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Posts posted by Steve63130

  1. Heels are fun and stylish, much more interesting than flat, heavy, boring men's shoes, and although I'm not height challenged at 5'9", I like being 3-4 inches taller. I not only wear because I can, I wear because my wife says I can, and we always compromise and do it her way! LOL I get occasional compliments, but that's not my motivation, it's just icing on the cake. I don't wear really feminine styles (loud colors, frills, ornamentation, thin straps, stilettos), but stick to mostly black, brown, and dark red, thicker heel styles like loafers, clogs, boots and sandals with a 3-4 inch heel. If you have any inclination to put on heels and try them, go for it. It's a hoot! Steve

  2. Dave, those are great boots. You really ought to go out wearing them. You're a thin guy and thin heels look fantastic on you. I hope you reconsider next time. You'll have a blast wearing them, I know. Did you write a product review of them yet? Don't forget to mention you're a guy. Good luck! Steve

  3. Yes, I have occasionally asked women what brand of shoes they're wearing. Mostly it's women I already know, but once in a while I'll strike up a conversation with a stranger, say at an airport, and eventually we'll get around to the subject of shoes and I'll ask her what brand. Sometimes I know the brand and just confirm it. That impresses other people! Wish I could do it more often, but there are way too many brands and styles out there. I tend to follow only a few: Naturalizer, Aerosoles, Clarks, Nine West, Born and Payless. Steve

  4. There was a very long and tedious thread about the clink or clank that women's shoes make. Rather than repeat it here, please research it. Some people like it and others don't. I am on an iPad now so it is not very convenient for me to find the thread, but search on "clank" and you will find it. Good luck. Steve

  5. There are many posts on this topic on the forum, and most report that family members are a lot more accepting than expected. Start with mother or mother-in-law in private if you can and explain your feelings and desires. Mention that you don't want your house guests to feel uncomfortable, but that it is your house and you don't want to feel uncomfortable either. If you have some less femme heels that are conservative, start with them. Chances are good that there will be acceptance. Or maybe your strange footwear will encourage your relatives to leave sooner! Either way you win. Mark Twain once said that both family and fish start stinking after three days. Two months is WAY too long! Steve

  6. Dr. Shoe: You quoted: "I would lose my job." OK, get a different job. I did that in 1998. I took over a family hosiery company and started selling unique hosiery products for men (www.activskin.com). I wear what I want to the office and my staff is ok with it. It's the best thing I ever did in my career. So your advice is excellent! Steve

  7. I agree with JeffB on this one. Not for me. But hey, if you like them, Chingsta, that's all that really matters. Watch for them to go on sale and take a chance that they'll still have your size available. Or try searching for that model on other sites. Zappos is not always the cheapest. Steve

  8. That's great to hear, Bern! Real progress has been made. My wife is the same way. Not interested herself, but not bothered by what I wear (unless it's really awful, in which case she'll wear a paper bag over her head! lol). Anyway, I'm happy for you about your wife's acceptance. I enjoyed meeting you at the heelmeet in Canton, Ohio, a couple of years ago. I hope we can meet up again and maybe include our wives. Sounds like they would get along okay! Steve

  9. Vinheel, nice purchase. I just wish you and other posters to this thread would add details. Brand and style? Where purchased? Cost? Fit and width true to size or bigger/smaller? And anything else you want to add. Tell us more about them, please. Steve

  10. Larry, I think you've come to a defining moment in your life. You've tried to put the pieces of the puzzle together with the shrink, and they didn't fit together. Now you've done it successfully without the shrink and you've got the right answer. It's your life. Live it the way you want, as long as you don't hurt others. Wear what you want on your feet. And while you may prefer the femme stilettos, but see a disconnect in the way they look with your body shape, why not try to explore some other thicker or stacked heels, and also work on your flab problem, too? They aren't mutually exclusive - you can do both. Anyway, I'm glad you reached the right conclusion. Know that you have many friends and supporters here. You've been a great contributor to this forum in the past and we're here to do what we can to support you in what you want to wear. Good luck! Steve

  11. Don, good answer. I think most of us who wear or want to wear heels in public are a work in progress. There are always new goals to achieve, new shoes to try, new heel heights to master, friends to introduce to our hobby, spouses or significant others to tell, and so on. The challenges are along an entire spectrum of achievement, and we are all somewhere on that spectrum trying to make heeling a regular thing that guys do. Steve

  12. Great outing! Thanks for posting and sharing it with us. I'm glad it was a good experience for you. I've gone on many outings in public like that with other guys and gals and it's always fun to share the hobby with others who share your passion for heels. I hope you can do it again with Joe and find others in your area, or travel to a heel meet where you can share your time and experience with kindred "soles." Steve

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