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Posts posted by Francis

  1. this sounds more like a case of "You will do it this way or we send in the soldiers!" Bully boy tactics is probably the best way to describe it. The use of nuclear weapons, no matter how small, will only result in more powerful ones being used either by accident or just to prove the next guy has somethng bigger or to push the envelope on what they can get away with in the new legislation. "Hey, I built this big bomb, but they won't let me use it. So I'll build and use a smaller version. So instead of blowing up 5 mile radii and causing untold havoc within 50 miles of it, we just have 1/4 mile blown up and a 5 mile radii of destruction". Meanwhile the fallout drifts and affects many hundred miles more! Remember Chernobyl? That didn't explode with the capacity of a nuclear bomb, but with a much smaller affect, but still spewed radioactive isotopes over thousands of miles. When will the world learn that if you have weapons of mass destruction as deterrent, then you encourage others to have them as a deterrent. Sooner or later, someone with enough 'sadism' (for want of a better word) is going to use these deterrents as an offensive weapon and when you least expect it. A while back we had a discussion on 'dirty' bombs which basically irradiate an area making it unfit for habitation. Is this what is being proposed for these lower yield nuclear explosives? Reduce it to a clean version of a dirty bomb and the public will go with it? When the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki they only ended the japanese involvement in the second world war because the Japanese knew that they had nothing to retaliate with. Had they had the capacity for nuclear weapons, do you think for one second that they would have hesitated in using them? Sending in the military is just another way of saying "I've got a bigger stick than you". The unfortunate consequence is that "Mr. Smaller Stick" will defend himself even if he knows he will lose. The other problem arises when Mr. Smaller Stick gives up and a guy with a slightly bigger stick will say "Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" and then where will it end? When Mr. Big Stick has control of the whole world? Of course it won't. Displace one smaller stick and another ten will show up, sort of like the kid saying that he's going to get his big brother. Back to the original point, nuclear weapons, no matter how small, should not be used on a justifiable basis or the whole issue will snowball and, we, the people of this planet will end up suffering the ultimate prize, a totally desolate and unhabitable world.

  2. I'm up for a trip there again :wink: went a few years back, but didn't get the tour :D Met Steve at a friends 50th party and chatted a little after his wife spotted my shoes and pointed them out to Steve. So, yeah, anytime after the 10th June would be good for me, as I'm going on a 4 week forklift driver training course, starting Monday 12th May, then I shall be free to do as I please. Should also have a decent amount of hair by then too :D

  3. Wow! Must admit, I'd quite like to see that in real life.

    If I win a million, I'll get my HGV license, and then I'll get a big truck. That'll put the wind up the neighbours. Actually, I once saw an old Pathfinder airport fire engine for sale. I was tempted, but didn't have the eight thousand spondulies required :(

    we were going to wind the neighbours up, BIG STYLE !

    how would you feel about having a steam traction engine park up in front of your place ? :wink:

    we nearly did! Our car suffered a puncture and by the time we realise something was wrong it was too late for the tyre. :o Shredded!

    Having no wheel brace or jack we decided to continue on the 6 miles to Cavalcade and seek assistane from any of many engineers or turn back home 6 miles and worry about how to get all our 2 car loads of stuff back from Cavalcade. Option 1 won! Limped back to the rally field and obtained a jack and wheel brace, put spare wheel on and Bob's your uncle!

    Calv, I'll have a few words down at the station tonight about your plight. The society might even have some spares! :D You may even get an invite for cavalcade and other rallies :D

  4. Guess what silly beggar here did?

    Went and had his head shaved for charity! :(

    For those who don't remember me with hair

    Posted Image

    I'm the handsome looking one on the chair! :wink:

    and this is what happened!

    Posted Image

    Tell me I'm tapped so I can get on with growing my hair again! :D

    ps. I raised just short of £200, so I was fairly happy. It was in aid of a young girl who suffers from fits and is in need of a new specialised wheelchair. At present, her wheelchair is too small and her condition is deteriorating to the point where a chair capable of supporting her spine correctly and having motor control is needed. So far we have raised £1200 of the £4300 needed.

    I'm not doing any begging here, so don't feel like you have to contribute anything.

    I just wanted to show what a nutcase I am :D

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