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Posts posted by Steve63130

  1. Ptom, Sorry to hear your relationship ended, but it was probably for the best if she couldn't accept an important part of who you are. And it's too bad your current gf can't get her head around it either. They both aren't for you, but step back and look at the situation. Two women is not a large sampling. You can't allow yourself to get discouraged. There are a LOT of stories and accounts on here about women who are very supportive and positive. Read Kneehighs, Mal in Australia, Bluejay, and other's accounts of such women. Wear your heels proudly and openly and women who like heels on guys will self-select. You'll be amazed. Those women see guys wearing heels as confident, and confidence is sexy and attractive to them. There are lots of fish in the sea. Put on your heels and go fishing! Let us know what you catch! Steve

  2. Visiting the Bata Shoe Museum (www.batashoemuseum.ca) is also very worthwhile. Allow 2-3 hours to see it well. There's an Irish pub right across the street that might be a good meeting place. The food was delicious. We were there in July. Too bad we don't live closer or we'd join your heel meet. Steve

  3. The Ebay site said the brand was Meandshoes. I checked Meandshoes.com but I couldn't find those t-strap shoes, either in heels &pumps or in their out-of-stock categories. You might search further, but if it was on Ebay, chances are that it's leftover stock that didn't sell, and Ebayer's bought it for very little, hoping to make a little money. Good luck! Steve

  4. Today I received a pair of Aerosoles "Besotted" booties, pictured below. I won them, brand new, on Ebay for $9.99 in Size 12M. There were no other bidders and I thought it was steal, so, being the contrarian that I am, I figured they're on Ebay because they don't fit, and they won't fit me either. But I was amazed, when I slipped them on, how well they DO fit! I gave them an 8 out of 10 on the WOW! scale. The elastic sides really hug the ankles and keep the bootie on very nicely. The heels on Size 12 are 3.5 inches (9 cm) high, and they're about the thinnest ones I own that I would wear in public. The Ebay description said they were navy blue, but they're really black, which I prefer. Anyway, I was really pleased. They felt so good that if I had bought them in a store, I definitely would have worn them out of the store (probably after paying for them first! lol)

    This afternoon I took my wife over to the local salon so she could get her hair and nails done. One of the 4 girls there, who is a high heel gal herself, spotted my new booties (they all know me and know I love heels) and said "HEY! Those boots are way cool!" The other 3 came around the counter to see me, and they all loved the booties, too. I said, "Wait till you see this," and I pulled my pants leg up over my knee, exposing my camouflage tights


    The gals loved the look and the combination with the booties blew them away! My wife was grinning from ear to ear, since she was the one that encouraged me to develop the tights in the first place!

    Anyway, it was a fun time at the salon today, and my wife's hair came out gorgeous and her nails are awesome - a glittery bronze color that's really attractive.

    I haven't had a chance to take a pic of me in the booties yet since I just got them today, but this is what they look like:


  5. Henri, I've been getting my nails done professionally for over a year and half. I love it. It's more than just painting nails. The manicure involves cleaning and trimming the fingernails, taking care of cuticle problems, massaging the hands, and buffing or polishing the nails. The pedicure is even more than that. My nail tech calls a pedicure the "ultimate in pampering." I couldn't put it better! It's excellent for foot health, as you know. The nail tech cleans and trims the nails, takes care of cuticle issues, exfoliates the dead skin, files calluses, gives a relaxing foot massage to restore circulation, and buffs or polishes the nails. It's a lot more foot health than just painting the toenails. Women have known this for years and I've just discovered it - I'm sure glad I did! Now back to "The Jaunts of JeffB...." Steve

  6. Not into mascara or lipstick. I'm a nail polish kinda guy. Satin rose or copper is my fave. Wife likes it too! Jeff, got nail polish? Give it a try! Get a professional manicure and pedicure. They know how to do it the right way. Steve

  7. Jabble, People probably aren't going to take the time to ask for photos; they're busy and they would most likely just move on. So if you're going to take the time to post a note like that, why not just go ahead and post the photos? Otherwise your post, quite frankly, isn't very meaningful. Don't ask for a request, because you probably won't get one. I would normally have read it and moved on, but I'm trying to be helpful. So consider this a request for photos, and next time you post something, automatically add the photos to illustrate your point, ok? Steve

  8. Thanks, Shafted. Pumpcat, it's a good question, but unless you have two identical pairs of shoes or boots, one with stiletto and the other in chunky or block heels, you really aren't comparing apples to apples. You might be comparing pumps to loafers or boots, or two pair of pumps that fit differently, with different heel heights, different vamps, etc. The fit can greatly affect how easy it is to walk in. Think of your own experience, with shoes and boots. I can come up with some shoes with stiletto heels that are easy to walk in and some that are difficult. Same with chunky heels. So the answer is that any answer is dependent on your limited experience with a limited number of data points, and is likely not a valid comparison. It probably boils down to what one's preference in heels is, more than any scientific experiment. Steve

  9. What the hell! Is this grammar 101! The guy is just posting for everybody about fashion. This isn't supposed to be a thesis for a college degree. Not all of us have perfect communication skills.

    Calm down, Pumpcat! If you read what I said (I assume your tirade was against me in particular), I merely tried to say that using punctuation and capital letters go a long way toward making text more readable. If you don't care about having your posts read by others, then fine, but don't expect a lot of people to take the trouble to wade through long strung-on sentences and try to comprehend them. It's not worth the time and most people will ignore the posts. All I'm saying is that it's in your own best interests to write as well as you can. Nobody is going to grade you. But if it's badly written, they'll ignore you. It's up to you.

    Yozz: very well stated. Thank you.


  10. I have lots of friends and I wear what I want, which is mostly heeled clogs, sandals, loafers and boots. I don't wear thin heels often, but mostly thicker ones and generally 3 to 3.5 inches high. A couple of women friends have complimented me on my heels and since they're passionate about shoes themselves, they've become my "shoe sisters." We have a great time talking about shoes in general and heels in particular. Their husbands aren't particularly interested, so we ignore them! But most of my friends don't care or at least have never said anything to me or my wife about my shoe choices. Then again, I also wear pantyhose, women's jeans and slacks, and nail polish openly and I carry a handbag. Life is good! I love my friends. Steve

  11. While this isn't an English language class, the objective is to communicate. If you take the time to write comments and post them, presumably you think they are important enough to present them. If you want the reader to absorb what you've said, then it's logical to make it as easy for the reader to read as possible. Punctuation divides sentences, and gives directions. Capital letters show where a new sentence begins. It's all part of making your thoughts easier for others to take in and reflect on. If you make it difficult for the reader to read by ignoring simple grammatical convention, there is a good chance that he or she will not waste time trying to decipher what you have said. Steve

  12. My wife has known about my heeling for decades and is comfortable with it. So are two of her sorority sisters from college, both a few years younger, who came over for some wine last night. One of them brought me a tile - like a trivet - with this design on it. I thought some of you would enjoy seeing it. We all got a good laugh out of it last night! Steve


  13. Larry, You never indicated what kind of heels you wear. If you wear stiletto pumps out in public, can you compromise and still be happy with shoes that are less feminine, such as loafer pumps with thicker heels or clogs, or boots perhaps? I'm looking for a way for you to wear women's heels but perhaps heels that are less feminine and less threatening to your wife and boss. Don't give up yet. Look for possible compromise solutions that are acceptable to everyone. Steve

  14. Geez, Louise! You tempt us and then don't give us the proof (photos). That's cruel. It's like putting a dish of ice cream in front of us, and saying, "It's delicious, but you can't have any!" If you're gonna brag about your image, do us a favor and post a pic! Steve

  15. I don't see it as either. If the heels are appropriate for the outfit, it just tells me that the woman has given thought to her appearance and cares about her image enough to wear nice clothes. If it's sneakers or flip flops to a formal event, such as a wedding or funeral, that's inappropriate (and yet we've all seen it). Steve

  16. SF, Those sandals look fantastic on you. I'd recommend a subtle nail color, like a soft rose perhaps. Here are a few I like: Target - Sally Hansen Antique Bronze, OPI Nomad's Dream, G2 - Spicy Chocolate, and Jessica Nutter Butter. They're pretty similar - kind of a copper color mostly. But I've had a few compliments on my manicure and pedicure; you will too. Enjoy wearing those Annie sandals! Steve

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