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Posts posted by Francis

  1. Happy days are here again let us drink a pint of beer again cos we're not gonna kicked out again happy days are here again! As you might have guessed, we have won! I'm not getting evicted after lots of legal jargon being bounced around and various people getting put in their respective places :D The agency has decided not to try and enforce the BS 14 day eviction as they know that it will mean the end of them as a business. The council is happy to comply with anything I say and will act on said information immediately. They don't want a repeat performance. The local newspaper is keeping all this on record to be used as bargaining (blackmailing) power to keep the two organisations in check. My wife tried ringing the agency as was getting nowhere and being told that the people she needed to speak to were out (rather conveniently), so I rang and caught them in :o After telling them that they no longer had any legal standing on which to give us notice, they would have to withdraw it (it would go to court otherwise). BUT, they can still issue a notice of intention that would give us 2 months to vacate the premises and they can do that with no reason at all. I don't care, they can give my the 2 month notice, cos I want out of this property. So that would make me happy :D Anyway, life is starting to look up. I have passed my Reach forklift test today, so am a fully qualified, bona fide, pukka forklift driver :) So now it's time to go around and apply the Yosser approach! GIZ A JOB, MATE!!! :wink: Happy days are here again ... ... ... !

  2. I used to build models of ships. I have a Titanic to build for the wife, but I haven't built any since 1986 when I finished a Japanese battleship. It was the Yamato's sister ship, Musashi, and the model was about 5 foot long. I had to sell it because it's size stopped me from bringing it back from Hong Kong :D Pity, cos I like that model. 2 motors were housed in it. One to turn the 4 propellers and one to turn the radar assembly. It was beautiful. I actually have fond memories of that model. I floated it in the school pond one time and someone broadsided it with an apple. The model was undamaged, which was a surprise to everyone. I guess they don't make 'em like they used to :wink:

  3. while the program was aimed at the goth and vampire scene, it did raise a few of the questions about how 'alternative' people are percieved by the average person. They face the same problems as we do with our heels. Because we dare to be different, we are thought of as being weird or mal-adjusted. The fact that we prefer to do something different doesn't sit right with others, but we all have different tastes and extremes. here we all likes heels. Some are admirers, some are wearers and some wear in public without fear, but one of my hobbies (model railways) would be seen as weird by some members of this forum. That's OK, because I think people who sit and scream at the tv while watching football are weird, but I don't think they are tapped or a fruit loop, they are just doing what they enjoy and so they should. at the end of the day, we are all people, so why should it make a difference what we wear, what we do and what we think? It shouldn't, but the fact is the world doesn't operate like that :wink: Until such time as it does we shall continue to be thought of as weird by those that either don't understand or don't want to understand.

  4. does anyone have any wierd and wacky songs that they've collected? I've a large number that have come via Dr.Demento, Ivor Biggun, Monty Python and Kevin 'Bloody' Wilson. Cows With Guns has been upgraded to include an animation, which was fun, but I want to know if anyone has a favourite weird song they like. so, come on, don't be bashful! Let us know!

  5. upgrades have been, but only small ones, so my list is now PC 1 Duron 750 512 DDR Ram 60Gb HDD 64Mb Geforce2 Ti Graphics 21" CRT monitor WinTV Go! 48x16x18 CDRW 44x24x44 CDRW 16x48 DVD PC 2 P4 1600 256 DDR Ram 60Gb HDD 120Gb HDD 64Mb Geforce2 MX440 20" CRT monitor 24x12x24 CDRW 16x40 DVD AverMedia TV card PC 3 Apple ][e 128k Ram 5.25" floppies 12" CRT monochrome (green screen) :) Printers Epson 600 A4 colour Epson 3000 A2 colour HP 670 A4 colour obviously PC 3 is the oldest and slowest, but is best for retro gaming. PC 1 does most of my recoding and PC 2 does most of the cd writing and work so is connected to the best of my equipment :) I have a lab ! It's the whole house ! :lol: and it's a tip at the moment. Those of you following my progress will know why! :) Yes, it would be nice to have it all tidy and neat and sorted, but I doubt it will stay that way for more than a week, then another computer will have come in and one of my machines will have been opened again for testing of other peoples faulty stuff.

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