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Posts posted by Francis

  1. you do?! great! :D when do I meet them? or do I already know them? :( I shall be working up to 7" and of course my 8" ballets, but a new abode for myself and my shoe collection would be advisable. Oh yeah, and the wife! :wink: I'll tell you one thing, when I get a new place, I'm going to have a bloody great party! :o everyone welcome! lots of :drinking: to be done :D

  2. Revelations! Yup, there has been some of those! My red shoes are being packed away until we can find some accomodation! Confused! Well, don't be! We are being evicted from our house because the council hasn't being paying our rent. For those of you that are still confused, I shall explain! In the UK, we have a welfare system for when you are unemployed and seeking work. During this time, you can apply to the local authorities to help with your rent. Housing Benefit. The forms were filled in and sent, however, they haven't processed them, claiming that there is a backlog of 26 weeks. Did you get that? 26 weeks!! Half a bloody year!!! Needless to say, the agency that I rent this place through got 'the hump' and decided that we shouldn't be allowed to stay any longer. They wanted to give us a month in which to find somewhere else, as is the minimum legal requirement. However, the owner of the property wants us out by the 29th of May and has issued a court proceeding against us for repossesion of the house. The agency has issued proceeding for the outstanding rent and I am getting to the end of my tether where I just want to go and hack my way through their collective entrails. But, this wouldn't help. So I have sought legal advice and have been instructed to attend the court hearing and tell the judge that I had done everything in my power to persue the beneits claim with the council and that they are at fault in this matter and that I had no control over the situation. The judge may then grant an extension of my tenancy, long enough for us to find a different set of lodgings, be that another house or stop with friends, of which I seem to have very few now. Everyone was full of great intention saying that "we'll never see you on the streets" and when it comes down to it the reply is "we can't have you here, we don't have the room". All of you that have been in this situation will know exactly what I mean. I have other options up my sleeve, which include "Squatter's Rights". I have also been told that I can takle the council to court for the hassle caused by theit inaction and that they should rehouse us, however, that will not be forthcoming as they don't have any residential properties vacant at the moment. Life, as I know it, has turned upside down, but I shall arise from the ashes a much stronger person! :wink: Life likes to kick you when you are down and I'm about as far down as you can get, so I only have one direction left! UP! :D I shall keep you all inform of my progress and, of course, my red shoes :D Keep smiling everyone, you could be in my shoes!

  3. Thanks for the praise! I just wish others had a similar sentiment to me. I'm having a few problems at the moment. One of them is being evicted from where I live because the council hasn't paid the rent, but I shall overcome, adapt and destroy the opposition :wink:

  4. what's wrong with that picture? she's had all of the criteria met, even if it was digitally removed later. there still seems to be this uproar about women showing their bodies. It's natural and everyone has a body, just some don't like to show it off and it's these "I don't show my body and don't think anyone else should" bods that are the cause of all this political correctness BS. I, for one, like this picture. It doesn't do a hell of a lot for me, but I like it! :wink:

  5. excuse me, but we weren't all that happy that France restarted testing. It's not an anti-US thing here, just an anti-nuke thing. Does it matter who wants to test them, the fact is that testing and using them will only create problems and not solve them. So, please, come down of the soap box and stop believing that the world is anti-US and pro-european. My sister's father was a nuclear physicist on submarines and I know a lot of effects of nuclear radiation, blasts and fallout. I would be against Britain testing nukes and I'm british. So it's not a US thing, but a global thing. I don't care who wants to test them, the answer from me is, NO!

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