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Posts posted by Francis

  1. it's certainly a different twist to the story of how you got into heels :wink: do you think it may have been a genetic trait? I never knew my dad so will never know on that front. Sorry! But you seem to be finding a few answers to your own riddles. I take it your mum had no idea at all about his heels and crossdressing. What does she think of your wearing heels? It may answer other questions. definitely an interesting discovery! Let us know if you obtain any further information on the subject, it may prove to be illuminating.

  2. So the Eqyptians learnt the art of battery making by accident, did they? So something came from nothing! To one side of the camp, they would say impossible, someone had to have had an idea to have even tried, while the other side may argue that someone told them, someone who was more advanced technologically. Indeed, there are devices that the Eqyptian had that are still a mystery today depite out technology to analyse it. Considering it was so advanced for it's time, why did it die out? Every Eqyptian with the knowledge didn't all die at the same time. My point is that if it wasn't thought of or foretold, they wouldn't have discovered or used devices of that nature, and if they were so brilliant then why are they not used or elaborated upon today? Try answering that one without involving a supreme being or God because I don't believe that a deity had anything to do with it. A passing alien race perhaps, but not divine intervention! Dr.Shoe, you mentioned in your theory about lifepods of aliens crashlanding in the various areas, do you think that this happened before the land split into the various continents or after? And how would you explain the Anasazi tribe of North American Indians who, by all accounts, were physiologically different from the other native Indians who shared the same lands. Do you think that there were more than one species in this spaceship?

  3. now your debating whether angels exist? If you believe in God , then you believe in all his creations and angels are one them! Next, you'll be saying you don't believe in the devil ! If you check you'll find that God created him as well. I will attempt to find the section on the 'seed' but I doubt I will find it in the modern 'sanitised' version of the bible. I may searching for some time, in much the same way as my mother is still searching for the version that had "he who pisseth against the wall" in.

  4. There no way that I would spend over £100 for a pair of shoes! :D Alright, I would, but they'd be thigh high ballets :wink: To spend over £200 on a pair of shoes shows you either have too much money and not enough sense or you're just showing off, but I just call it inconsiderate spending.

  5. I never heard of buying petrol at Argos! Is it a drive through section at the back or do they sell you it in cartons? :wink: SH, you're lucky that you don't have to buy petrol :D means you don't have to buy insurance, tax, mot, repairs, oil and other associated bits for keeping a car on the road! But cars are useful, even if I am starting to use my bicycle a bit more often. This fat sod needs to lose some pounds from around the midrift or I'll look like the Michelin man soon :D Yamyam will probably say it's due to too much cake :(

  6. Hey SH, I nearly used Squirrel as my nickname. When I lived in Bracknell and repaired computers for Dixons, the staff would call me Secret Squirrel or SSHHH because I was the managers best kept secret. In other words, I fixed the computers that should have been done under the Mastercare label, but couldn't because the machine had been back before :wink: plus I'd make working machines from the dead ones in the warehouse! But, since you brought the subject up, please do tell us why you chose to use Squirrel in your nickname! :D

  7. sometimes, I do, but for the most, people just don't bother. It's usually the "I'm big and hard" or the "I'm a stupid little kid" types that ever give you any bother and only because they have no understanding of why anyone doesn't want to be like them! They are the people that generally go round causing trouble. we had a group like that, that used to walk down the street, shouting, jumping on the cars and kicking the wing mirrors off. Thankfully, they have stopped because a large number of them have been arrested and detained at Her Majesty's Pleasure! At least the car is safe now:) best reactions are when waiting in queues, where the people behind you get a better look. You get the best comments there :wink: Of course, you will always get the giggling girls, but even out of them you may get one of them asking why you wear them or how long did it take you to learn to walk in them or where you got them. If you're lucky you may get asked what shoe size you are and may end up trying each others :D that's the best of the lot, but it's only happened to me twice :D

  8. it's always good to hear of someone 'coming out', it helps all the other wannabes gain the confidence to do the same. Good on you for sharing your experience with them and us. I have a couple of pairs of boots with similar styled heels to your PB6265 from Kays. Keep us posted on your Reading trip, who knows, you may even bump into Shakedown while you're there :wink:

  9. Heretic !! :wink: No, really. In one sense that could be true. A pity that Joseph was killed for his belief, much the same as anyone around 10AD would have been for saying the word Jehovah! Religion has been used to subdue the masses and for justification to go to war claiming that they are doing it in God's name. These people are the real heretics. Surely, if the writings in the bible were a true account of "God's Word" then it should mean that we should persue happiness and selflessly help our fellow human. I know of some people who do that, but don't believe in religion. Mind you, they're not set on the evolution theory either! Julietta, according to the bible, the archangel Gabriel carried God's seed in his mouth and emptied it into Mary's ear! Who ever heard of someone getting pregnant through the ear, it's physically impossible!! But before that, archangel Gabriel carried the seed in his mouth! So, by this we are to believe that God is male and that both God and Gabriel were gay. Makes you wonder if God went round the angels and asked if they spat or swallowed! EWWWW! And if they weren't gay, then why would Gabriel have the 'seed' in his mouth? For the seed to be collected, God must have been physical. If he was truly all powerful, then he wouldn't have needed any of this, but simply point a finger and Mary would have been pregnant. There is another explanation, Jesus was an alien of the same type that originally settled the planet, but far more advanced, possessing powers of healing, levitation and matter transformation. With these gifts he would have created a following much the same as someone possessing the same gifts would be now, if he weren't shot by the government first as they would have seen him as a threat to their power. That happened 2000 years ago as well, didn't it? The book of Mormon does make more sense than the Bible, but again, has a reliance of the deity theory. In which case it comes back to, who created God if God created the world?

  10. but who says it hasn't happened? maybe not to this planet, but there are an infinite number of planets out there and not all have intelligent life on them, so it's quite likely that this and many other planets have be settled in a similar way. interesting theory, Dr.Shoe. Of course there's loopholes to the theory, but don't they all? Laurie, I believe we were discussing our origins on this planet, but there is a point in what you said. as for time travelling scientists creating life on planets, that is also a possibility. In fact, any time traveller who goes back to ancient times would be viewed by the inhabitants of that time as a God because of their extraordinary talents. For example, take a gun to the stone age, man is still hunting with spears, you stand there and point a strange object at a creature, there's a loud noise and it drops down dead. The locals would then believe you were some kind of God because you pointed at a creature and it died. True? Of course it is, because you can do something that no-one else can or even possibly believe anyone can. God status is bestowed upon you and the locals worship you, some out of awe, others out of fear. Then you climb into your time travelling machine and return to the future and you're a God no more. So an the strength of that theory, how do you define a God? Supernatural being, extraordinarily talented person or something else? If creationism is the key and God exists, then who created God? If evolution is the key, then a Godlike race could have appeared and developed and then discovered how to create life, made a planet with sentient beings on it and became a God to it's inhabitants. So many questions and so many varying answers. Do you think we shall ever know the answer? Some people take solice in the Bible believing in the age old doctorate that there is a supreme being out there that is watching over us and that he instructed many people to write this book for you to find your answers to the challenges you face, while other people chose to find their own solutions due to their lack of 'faith' or interest in a single book because the answers they seek aren't in there. Now don't say that they are there and simple need interpeting to the situation or I'll say that I could find the same interpretations in any episode of Star Trek. Interpretation is based on educated assumption and we all know where assumption gets us! Thus, the same thing in a book will mean different things to different people. Now is this really what the Bible is all about? Creationism and evolution! Have you ever thought that the two might be connected somehow?

  11. I told you United Footwear were good, didn't I? :wink: I'll be getting the new trade catalogue shortly and will be able to get everything at trade prices :D Helps when you know someone who works there :D Glad to hear that you found what you wanted SH. By the sounds of it you'll be visiting United Footwear more often :( ps. why do you need a Geforce4, I have Geforce2's in both machine and it's more than adequate for a few years, by which time, something of stonking proportions will be out :o

  12. glad to see I instilled a little thought there :wink: Dr.Shoe, I would interested to hear your hypothesis, seeing as reckon you have a similar notion to my previous rendition of a thought I had. This thought wasn't something I actually believe, I have a completely different hypothesis, but it extends beyond the universe as we know it. But, as I say, i would be interested in listening to your version of the origins of life.

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