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Posts posted by Steve63130

  1. I respectfully request the moderators to close this thread. It's no longer constructive and is only serving to divide us rather than unite us. I call for the end of this discussion. If any of you have any further issues with how the forum is run, please pm the mods or admins and take up your issues with them. Now let's get back to discussing high heels. Thank you. Steve

  2. I would think that if Bootcat or any other TG wants to post in the girl's forum, he should get another user id and register as a female. Then, as long as "she" acts and posts as a female and doesn't abuse the privilege, nobody will know the difference. I suspect there are already other TGs or wannabes who post on the girls' forum like this now, which is fine as long as they aren't annoying and disruptive. The mods don't personally meet with each applicant and check the plumbing! But if somebody, male or female, is being disruptive to the girls' forum, the mods will take action. Thanks to the moderators of this forum for keeping it a pleasant place to be. It's a tough job, but we have some great moderators. Steve

  3. Not that my opinion counts for anything, but I detest tie shoes. It probably goes back to my childhood when my parents made me wear them. I had flat feet and I had to wear "corrective" shoes. (They didn't correct anything and my feet are still flat). I much preferred loafers and couldn't wait until I became a teen and could get to wear the shoes I wanted to. To this day I don't like oxfords and don't own any. Steve

  4. Glad it was such a positive experience and a real confidence booster. It took me only one such event, a Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event in June of 2011, and I said that was fun, but I really don't need an event to go public. I just do it. Continue to have fun, continue to post about your experiences, and most importantly, treasure your gal who approves. Steve

  5. As a small business owner, I certainly don't agree with that business attitude. It's a lot easier to keep existing customers happy (and therefore loyal) than to get new ones. Why would anyone do otherwise? Yet it astounds me how many businesses I encounter whose attitude is, "This would be a great business if it weren't for those damned customers!" Steve

  6. Way to go, Kneehighs! But please continue to post here from time to time; don't give up this forum. While you may not get a lot out of it yourself, you're a tremendous inspiration to a lot of others, myself included. You've really paved the way for many of us. Steve

  7. Mal, glad to see you surface, mate! Been a very long time, but I'm thrilled to know you're still among the living. Good on yer for suggesting a heel meet time and date. I do hope it works out and several others join in. Wish I were a bit closer, but Ohio is a long way over the pond. A year ago, after visiting Tassie, we were in Melbourne for a couple of days, but never fear, we'll be back, hopefully in late 2013. I hope we can schedule a heel meet when we do visit, as I'd like to meet others in your corner of the planet. Best regards, Steve

  8. G'day, mates! Sounds like everyone is waiting for everyone else to make the first move, in which case nothing will happen. Or if you're waiting for malinheels to organize the heelmeet, well, he was active on this forum for a time but hasn't made an appearance in quite a while. So somebody else has to take the lead, find a venue for the meeting which includes making sure the management is ok with the plan), decide on a date and time, announce it here, decide on rules or limits of what guys can wear (just heels, heels and skirts, full crossdressing, or ?) and wait for others to say they're coming or not. If you get takers, go ahead with the event. If not, cancel it. Make sure you don't put any of your money on the line for an unrefundable deposit. If I were closer to Melbourne, I'd join you! Good luck. Steve

  9. Wear whatever feels or looks best to you. There is no right or wrong answer to your question, and everyone has different preferences. I prefer thin nylon hosiery (www.activskin.com) and wear either sheer pantyhose, opaque tights, sheer or opaque stockings, sheer or opaque knee highs, or footies, depending on the shoes, the weather, my mood, and what pants I want to wear. With sandals in warm weather I may go barefoot and show my pedicure. Steve

  10. G'day, Degam. You don't need to be an English teacher to post here, but it would be really helpful to use punctuation so we can understand what you've written. The objective of posting to this forum is to communicate, but I can't figure out where one sentence ends and the next one starts. Please be so kind as to go back and edit your post, putting a period at the end of sentences, capitalizing the first letter of the first word of the next sentence, and using commas, occasionally, to separate independent clauses. That simple act will go far to make your post much more understandable without making your readers struggle. Please take this criticism in the constructive manner in which it was intended. Thank you. Steve

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