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Posts posted by Francis

  1. for all the reliance on a single book that probably has no real information as to the origins of man, save superstition, there is a heavy dependancy on it for the arguments being presented. The Bible has been refuted to be the oldest book in the world. Possibly, but who can tell. The first man couldn't read or write, instead he drew on cave walls (after the discovery that certain things would leave a lasting mark on solid objects) the things he observed and wanted to remember. The spoken word might have been handed down from generation to generation, as is the tradition of certain native American-Indian cultures, but even this is open to interpretation. Those who remember playing Chinese Whispers will know how the spoken word changes even before it comes back. The Bible was created by those who could read and write, ie those in power, to keep the commoners in check. If you were told that there was being, of untold power, in the skies who would kill you where you stood wouldn't you be inclined to do as you were told? Even when the masses could read, they still believed that this 'being' was there, because their parents believed. Their parents couldn't be wrong, could they? Heavy reliance on this book has caused many social problems over the centuries. Take Salem, Mass. for example. The 'God fearing masses' ( now why would they fear God?) killing many innocent people accused of witchcraft on the say so of a few young women. These girls used the word in the book that all believed in to be true and the fear that God would punish them if they didn't kill these so-called 'practisers of the dark arts'. God fearing, indeed! If the Bible can be used to justify anything that happens in the world today, then it's being used to justify life on this planet only because it's, supposedly, the oldest book around. Science is based on fact and hypothesis. A hyphothesis because it hasn't been made fact, but that's what science sets out to prove. Some argue that evolution doesn't happen. Yes, there are still fish, newts, lizards and the rest. Why? Because not all organisms chose to go in certain directions. There are signs of evolution still we can see, although the reasons for the changes may not be readily recognised as a bonus to the human species, but people are getting taller and foot size is getting bigger. Why? Who knows! But I'm sure that science, some day, will have an answer. Or is someone going to say that it is God's will that people will change? Science doesn't have all the answers and neither does the Bible. Here's another hypothesis that will throw a spanner in the works. A supreme being creates a planet inhabited with large reptilian creatures, another supreme being creates a planet with an advanced civilisation on it. The advanced planet discovers space travel and decides to go out and explore. A meteor plows into the reptilian planet wiping out the vast majority of the creatures inhabiting it, the advanced planet finds it eons later and decides to settle the world, but disease of unforeseen nature wipes out the older generations. The younger generation left unattended with no language or culture somehow survives and adapts leaving the settled areas believing them to be dangerous. They become Nomads, travelling from place to place eventually stopping long enough to build villages. Their civilisation grows and becomes too large for a single group. They split and set of in different directions, those groups later splitting through conflicts or unmanageable numbers. A diverse populace needs maintaining, but how? Somewhere along the line, there is a story about how they came from the sky. How, they are not sure, but different opinions are rife. Someone invents a way for communication to be recorded and understood. The story of their origins are told to all that will listen. Some believe this, some don't. Life experience or education changes facts and what you believe is clouded by what are taught. The people have choices believing that they stem from a supreme being or have evolved from the other creatures that inhabit the planet, thus creating a debate between creationism or evolution. Now imagine that I went back in time and spread this story to anyone who'd believe and it gets written down. It becomes widely believed because it's written in the oldest known book. Does this then become a religion, a myth or a fact? Don't sit there shaking your head in disbelief, because you've already have chosen your belief, instead look at it from the point of someone with no belief. If you were a person in ancient times who wanted an answer for where you came from and came across this hypothesis first and another later, which would you believe. The one that made most sense to you, wouldn't you? But which is true? You don't have the answer, I don't have the answer, but maybe there is more than two stories that could apply. So were we created by a God, evolve from lower lifeforms or were a subject of an accident from some extraterrestrial lifeform or maybe even a planned one? Who knows? But one thing is for sure, if I been in around in the middle east at the time when Jesus was supposedly born and told my tale of life on this planet, I would have been stoned to death by the God fearing populace, but maybe someone would have believed me. I await your dissection of my story, as I'm sure there will be many who will not subscribe to this 'madness'. But before you do, just think on it a little to discover how much truth there could have been in it.

  2. the first time is the hardest, the it gets easier every time. :wink: fear is overcome once the you have confronted the situation, and you've now done that :D congratulations! may you have many more positive experiences like this.

  3. well, british diesels suffered from inadequate pickups anyway, but that has changed recently. no real change of heart or anything, I just decided that I would collect some US as there are some nice ones out there. I have an SD60 in UP colours on it's way :wink: may have to install decoders and bring them round some time :D

  4. if that's the only adverse reaction you had then you had a very good day :wink: glad to hear it :D a lesson for those who haven't taken the plunge, that it doesn't take a lot of encouragement to get out there and wear your heels with pride :D If Jay can do it, so can you! Thanks Jay for sharing this with us!

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