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Posts posted by Cali

  1. M&S is centered in England.  They do have on-line and us stores.

    Snake Skin is the in look this season.  I'm thinking about buying some Steve Madden Snake Skin booties.

  2. So last night was Halloween and my town shuts down 7 blocks of a central street and has a street Halloween party with several bands and tons of police present. Around 2 o'clock my friend convinced me to go with her, and we ended up as a pair of Spice Girls.  Lots of great costumes, here's me from behind.  The number of double, triple, ..., was hilarious


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  3. During the late seventies I acquired a pair of lace-up booties with 3 inch heels from my first wife. I don't remember how I got them, but she knew and was okay with it. I wore those for over 16 years until the sides blow out and the shoes just fell apart. I had to part with them. Now I have pair of SM Estrella that I wear all the time at home.  Sometimes from getting out of bed.  I have a new pair on the side lines, but I just can't switch yet.  


    How about you?


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  4. 45 minutes ago, MackyHeels said:

    Is it because we’re men wearing feminine clothes or colour choices made, style etc.

    It's sometimes how you wear it. I have gone to work in a Victoria's Secret Sweater, with a women's turtleneck, women's pants and my heels and look like an alpha male. And have both men and women compliment my outfit. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, Heelster said:

    Dude - - where are you finding these clogs??? I've been looking for some like this !!

    The season is over for these. I call them mules. I got two pairs of suede SM Manners and they were gone. When you see these you got to act fast.  

  6. 5 hours ago, Mr. X said:

    For instance heels with sweatpants would look out of place on anybody out and about let alone a man!

    I've been known to run to the store in my sweatpants and mules, Open air markets, etc. Currently at home in my sweatpants and mules.

  7. Since there have been some recent threads on children noticing your heels I thought I would relate today events at Costco.

    Warm day here on the beach, mid 80’s, so I have short shorts, a polo shirt, and my Steve Madden Estrella’s, aka beach heels. Went to Costco, while at a “tasting station” I notice a young (7 – 9) girl look down at my heels then look up and smiled. I asked her if she liked them. No words but a VERY BIG smile.  We went different ways and I heard her tell her dad about my heels.

    Then while checking out, these two older woman (sister’s) commented on my heels.

    “Those are good looking heels, they look comfortable." Then the common “I can’t wear heels, wish I could.”

    Just another day in Cali World.



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