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Posts posted by Steve63130

  1. I've met plenty of guys at heel meets and one-on-one planned get-togethers, I've seen guys in heels at a Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event, and I have seen a lot of crossdressers, but I'm not sure I've ever seen a guy dressed as a guy in heels just by chance in public, so it's still pretty rare. Twice I've encountered guys I didn't know (i.e., strangers) in shorts and pantyhose, though. I'd love to see more guys out and about in heels. I'd introduce myself and get acquainted! Steve

  2. According to her, I am not the only man that buys shoes at the NW outlet store.

    Well, you were only man the day we went there together last July because I didn't buy anything and the rest of the customers were women. But it wasn't for my lack of trying. I tried some sandals on but didn't like the fit. You did well with that pair of hh black sandals you bought!


  3. Amanda and Kneehighs, You both bring up interesting points, and I'm not sure your positions are mutually exclusive. There may be a middle ground. When a guy says he likes to wear "heels," what he means could be interpreted in so many ways, because there are so many kinds of heels. One scenario is that he could take a pic of himself in block heeled boots, for example, that would not put off any but the most conservative women. The caption or accompanying description could mention that he likes shoes with a higher heel without going into detail. Once he meets the woman in person, discussion could move in the direction of more femme shoes, if the woman seems comfortable with it. But I'm afraid that if the initial photo is of a guy in stiletto pumps or plats, then I agree that Kneehighs statement about idea vs reality will kick in and I suspect most women will go "Ewwww." But, on the other foot, that could be a wonderfully efficient filter for sorting out women who can't accept guys in femme heels. Surely there would be one or two women who see that photo and think a guy that wears stilettos is a super confident dude, and confidence is sexy! And we all know that Kneehighs is living proof of that! So my thinking (and you get what you pay for! lol) is that you could go any way you want, with no mention of heels or with a photo of you in stilettos (at either extreme) or with a photo of you in more conservative heels (middle ground). Steve

  4. Stop dreaming and make plans to gain the necessary skill to do what you want with your life. If you want to do it badly enough, you'll find a way to be successful. Don't let you talk yourself out of it. Steve

  5. Honesty is the best policy. When she comes back, tell her you really admire all the clothes she has, and you would love to try on some of them to see what they feel and look like, especially the heels. My guess is that the door will be open to you and you can do it openly and with her approval; you'll feel much better about it that way, and so will she. If she says no, then that's ok, too. You'll find someone else. But don't do anything you'd be ashamed of seeing on that hidden camera! Steve

  6. It took my wife 20 years to be comfortable with the idea of me wearing heels, much less in public, and even then only heels that aren't highly feminine. I restrict myself to boots, clogs, and some sandals. No stilettos, but I do have a couple of pairs of booties that have a heel about an inch thick or so. I'm happy with the compromise and so is she, and we're going on 39 years together, so I think it's a workable solution. Steve

  7. Bluejay, Well, I tried that once with the Naturalizer Daquiri heeled sandals that we both have. I sent in a review with a good tastefully done photo of the shoes on me, in bootcut jeans, and although they published the review, the photo never made it. I went through a bit of trouble to get that pic, so I was kinda bummed, but oh, well. I've not tried doing it again. Steve

  8. As an employer, I would not refuse to hire a guy who wore heels to an interview, but not just because I'm passionate about heels for guys. To me it shows individuality, courage, being fashion forward, and disdain for the status quo. I like those qualities in a candidate. Of course, since I'm in the hosiery business, wearing hosiery would be a real plus in getting the job! All this assumes that the candidate has all the other necessary qualifications for the job, like reading, writing, and arithmetic, for example. Steve

  9. Thanks for the details. You really were put in a bad situation. It's a good example of a bad example, and we should always be careful when heeling. I've often said that the pioneers were the ones with arrows in their backs, but you came close to making that a reality! Glad you're still with us! Steve

  10. Jim, Great post! Thanks for sharing. We are often our own worst enemy. Act confidently and you'll be amazed at how many people don't notice or say anything. I always am. HighHeelLover86, Sorry to learn of your unfortunate incident. In order that we could learn more from it, would you mind sharing more details? Where were you when it happened? What time of day was it? Was there alcohol involved? Any other pertinent details that would enlighten us? While such an encounter has never happened to a lot of us, we should be alert to the fact that it can happen. Steve

  11. Well, darn! My wife and I were just visiting in the Rock Hill area and then went to Hunting Island State Park on the coast for a few days, too. We're back in Ohio now. If I were closer or the time was right, I'd be there to meet you! It's always fun to get to know other heelers. Good luck in finding others in your area. Steve

  12. Thanks, Crotchhiguy. There's nothing new under the sun, is there? I used to work for a large corporation in new product development. I was always amazed to find that ideas that we came up with or which were posed by others, turned out to have been thought of decades ago. All it took was some research to find that out. Sometimes the technology wasn't advanced enough to make it go forward back then, but it was a humbling experience to learn that our "great" ideas weren't so original. So I'm not surprised at what you posted. Steve

  13. I never wear boots barefoot. I've tried it a couple of times, but my feet get too cold or I'll develop a blister. Gotta have nylon hosiery - tights, pantyhose, or stockings. Same with pumps, loafers, and clogs. Wearing nylon hosiery is required for comfort. The only shoes I wear barefoot are sandals. Steve

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