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Posts posted by partyshoes

  1. Morning Buggerlugs and welcome Look forward to hearing more from you when time allows. my tip for the day from cheshire - dont wear peep toes to nip out to the garage! It wasnt the heels and the snow that were the problem - but its seriously colder than it looks. Maybe I do need a nice pair of boots?!:blinkbigeyes::unsure:

  2. It says more about him than it does you.

    Everybody is now going to know now not to trust him and that can only diminish him and not you.

    I agree with Dr Shoe. From what I've read so far, you've not had any adverse reactions from people who he told so its safe to assume that they either dont mind or dont care. Either way I dont think you have anything to worry about - but he will be down as untrustworthy. Ignore him

    PS Re visit to counsellor - go for it, its a nice outfit

  3. Hi, Guess its each to their own! Personally I prefer an almond or round toe but that said .. I wont say no to pointy shoe either! :cry1: Have a couple of pairs in the cupboard. Guess my preference stems from the fact that pointy shoes really make my feet look even longer than they are! They seem to stick out for miles under my trousers As to heels, I must admit I its about the height for me. If its really thin and sexy .. great. If its more blocky and high .. thats great too. As I said, each to their own. So, welcome to the forum. Hope you enjoy your time amongst like minded folk and look forward to hearing more from you

  4. Hey CPB, welcome to the site. Hope that you enjoy your time here and find the support that we all do. As already mentioned there are quite a few of us 'saffers' here already and glad to see the numbers growing. There is a group 'south african heelers' which you will find on the groups page - look forward to seeing you soon

  5. Hey Crazyewok, First of all welcome and congrat's on your first purchase. Hope you enjoy your time here amongst like minded people. In case you dont already know, New Look not only do some cool affordable styles but they also do some of them in a 9 and have wide fit shoes too. Not so long ago that I got myself a nice pair of black suede peep toes - 4' with small platform. Barratts also do 9's though I havent come across a wide fit there. Best of luck and looking forward to hearing more about you.

  6. Wood & Metal, The advice that has been given thus far is good and the only thing that I would add is to give it a few more days. Speaking from experience - it took my good wife over a week to broach the topic with me again. Admittedly I did drop the bombshell which in hindsight was very poor judgement from my part. As has been pointed out, this is a private matter and I think she just needed the time to digest this on her own as its not something she wanted to discuss with her friends. When we eventually chatted again I slowed it right down and let her steer the conversation with some coaching where necessary. We discussed that they were only shoes and had no influence over sexuality etc - ultimately her fear was that she would lose her best friend and partner which was not the case. Although she has 'accepted' it, she has said that she doesn't want to be a part of it which I have to respect although I hate hiding it from her. Fast forward a year or so on and she still wont openly accept it although she did ask me to help her out by stretching her new suede pumps cos they were a little tight and she wanted to wear them out. Anyway, I've rambled enough. Long and short of it is that its early doors yet - give her more time. And my advice - if you can look her in the eyes when you have the next chat, do it. If not in person, sign up to skype and make just one call using video, it will be worth the hassle Fingers crossed - good luck

  7. Took ages to answer this one .. first it was yes, then no, then actually yes - finally voted No. Like most of the commentary already - Its taken a long time to come to a point where I am comfortable with myself. Whilst I still dont fully understand it myself - have come to the realisation that I am not weird or a freak. Rather I am different! Some call it a fetish but even that has a somewhat negative tone. Just because society doesnt understand or accept it fully, doesnt mean its wrong

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