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Posts posted by Francis

  1. I'd agree that this kid's mind can't be expanded with power tools, but it would give his no-brainer mind a breath of fresh air :wink: Personally, I would go round and twat the be-Jesus out of him. instead of asking him to spell homosexual, ask him what a homophobe is. I bet he won't even be close! It really is a shame that the next gen of computer users are such ignorant, lame, no-brain shites to ever walk the planet that they have to use obscenities and purposely diss people in order to make them feel good. Remember the first episode of "Auf Wiedersehen, Pet" (latest Texan adventure) when they go looking for one of the gang and find that he makes a living as a drag queen. On the way out of the dressing room, a guy comes up and calls him all the names under the sun. The drag queen, now in full male attire, then lays the guy out with a single punch and turns round and says "Not bad for a poof, eh?" Pound the twerp into the deck and threaten to continue to do it every week until he grows up. There's no excuse for narrowmindedness and this kid amply demonstrates it. 14 years old! I wouldn't let him live to see 14.5, never mind 15! Sorry about the violent rant, but it really does P155 me off when ignorance of this kind is shown by those who know nothing. Saying that, I bet this kid thinks "Johnny English" was hilarious!

  2. "Sandwich Making" There's a guy and a girl and they want to have sex. So, they go to the girl's house and before entering her room, the girl stops and says, "My little sister sleeps on the bottom bunk of our bed and I do not want her to know what we are doing. So when I say, 'Baloney,' it means push harder, and when I say, 'Pastrami,' it means push softer." With this, the two get onto the top bunk and start having sex. First, the girl moans, "Baloney! Baloney! Baloney!" Then, she shouts, "Pastrami! Pastrami! Pastrami!" Then, she changes back to, "Baloney! Baloney! Baloney!" Finally, the girl's sister yells, "Will you guys quit making sandwiches up there? You're getting mayonnaise all over me!"

  3. maybe they don't want to pick our the resident high heel goddess in fear of her superpowers :wink: or maybe the momentus has run out and the thread is becoming passe. But, I like digging, so; as Laurie pointed out, the church was the centre of most people's lives and anything that challenged it's 'authority' was attacked as heretical. The people challenged were branded as loonies and ostricised or otherwise driven away. Even today, the church still attacks anything that they either don't understand, goes against their teachings or challenges their mythical creator God. Another interesting note is that the church's are the wealthiest establishments in the world. Why? because the church used to collect money from it's parish whether they used the church or not, sort of like a tax. It always amazes me that a church will have a collection pot for things like 'fix the church roof' or 'replace the organ' when the church can afford these things, but the higher powers in the church don't want to part with the money. It must be great to work for someone that can't be audited. Imagine that, Inland Revenue go to God and ask to see his tax records for years 20,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 BC to present day :D I bet he wouldn't have a single scrap of evidence, then the Inland Revenue would issue a tax demand, God wouldn't pay claiming he's not a resident of the planet and should therefore be exempt. And the debate goes on :D Upshot is, why is the church the most wealthy organisation on the planet? The populace was told that God needed your money to help pay for all the things that the church needed, even if most of that was lining the vicar's pockets! The people being afraid that God would punish them if they didn't obey the word of the vicar (as he is the voice of God) pays the money, say their prayers and go home not realising they've been robbed due to their fear, but that's how the church has operated all along. Keep the locals afraid and they'll do anything. Dinosaurs are mentioned again :( This was another bone of contention with the church as the bible has no reference to them or anything that happened before man arrived. The church's claim was that God had put these strange bones in the ground to 'test our faith'. What would be the point of placing something there to be found that would cause someone to think differently from the bible? When the plane was first thought of, was it not the church that claimed to person to be a deviant because he wished to fly like bird and this was not the order of things. They claim him to be challenging the will of God and he is suppressed. The helicopter was devised many hundred years ago, but never built due to people claiming him mad. They claimed that man couldn't travel faster than sound, travel underwater, fly in the air, build devices that can be used to talk to people in distant lands. All these things were frowned on by the church simply because they didn't conform to what they wanted people to believe. When do Sheeple become people? When the dare to believe otherwise!

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