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Posts posted by partyshoes

  1. Hi geo t.

    I support you 100%. I have the same problem, except worse. I wear Usa size 15.

    Have sofar only been able to buy online from the Pleaser line.

    Even that has been horribly expensive. Out currency is rather weak and the shipping and inport charges are staggering.

    BUT- I will persevere.

    Thats the spirit Addicted :)

    Must admit, i know what you mean about the ZAR being weak (rather polite of you) - when I was at home, it used to cost me a fortune!! Things have improved slightly here in the UK on contract - can buy a reasonable pair far cheaper but the styles are still very limited! I'm only a size 10 so cant imagine what you go through!

    Must admit I do look forward to business trips to the US where there seems to be far more variety and even in good stores like Nine West which go up to a US 12 often

  2. Hi Mark, Hi Tetley - welcome to both of you. As Addicted mentioend, why not tell us more about yourselves and your interests ... makes it easier for all of going forward if know just a little a bit you Otherwise, pretty sure that youll find us to be a bunch of likeable open minded people here and we look forward to hearing more from both of you

  3. Thanks a lot UpBy5, both for the warm welcome as the advice!

    It is staggering to read that a lot of people have the same frustrations and problems as myself. It does feel good to know that I am not alone. I'm looking forward to share my experiences with the people here and especially to read about theirs.

    About your advice. Somewhere deep inside I know that you are right, but as a psychology student I find myself in a very difficult situation. At the moment the DSM classifies those HH urges as a 'disorder', wheter this is true is entirely debatable (and would probably be a juicy thread now I come to think of it :wave: ), but it does raise some ethical concerns for me personally.

    I do believe that lurking on this board will help me to understand myself and hopefully make me more able to accept who I am.

    Hey Heelfts, firstly welcopme from me too..

    The psychology of why could be debated for hours but we all certainly under why you are here. Like you, many of us wondered what was wrong and if we should go for therapy too ... until we found this. I for one would would most certainly dis-agree with those "learned people" who view this as a dis-order.

    If this were the case then anyone and everyone who chooses to not conform to what society views as 'normal' then has a disorder - imagine where that would lead us ..! I simply believe that society has simply become so conditioned to vewing heels as a female form of clothing that they have forgotten it was men who first wore them. This misconception is further perpetuated by the incorrect assumption that clothing is linked to sexuality - eg men who wear heels must gay ... and so it just snowballs from there.

    The debate has been had many times already here and will be held many times more, my advice (and hopefully our collective advice) is dont be afraid of your individualism. You are who are and clothing doesnt change that.

    Look forward to hearing more from you in the future

  4. We got something similar here in SA, the Sisters With Blisters. It is a walk about abuse against woman and children. Anyone can walk. There is the 4km and the 8km on the 27 November. The only rule is that you are not alowed to walk with wedges, it must be stillettos. I am going to walk as well in 4 1/2 inch stillettos. I will post the photos after the walk.

    I am looking for someone here to walk with me, but no one seems to be keen. :wave:

    :( Good luck Jay Jay - look forward to hearing more about how it went and seeing the pictures.

    Sure that there are a lot of us who want to join you but are either precluded by distance - I'll be in the UK or previous commitments. It just seems to be a bad weekend for everyone there.

  5. Well what more can I say that Bubba and Jayjay havent already. For high heels, this is the place - sure that you'll meet and make lots of like minded people who can offer advice in regards to heels and the wearing of heels. So ask away! Also, why not tell us a little more abut yourself - makes it easier for the rest of us if we know a little bit about you .. your likes, dislikes etc

  6. Hi Bluejasonyea, Wecome to HHplace - dont worry, we are gentle with everyone here. why dont you tell us a little more about yourself and your interest in heels. This will make it easier for the rest of us to strike up a conversation if we know a little bit about you, your likes dislikes and interests

  7. Hey Heelguy, thanks for sharing. Its a fantastic story and very inspiring - now need to to get it out of my head :wave: Anyway, love the shoes, great shape on toe box - like a roundish toe myself and love the height. Please keep the stories coming

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