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Posts posted by partyshoes

  1. Although not to my taste Boots are still very nice - agree with Trixi, theyd probably go very nicely with tight jeans. Shoes are fantastic - dig the red and black ones :)

  2. Thanks everyone for the support. Although she has made a couple (2 to be precise) of references to me in heels,things havent exactly moved on at top speed and I dont want to push for fear of scaring her off. If she is moving towards acceptance Im hoping that it will come naturally. That said, I can see that we will have to sit down and finish our initial discussion on the topic. I'll let you all know how it goes.

  3. I wish car manufacturers would create a function to assist a driver, who is wearing heels to enter and exit in a dignified manner. The passenger seats could use this same function, but they don't have an object like the steering wheel blocking their movements. As it is, the driver has to climb in or out of the seat by using the door frame, door, and steering wheel for stability. With one heel on the ground and the other heel on the floor board of the car, they have to ease down onto the seat and then slide under the steering wheel to get in. The exiting is even more difficult for the driver has to slide from under the steering wheel toward the open door area and then place one heel on the ground, while kind of rolling out of the seat and then stand up. Even with out heels this process is awkward and sloppy.

    I may be lucky or just doing it wrong but I dont struggle with the one heel on the ground and balancing ... the other way to do it, is to sit in the seat with both legs out and back to centre of the car and to then swing you legs into the car at the same time. The girls often adopt this method when wearing tight skirts or dresses or ... heels.

  4. I would bet a dozen donuts to a pack of life saver candy that almost all of the guys that wear heels have had similar experiences. Look in my explorer and behind the back seat you'll find at least three pair of woman's shoes. Look in the trunk of our car and there are at least three pair of my loafer style woman's shoes.

    On day, while inspecting some construction work, I had a flat tire. The Foreman asked one of the workers to put on the spare for me. I opened the back of the explorer and a pair of mediam heel pumps that I frequently wear while driving, fell out. He bent over and picked them up off of the ground and placed them back into the car. He looked at my left hand, saw my wedding ring and never gave it another thought.

    I can vouch for that - had a similar experience with the AA here. pair of black courts that were in the tyre well! Guy didnt say a word and I blamed the wife for leaving her shoes lying about. Thank god he didnt have to go under the drivers seat for anything ... had stashed a pair of sling backs there when I called them :-)

    Look forward to the day when I have the courage to admit that I wear heels but got away with murder so to speak that day!

  5. Well .. it finally happened and I have to share it with you! My wife managed to blow my mind yesterday! Never ever thought this would happen so you couldve knocked me over with a feather when it did. She was getting ready for a girls night out and was going through the usual 'what shall I wear - I've got nothing to wear' routine in front of a cupboard full of clothes. Anyway, she finally decided on an outfit and chose a pair of black LK Bennet suede pumps to go with it. She then decided she didnt like that and wanted to change at which point, I laughed and went back to my office. As I walked out, she said, please do me a favour - I said sure, what? "Will you please try and stretch my shoes a bit for me, I've only worn them once and they really hurt" Not sure that I heard correctly, I asked her to repeat it and then asked how she thought I should do it. "I know they're too small but see if you can squeeze your feet in and walk in them for a few minutes" ;) I asked if she was sure and she said "sure .. why not!" Needless to say I didnt need any further encouragement and squeezed them on .. thank God our feet are only 2 sizes apart! Spent the next ten minutes strolling around upstairs in her heels ;) .. they were tight but comfortable! When she came back into the room, she even smiled and said they looked cute. Cant see it becoming a regular thing but view this as a very small step towards some sort of acceptance! Sort of hoping that she buys another pair that dont loosen up as she hopes soon.

  6. Welcome to hhplace, wendyblonde ;) Gosh, your introduction to wearing heels was exactly the same as mine...except I am not a girl, I am a guy. I've been wearing heels since I can remember. Suffice it to say that you don't understand why guys want to wear them. For many of the same reasons girls want to wear them. Besides, how would you like to be stuck wearing Booooooring men's shoes when there are alternative styles to wear? While that is not the only reason men like heels, it's a good start.

    I'm sure a lot of our members, like me, are looking forward to reading of your experiences in heels...and, what it is like from a female prospective.


    Ditto that!! I've also given up trying to understand the deeper reasons of why some guys like to wear heels. I've decided that I am very comfortable with who I am. Shoes dont maketh the man but they sure help him feel better so I'm just going with it :penitent:

    Welcome, enjoy your time here and who knows you may find an answer to your question

  7. well have found a cure!!!

    yep it all happened this weekend, we did some shoe shopping, and now have two more new pairs!!!

    so dont stress or get anxiety attacks, there is hope!!

    feel healed!!!!;);):smile:

    Therapy helps again .. RETAIL Therapy !!! What was your therapists name? :penitent:

  8. I remember Silk Stalkings - was always amazed how Mitzi Kapture - who was very hot - could run in heels. To top it off, she even threw in the odd tackle and flight and didnt break a heel or ladder her tights. I was in awe. Would also recommend CSI Miami - the one CSI, her name eludes me, is always on the case in towering heels and figure hugging trousers which just cover enough of the heel to make it interesting. She always wears them, on the beach, in the swamps, driving, any crime scene .. you name it. Love it! Sometimes even forget that there is a storyline and just watch heels

  9. Dont think ive seen and not sure I ever want to. On both feet the shape of her toes can be seen - almost like they are moulded - and the colour is awful. The height is impressive although she may be struggling in them, but could also be the poses. Think I'll pass -- and I dont often say that about a pair of heels!!!;)

  10. The speciality here is heels though, not men in heels, so I don't think it's necessarily keeping it in the niche to post pictures here or in the blogs on this site. You have to start somewhere.

    i couldnt agree more Ros, we have to start somewhere so baby steps here are as good a place as any :winkiss:

  11. Your husband is a very lucky man to have a supportive and un derstanding wife like you. I'm sure that once you get him here, he'll see that heels are fun and that hes not the only one in the world - we're actually a nice lot when you you get to know us :-)

  12. I have bought 2 new pairs both from evans.

    The courts / pumps I havent worn in public yet as they are 5" with 1/2" platform. the Patent Oxfords I have worn to the cinema on several occasions with a 4" steel tipped heel.


    Was just looking at these on the website - think they are super. Have you also tried New Look, they now seem to do a limited range in size 9 and wide fit.

  13. Thanks - think thats the point. they are only shoes! I think that as a result of society's stereo typing, she associated men and heels as some sort of deviancy. Although we have discussed at length and she understands this, I think she is still struggling to get her head around the fact that her husband likes wearing heels sorry, trigger finger sent message before i finished ... meant o to just add that 'theres nothing deviant or even gay about me or any other bloke who wears heels'

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