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Posts posted by partyshoes

  1. My wife knows about my interest in heels but unfortunately does not share it. Out of respect for that, I do not wear them when I am with her, and I do not share my adventures with her.

    Ditto - I live in hope that she will one day accept it but until then its a private thing

  2. Many of you know that I travel weekly on business and I always travel in heels. I just got to the Hotel and was informed that they are having a Manager's Reception tonight and the Manager has asked that I attend. I am here without any flats. Therefore I have to attend in Heels. OH THAT'S TOO BAD !!!

    Henry :blinkbigeyes:

    Well done Henri - a star for us to look up to. Glad that it went well

  3. Ok, here are my two lastest purchases, Yay! This is my first post with attached pics, so hope it works. Your basic Black 5 inch pumps and Black 5 inch open toe with a chrome heel. Opinions please. I ordered them online and didn't know that the heel was chromed, and I kinda wish the heel was black and I'm considering a paint job. Next post will be " how do I repaint my heel?"

    Love the black pumps

  4. I don't heel at work, or often outside, but wear tights (and socks, grrr) all winter anyway.

    Firstly because they're warm. Secondly because I like to. And thirdly because if I see a pair of shoes or a skirt I want to try on it's good to be prepared!

    M&S ladder resist or any 40 -60 denier opaques.


  5. Mahatma Gandhi, as you know, walked barefoot most of the time, which produced an impressive set of calluses on his feet. He also ate very little, which made him rather frail and with his odd diet, he suffered from bad breath. This made him (Oh, man, this is so bad, it's good)....A super-calloused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis.

    ARGHH :blinkbigeyes: - thats bad!

    I went to a seafood disco last week..and pulled a mussel.

    Double ARRGGGHH .. even worse

    I'll grant you The rest pulled a smile :pulsingheart:

  6. Just like demonia I'm all into chocolate in any forms and shapes. Right now I'm all about Ben & Jerry's chocolate fudge brownie ice cream and lots and lots of different nuts covered in chocolate... Mmmm...

    Sex, shoes and chocolate is mainly what life's all about :pulsingheart:

    How can one argue with that! Sums it up beautifully. :blinkbigeyes:

  7. Do something different that you are interested in pursuing for a while, that doesn't have a focus on finding that special someone, like joining a theater group or taking guitar lessons. You will be able to enrich your life and the possibility of her finding you in what you like to do, will increased the chance both of you can share common interests.

    Good advice. Not much i can add that hasnt already been said in later posts. NH Heels made a point i can identify with - my wife was female friend for ages, well 2 years, before I realised she was the one.

  8. Hello Dave and Pam, welcome to the site. Hope that you find what your are looking for here but why not start by telling us more about yourselves and your interest in heels. Do you both wear heels, only one ..? Which ever, I am sure you will find like minded people here Look forward to hearing from you

  9. Very nice boots - looking to get a similar pair for myself, currently bidding on ebay. Showed the wife and she thinks theyre pretty unisex but made a VERY similar comment to your wife. Do they go to school for this?

  10. hiya all thanks for the replys, so far ive been wearing them at home as much as possible and i decided to put the insoles of my trainers in and they seem to help,she has changed her party theme to music stars so im the only one wearing a french maid outfit so im thinking more rocky horror (french maid) now, i think ill be on the floor more than sitting as ive heard its going to be a VERY MESSY party

    Oh well, at least you can still do the heels! Went to RHPS party a few years ago myself at work - was a laugh to say the least. Will see if i can dig out pic's

    Good luck, let us know how it went and if possible post a few pics

  11. Thopugh I'm also a TV I do identify as a straight male but I have to admit that some guys in heels do turn me on. It's not that I'm attracted to them I just want to wear the same heels I think.

    I the same. Its not that Im attracted to them as a person - its more about the shoes

  12. This makes you a Size 8, NOT a size 9 :blinkbigeyes:

    I wish stores would store labelling 42 as a UK9, that does my head in!!!

    Ive yet to find two conversion charts the same - that does my head in :pulsingheart:!!

    As a rule of thumb though I agree with you - 42 is 8 and 43 is 9. Varies from place to place as I am sure we can all testify too

  13. HHJim - agree with you totally. Lived there myself and its a great place Although I did have a debt collector chase me all the way to the UK for an invoice that wasnt mine :pulsingheart: Had the last laugh but they were very arsey about the way they handled it. I've seen pit bulls with more tact and boy are they sore losers :blinkbigeyes: Enjoy yourself and say hello to Bourbon Street for me

  14. There's no hope for you. Scooby! :blinkbigeyes:

    Thats OK Bubba - I'll step in and take the bullet with Kate on behalf of Scooby - still think she hot and wears great heels that we can share :happy:

    The fact that shes a very attractive woman also helps softens the blow :pulsingheart:

  15. Yeah, I'd say that she wants an excuse to see you again. When comes round to collect them, joke with her and say 'any longer and I was going to use them myself!' - see where that goes!?:blinkbigeyes:

  16. Me .. havent done it myself but am always in awe of girls who do. In my travels, i see girls doing it all the time! Couple of years ago in Russia, mates and I were coming out of a bar. Had been snowing heavily and my mate in front seemed to have forgotten this and promptly slipped and fell flat on his arse! We all clung to support such as walls and handrails so as not to follow him whilst having a good chuckle at his expense. :blinkbigeyes: To add insult to injury (well at least pride) - a young lady wearing the most stunning boots I've ever seen with 4' heels - stopped to help him up. SHe took the time to make sure he was OK and steady before strutting off into the snow like it was a dry day. She was fabulous So, dont think there anything wrong with it - the traction appropriate heels give probably make them safer on snow and ice than your average shoe.

  17. i cannot stand that hook-nosed bint, so I avoid her & BB at every opportunity. she does wear nice heels occasionally though.

    I think she's ok, - she wears great heels a lot of time and these boots were really hot. Was mentioning in another post that I should probably consider boots for this weather and these are right up there but I just know that I cannot afford them

    it's the programme that I cannot stand!

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