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Posts posted by Steve63130

  1. I was visiting with a cousin of mine last weekend, who works for Brown Shoe Company (Naturalizer, Famous Footwear, Naya, Dr. Scholls, Life Stride, Via Spiga, Vera Wang, Sam Edelman, Franco Sarto, and others). She was wearing a pair of Franco Sarto black boots with a heel about an inch thick and 4 inches high. It's a discontinued style and she didn't know the model. I asked her about them and she said she bought them at a discount at an employee sale last summer. Periodically the company sells off shoes and boots that have been used for photography, modelling, and design prototypes. I told her they looked great with her black dress and black tights, and she thanked me. Then she laughed and said she discovered on the first wearing that the boots must have been design prototypes, because one of them zips up the inside and the other zips up the back. But nobody would notice that detail, so she is happy to wear them! I was wearing Clarks' Octavia clogs (the "competition"), although I often do wear Naturalizer shoes and boots. She knows that and has been happy to advise me on shoes in the past. She used to get an employee discount on any of the company's shoes, but that was discontinued. We still love to get together and talk shoes whenever we can. Steve

  2. Indeed we already have the freedom to wear heels in public. Today I wore a pair of Aerosoles Besotted booties with 3.5" heels, and rather thin ones (for me at least), although not stiletto. I took my wife to her physical therapy session and waited in the waiting room. Then we went to Panera's and had lunch. I didn't look to see if anyone else saw me. I didn't care. I just acted naturally and felt great that I had the freedom to wear what I wanted, and I had the confidence to know I looked darn good in those booties! No drama, I just did it and it was totally liberating. You can do it, too! Steve

  3. "Excuse me, but you look fabulous in those shoes. May I ask what brand they are?" "Thank you. They're Nine West" or more commonly, "Thank you. I don't remember what brand they are or where I got them. I've had them for a couple of years...." (Lots of women don't keep track of brands and models like us shoe addicts do). And so on. I've done it many times and nobody has thought it odd or perverted. Just be polite, sincere, and confident. Don't say "Those shoes look great." Say "You look great in those shoes." Emphasis on the person, not the shoes. Get it? Steve

  4. SandalFan, Yeah, that happens. It's a fact of life when ordering online. Maybe someday somebody will invent a way to try on clothes and shoes over the internet. But for now, the postal service, UPS, and Fedex make out very well on returned orders. I returned 3 pair of shoes I tried last month. Not a good score, unfortunately. The good news is that there will be more new shoes in the future to try! Steve

  5. Oh, yeah, I've worn heels to plays, concerts, art exhibitions, museums, public gatherings, historic tours, and lots more. Most people don't notice; those who do, generally don't care. I almost never get asked or hear any comments. Teenage girls in packs tend to giggle. That's it. SF, I agree with you on those wood clogs. I like them, too! Steve

  6. Bluejay, Again I applaud you're courage to wear stilettos. DO be careful though. We can't afford to have you fall and bust your butt. I remember the stilettos you wore when we went to Bon Ton shoe shopping on that Sunday in July when we visited you. We had a great time and your heels looked fabulous with your color coordinated outfit. z91209, Welcome back. Thanks for the comment. You never know how someone is going to react, but I'm glad your gf is positive about it. Many are. Be sure you treat her well! Steve

  7. Jimnj3, I bought those same boots last week, and I like them a lot, but I need some inserts to get the arch to fit better so I can walk in them more comfortably. Stiletto2004 has them and inspired me to get a pair for myself, so I did. Enjoy wearing them! Steve

  8. Great pair of boots, Dave! I gave you another "helpful" vote on their web site. Thanks for doing the review and noting that you are male. I think it's important that manufacturers and suppliers know that guys are their customers, too. I'm still jealous of your small foot size! LOL Steve

  9. Then there was the time last summer when my wife and I met Bluejay and went to dinner at TGI Fridays restaurant. He and I had on exactly the same shoes - Naturalizer "Daquiri" sandals with 4" heels. As far as I could tell, and my wife confirms this, nobody noticed us! Amazing! We had a good time, the food and service were great, and we went shoe shopping at DSW afterward, where we did get noticed - by some guys sitting outside (just raised eyebrows), and by a young woman shopping in the store, who engaged us in conversation for 15 minutes about men in heels and telling us of her problems in fitting shoes (she was petite but with wide feet and had trouble finding shoes that fit her). That was the first time I was ever with another guy in the exact same heels! A fun evening out. Steve

  10. Miroseplant, That approach has worked for me as well. Take "baby steps" which push the envelope a little but which keep the missus clearly within her comfort zone. Don't go too fast or expect quick progress. She has to get used to the idea that people won't notice your heels, or if they do, they won't care. She has to be comfortable with your security (that you won't get beaten up because some mental midgets think you're gay). It took me close to 20 years to get to wear heels out in public with my wife, but she reins me in when she thinks I'm going too far. Naturally I give in so she thinks she has control and influence. We hide nothing from each other, and we talk openly of any problems or discomfort. We also joke about it (c'mon, after all, it IS an unusual hobby for guys to collect and wear women's shoes!). Just this morning we were in a coffee shop, and a woman in black low-heeled boots walked by. My wife said, "I think she would look better in a white skirt, yadda, yadda..." and I said, "I'm sorry, but I didn't notice anything about her above the boots. As soon as I saw them, with no heels, there was no need to look any higher." My wife got a big laugh out of that! Keep your sense of humor! It lightens the load. So take baby steps, but take lots of them. It's a long road. Enjoy the journey. Steve

  11. Larry and Jim, I think the relaxed attitude comes with time, patience, and doing it so often that you forget you're wearing heels. Every time you go out in heels you build up confidence a little, and eventually you'll wonder what all the fuss was about. So just continue what you're doing. You're on the right track. Just don't expect it to happen overnight. It will take a lot longer, but you'll get there, and it's worth going after. Steve

  12. Took me a while to ponder if I should get them now...alas, having to prioritze my shopping for the ones on my list is first, I had to pass. Knowing me, when I'm ready for them, it will be gone.

    Oh, man. You should have gone over to the bank and got a shoe loan as fast as you could! I'm afraid you're right - when you are ready for them, you won't find them again. Always strike when the iron is hot, even if you have to borrow some cash to do it! Opportunity is easily lost...or adjust your priorities and give out lumps of coal. BWAHAHAHA!


  13. I have seen some styles that I would wear, but the prices are generally higher than I care to spend on shoes. I know they're excellent quality, though, so I'm sure they're worth it. I'm always looking, but I don't own any yet. I did come close to getting a pair on Ebay once, but I didn't bid. Steve

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