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Posts posted by Steve63130

  1. Getting compliments is a nice feeling, Mr. X. Bluejay is a master at getting compliments and that really motivates him. I love getting compliments, too, but I don't get them as often as he does. Just today I took my wife to the salon to get her nails done, and while I was waiting, the proprietor of the shop, who knows I love to wear heels, complimented me on my sandals. I'm wearing brown Born platform sandals with two wide leather straps with adjustable buckles, a 3/4" platform, and 4" cone heels. I am also in dark denim bootcut jeans and a white polo shirt. Steve

  2. Welcome to this forum, Logjam. Well done so far! Payless is a good place to shop. Make sure you get online and send them feedback as to how good the customer service was. I hope you got the sales associate's name so you can visit again and develop a good customer relationship with her. Contacts like that can be valuable when you want to be notified of sales and promotions, and if you ever have a problem with your purchase. And it's a good idea, in my opinion, to get online, find the shoes you bought, and write a review, mentioning just in passing that you're a fashion forward guy. If you ever do want to start wearing heels in public, this forum will provide great support in helping you to overcome the demons in your head about it. Steve

  3. I don't think we necessarily have to change the world. We just have to change our world view and realize that no matter what we wear, there will be people who will applaud us and those who would scorn us. You'll never please them all, so stop trying. Just wear what you want, aim to please yourself, and if there are others in your life who are affected, communicate with them and let them understand where you're coming from. If there is conflict, do your best to work it out. It may take time (took me 20 years for my wife to come around to approval and support) so be prepared to take baby steps and go slowly. But don't wait to start the journey. We don't get younger as time goes by. Steve

  4. You asked the same question in another thread, which I answered. You only need ask it once. Welcome to this forum. We hope we can give you some courage. Please spend time reading older threads. You will see how others have evolved to develop their own unique styles. There is a lot of help available in the form of past threads. Go and learn. Good luck! Steve

  5. G'day, Aussie, You could order them online and have them shipped to your house. You won't know if they fit and if you like them until you get them, and if you need to exchange them, you'll have to mail them back, which could be expensive. Many of us here have said to heck with that nonsense. We've just mustered up the courage and went and tried them on in the store. The shopkeepers have seen it all, so you wouldn't be likely to upset them - if they're smart they'll treat you nicely and get the sale. If not, take your money and shop elsewhere. As to other customers, some shopkeepers may let you try on shoes in the back room in privacy - you can ask. Whatever you do, just tell the truth. If you get asked by someone you know why your are trying on women's boots, just tell them you would like a pair. You don't have to make up any excuses - people usually see through that. Good luck. Steve

  6. I have done this many times, mostly the 4" clogs but a few times with boots. I am a little bit worried about ending up on "people of wal mart", they can be pretty mean on there.

    But the people of Walmart are anonymous. How many have you ever recognized and said, "Oh,my, that's _____!"? Exactly. Me neither. So if you get your photo posted, wear the experience as a badge of honor!


  7. Only one thing has changed and that's my attitude, my confidence and my will to wear what I like. I have lost no friends or family, hopefully no respect and in fact have a very interesting discussion point. Numerous people are genuinely pleased for the fact I do what I like to make me happy and negative reaction is minimal.

    Awesome post, Foxyheels. Astute observations, too. It's been a fascinating journey for many of us who either inspired you or were inspired by you. Thanks for being a part of this great forum.

    Not only have you lost no friends, you've made a LOT of friends - here, online. You've discovered and contributed to a wonderful worldwide community of like-minded heelers. Congratulations on 500 posts, and I wish you many more years and many more posts. May your journey continue to be interesting and rewarding!


  8. I'd say most of my heels are fairly quiet, but there are some that are noisy. At first I was self-conscious about the noise, but I care less now than I used to. Recognize that a lot of guys here LOVE the noise. In fact, the noise is a critical part of the experience for them. It's not for me, but it is for a lot of people. If you go back and research some of the older threads, you'll find this topic brought up a number of times. There are always guys who like it and those who don't and those in the middle like me. Steve

  9. The first time, a few years ago, I was wearing some platform clogs with a 1/2 inch platform and 3 1/2 inch heels - slender but not stiletto. I was wearing them at home and my wife suggested we go grocery shopping. I asked her if she wanted me to change into lower heels and she said to stand up, so I did. She saw that my jeans cam to within an inch or so of the floor and said, no you're ok. Let's go. So we jumped into the car and off we went. The clogs were light tan and we walked all over the store. I knelt down to get things from the lower shelf and my pants legs would ride up showing the entire shoe. What a rush! The shoes were very quiet, so I didn't have that worry. Since then I have worn heels - clogs, loafers, pumps, boots, and sandals - to the grocery store many times. Some are loud but most aren't. I'm too happy to be out and about in heels to worry about the noise or what other people think. I no longer even look for reactions, iDrops, smirks, giggles, laughter or pointing fingers. I just enjoy my outings and I'm very thankful my wife is confident enough to support and join me! Steve

  10. I'm not surprised that we all have different tastes, but I do find it intriguing that our tastes change over time. Two years ago I owned no sandals. I didn't like them on me or on women. I didn't like pedicures either. Then I saw a pair of Aerosoles sandals that for some reason I found attractive, and so I bought them and found I really enjoyed wearing them. A lot! And in public. And I started getting pedicures myself, first with clear satin polish, then glossy, then color. Now in warm weather, sandals are practically all I wear. I have accumulated over a dozen pairs! Sandals have gone from last place to first in less than two years. I think that's amazing. Steve

  11. Why can rockstars and celebrities wear what they want without getting and bad reviews, and we can't?

    If bon jovi and ritchie sambora walked into red lobster with heels, leather pants, long hair, and a ton of jewellery, people would say cool! Let's get their autographs! But, we can't do the same thing, or can we?

    Let me know what you gets think.

    Yes, you can. It takes confidence and an outfit that really goes together, not just sloppy guy clothes with women's heels. People with a fashion sense have showed many times on this forum that it's possible, enjoyable, and lots of fun to do. Go for it if you think you have the qualities it takes and let us know how many autographs you sign!


  12. Shafted, I think a lot of people don't realize that what is above the avatar is the ranking and people somehow miss the username at the upper left of that. I wish we'd get rid of that ranking. It's a cause for confusion and resentment among the members. We don't need devisive rankings; we need to pull together, all of us, as heelers. I'm just glad I was able to change my ranking to my actual name before the moderators decided to prohibit letting people do that. I think that was a bad decision. People should be able to select their own ranking or get rid of that silly field altogether. The only usefulness is to identify the moderation staff like yourself. Ok, off my soapbox. Steve

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