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Posts posted by Francis

  1. What about the blind faith in evolutionism? A lot of people have been dismissed as nutters for refusing to believe in it. A modern version of being burned at the stake!

    In certain places, people still are being killed off because of their religion or lack of it! People who have blind faith in anything are the nutters! We know there are an infinite number of unexplained things that until science can prove will still remain mysteries.

    Examples of blind faith in ancient times "The earth is the centre of the universe", "The sun revolves round the earth", "The sun is the centre of the galaxy" or how about "The earth is flat". All of these things were believed by many to be true and have since been found to be the opposite, so how many things are we likely to find out in the next 100 years. The last 100 years have been extremely illuminating to mankind, we have learnt so much about our history and our environment, we have harnessed energies that previously were unheard of. How long ago would you have been thrown into a loony bin because you claimed to be able to make a machine that flew?

    The airplane has seen an evolution in itself. It started as a simple wooden frame with fabric stretched over it and has progressed to include it's own propulsion systems to better aerodynamics and electronics can virtually fly the plane without pilot input. You believe that if you get onto an aeroplane, it will take you up into the sky, you may not understand how it gets there, but you know and believe it. Now would you believe me that you could walk off a cliff without falling down and killing yourself? Of course you wouldn't because you know that it can't be done. Unless, you'd seen people doing it, then you'd believe and would likely try it yourself. Blind faith would have you walking off that cliff just because you were told it could be done.

    There is more proof of evolution than there is of creationism, but as I pointed out before, maybe the two are mixed at some level.

    What I can't accept, however, is that people who lived 2,000 to 5,000 years ago figured it all out.

    Hey, maybe they did, but because of what they found, the answer either killed them off or they left the planet! And yes, it does make you wonder about a higher order. A saying that goes with that is "Everything happens for a reason". Whoever originally said that was probably burnt at the stake as a blasphemer.

    In the history of mankind, religion and ruthless expansion of a civilisation has caused the greatest acts of genocide then any of the great wars. If the bible is to be believed then why do all these believers readily go and kill another human when it is written in their precious 'bible' that it is wrong to do so. If anyone has a logical explanatin for this, I'll be listening !

  2. My mother asked why and that was the end of it, while my sister just said "whatever he feels comfortable with, and anyway, no matter what he wears on his feet, he's still my brother!" Actually she defends my choice even against my mum and her father :wink: Nice to know I have people on my side :D

  3. even though I don't post a lot of replies to your diaries, doesn't mean that I don't read them. I do enjoy reading of your exploits and thoughts, so don't be disheartened, you are providing a service to your readers and they like it. I still have to write my next edition to the Red Shoe Diaries, but I haven't done anything this week, so no point. BUT, if I don't write something, people think I'm not doing anything or have given up, so keep going with your writings and I, amongst others, will continue to read. Chin up, Laurie! Give us a smile ! :wink:

  4. just remember that it's only the people without the intelligence to comprehend that the world around them is not the way they want to be, hence there are going to be many situations that will totally bamboozle them. Some of these will react adversely, attacking what they don't understand, while the rest will close the eyes and try wishing it away. Occasionally, you will find the odd person with the courage to ask you why you made such a choice. Don't take it at face value that they accept, just that curiousity has got the better of them. At the end of the day, you are your own person and sod anyone that doesn't approve. It's not like you're breaking any laws to be different, is it? :wink:

  5. true, but how many of these documents are from the time period and are actually eye witness accounts? or arey they just stories passed around as rumour until it gets to someone who can write? since the Romans were advanced enough that reading and writing were far more common than the middle east, you can be far more certain that Julius Ceasar, leader of the Roman Empire 100BC-44BC was far more real than Jesus. Roman writings do tell of an uprising in the area and of the time of Jesus, but don't pinpoint any names that relate to Jesus. To the Romans, he would have been yet another body on a cross. The cross becoming a symbol later for a sign of faith. Blind faith at the time was a dangerous thing, since most people then believed in God and we're afraid of him, anyone not believing was put to death. "Oh no, an unbeliever. Kill him before God kills us!" So much for faith. I know blind faith does help some people, but I find that analogous to shutting your eyes and convincing yourself that everythings ok.

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