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Posts posted by partyshoes

  1. agree - Kylie did it more tastefully! (and the fact that she is hot, doesnt hurt :wave:) But found the Lady Gaga one quite good - imagine that it did provoke a lot of discussion ... If I didnt know better, I'd say that she is not only pushing boundries but also taking the mick out of her detractors who start the rumours about her

  2. Same here Johnie, apart from my wife and like minded friends on the internet, nobody knows that I wear heels and I have no plans to reach out to any of my regular friends anytime soon.

    Likewise with me .. not sure my world is ready for that

  3. Muffin,

    Welcome to the forum - Great intro and thanks for sharing about your little adventure. As Dawn pointed out - doesnt matter which way you got into into heels - as long as you enjoy it

    Hi Im new just say hi!! this is v938, the friend of z912... :)


    Welcome to you too - interesting handle, would be interested to know how you came up with it .. think there is actually a thread about handles somewhere here

  4. er... 1100 pairs.

    1100 !!!! :):P Can only dream

    Personally feeling slightly amateurish .. 31 pairs in total of which I currently only have 8 pairs, 2 which I wear to death - the rest not being easily accessible! Only threw one pair out because the heel snapped - they were too small anyway so not a great loss but I had a pair of black suede from Bally that I absolutely regret throwing away - the perfect shoe!

  5. Hi all,

    some awesome photos so far, so I feel obliged to join in so here goes. I'll have to get something more recent - these are quite old - and I apologise for the low quality in a couple.



    Think we have a new contender on the blokes side ...

  6. Damnnn! those leg's a amazing! :P lol

    I'm very taken back thank you I'll take some more tonight

    Here's my contribution.

    :):text_wow:How long are your legs?? OMG!! You have legs to die for

    Here's my contribution.

    Amazing legs I'm gonna try that pose for myselftonight x

  7. It's really a pity that ordering from New Look is not available over the pond. I would have purchased a couple of pair had this service been open to the USA market. Does any one else carry these heels to make them available for purchasing in the US?

    I have seen them on eBay - search for new look or Gorgeous feet. I dont think these are approved resellers, rather private sellers either moving used stock or buying to resell.

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