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Posts posted by partyshoes

  1. Hi Zonk77, First off welcome to he site - you are amongst friends here and as Bubba pointed out, you will find that within our membership we have experienced and discussed just about every conceivable type of involvement in heels. Your wife doesnt sound any different from a large number of other members wives. The range goes from outright hostile and negativity to open encouragement and support As Heelguy suggested, tell us abit more about yourself and your interest in heels Look forward to hearing from you

  2. Ozzertjie, - welcome to HHP. V jealous of you being in good old CT whilst I'm stuck in this miserable weather in the UK - not fair :) Anyway, look forward to hearing more from you about your exploits there - I'm sorry I cant offer more advice about heeling in CT. Perhaps one of the guys or girls from the SA Heelers group could help, why not pop over and join up - just follow the groups link at the top of the page:welcome:

  3. Feetishist ...

    Hey Paul welcome .. bet you dont say that too often! Thank goodness Im only on coffee and nothing stronger :)

    Anyway, welcome and hope you have fun. AS Dr Shoe says, this is a fashion website but sure you will find a lot of open minded individuals here with interesting views

  4. Hey Gill, As requested - first reply to your post :) Be patient, others will come! Your first post got some replies so we arent totally ignoring you With regards to pic's, as others pointed out in your other posts, you need to post at least 5 times. Instructions in the FAQ' Look forward to hearing more from you soon

  5. Hi, new to this. Can wait to have a look around

    Take it that you meant you 'canT' wait to have a look around! :)

    Sure that you will find us to be a group of open, like minded individuals who are more then willing to share thoughts on a wide range of topics -mostly related to high heels. Bubba has already pointed out, if we could know a little more about you, it would make it easier for everyone

    Have fun and look forward to hearing more from you

  6. She is! Very. She has the most amazing legs.

    Well, I've been watching the video a couple of times (duh) and some others of her in heels too and I'd have to say she doesn't look very confident to me. She tends to bend her knees a bit and she takes really short steps. She doesn't really extend her back. I'd say the heels are truly affecting her walk and posture, but somehow she looks even better because of it. Maybe that's it, why she looks so amazing in heels.

    If I'm honest, that's exactly the way I like ladies in heels the best: if their walk is visibly affected by the height of her heels. But that's just me.


    Hear what you're saying but think I'd have to disagree. This girl is a Pro when it comes to heels. Higher heels naturally shorten the gait and think the shorter steps also have something to do with a rather short and tight skirt

  7. Haven't made any purchases for a long time, until recently. These would be my latest ones. I'm almost guilty of stealing, with the prices I paid for these. I'm not totally in love with the color selection, but as they say -beggars can't be choosers.

    1st and 2nd pic: Charles David, 4"

    3rd pic: Pleaser, ~3.75"

    4th pic: Nine West, 3"

    Size 10, 11, 10.5, but they all fit about the same to me!


    Really liking the Charles Davids and Nine Wests - they're a gr8 buy, especially at knock down prices

  8. hello Tarkon, New members always welcome here but as Bubba says, why not tell us a little more about yourself - although we are a pretty diverse group .. we do share a common interest so am pretty sure that you'll find yourself at home here Look forward to hearing more from and about you soon

  9. No hosiery with peep toes unless...

    its a sandal-toe stocking (or similar style)



    I'm with you - if you do wear hose with peep toes then there cant be any seams showing.

  10. Hello and welcome from me to. You pose a good question - probably one that is best answered by the otehr ladies in this forum. Me thinks that it has a lot to do with pace of life we lead today - ladies probably 'dress down' for practical reasons or perhaps they try to conform to male dominated environments or perhaps its a pure time thing.... Look forward to hearing more from you

  11. Hey Heel_Lover, Thanks for sharing with us. Most importantly glad to hear that you are OK - amazing that there were no fatalities. A nice pair of heels is a small price to pay! Most of us would probably give our eye-teeth to be in heels for 3 days but in those circumstances we salute you!! If you dont go for the scrunch ups, then at least keep a pair of lower heels to hand - those 3' ones sound perfect :) Hope things get back to normal soon

  12. Thanks for update heelguy - it may be a little slower than you'd hoped but as roniheels said, you're both taking it at the right speed to share your heeling. Judging by her response you can look forward to some great public heeling together in future. Let us know how it goes BTW, think the jeans and heels together are awesome

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