: why do those shoes give me the impression that they look more uncomfortable than they should? Imagine having those straps welded shut? Eeeek! Obviously someone has taken the time to craft these shoes. They would have looked better with a slimmer style of strap or maybe use chain. Interesting project though :(

  2. since I can wear 5.5" without too many problems, I think the 6" should be within my capabilities :lol: so shouldn't be long before I wear them outside with some confidence :o My foot size is between 7 and 8 UK, so they should be fine with some tights or stockings :) Julietta, I don't think I'll be able to compete with Missy. She has many years of experience in very high heels, but I'm sure that I'd be as conversant with 6" heels as she is, given time :(

  3. there was a shop that we visited whilst on a heel meeting in london that sold chairs like that. I believe it was in Camden, in the courtyard area. Actually, the woman running the shop had a very nice tight corset on, but she had an attitude. Maybe because, some of us were wearing higher heels than her! :lol: But the chairs are out there guys and gals. Didn't get the prices though :(

  4. either that or wear something with Richard Branson's label on it :lol: take these things with you and take the cue from your friends, who'll no doubt help you with anything else you need to take. They'll also help you with anything you have to shout at the stage as well :(

  5. Well, here it is!

    The Forum's guide to RHPS.

    Essential Items

    Rice - throw during wedding scene

    Newspaper - for keeping head dry during "There's a Light"

    Water Pistol - for squirting water into the air in same scene (now you know why the newspaper is needed)

    Lighter - "There's a Light" go figure!

    Dummy - during Rocky's creation scene, Frank says "what a sucker I'd been" (warning, this is stage version only! not film version) throw at stage

    Bounty - same scene, Frank will say "and paradise is to be mine" throw bounty at stage

    Kitkat - same scene, Frank says "suddenly, you get a break" now throw kitkat at stageConfetti


    Any character or clothing inspired by a character.

    Alternatively, anything that makes you look like a complete TART !!

    Essential Behaviour

    To be as cooperative and as rowdy as possible :lol:

    Anyone want to add to this? :(

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