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Posts posted by Francis

  1. sounds like it's going to be a great party :lol: I'll be there !! wait a minute, I live there !!!!! :lol: Doesn't bother me if the address is public as everyone round this neck of the woods either knows about the party or the fact I wear heels in public. :lol: Anyone wishing to come, reply here :cry: Personally I would like to see everyone turn up, but it may be problematic for some of our international members. Anyone making the trip to our little island will be made very welcome :) See you at the party!! :lol:

  2. Well, we're nearly in. Just a little bit more to move and we can kiss goodbye to the agency who don't know jack about the law :lol: The likelyhood of seeing any of our advance rent and deposit back are minimal, but I have taken seps to ensure some of it back :lol: Anyway, £950 later we have the keys to the new place and are currently awaiting the electricity and gas boards to come and reconnect the supplies. Once we have ourselves sorted we shall be holding an open house, so anyone wishing to visit can do so :cry: We shall be having a Halloween party at which anything goes, like a large bloke coming in a french maids outfit :) so my heels will look pretty tame :lol: more updates coming soon as and when I can get access to a computer :P no electric, no phone = no internet At least there's friends :lol:

  3. life is still a little hectic at the moment, although a change of pace is coming. We now have somewhere to move to :lol: Firefox will be familiar with the location, it's across the road from where we used to live :lol: A much bigger place, even if it is gonna cost us more than before Job front has changed a bit. I am doing bit work for an agency at the mo and evenings has me cleaning offices, etc. We are looking at starting our own cleaning company. Shoe front has increased in size. I bought a pair of black ankle boots from the local market for £2 and they fit lovely :lol: Leather as well :cry: When I have moved and don't have to depend on other peoples computers for internet access, I shall be throwing a house warming for anyone wishing to come. I shall let you know when that is :) If my appearances were sporadic, you now know why! Hopefully, I shall be back on board very soon and my red shoe diaries can continue.

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