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Posts posted by Cali

  1. 8 hours ago, mlroseplant said:

    I have recently had the pleasure of enduring my company's annually required harassment training. And every year, I say the same thing. I will probably say the same thing next year. The entire two hours or whatever it is could really be boiled down into one pithy statement: "Don't be a jackwagon." Mr. Bryan evidently forgot that rule.

    I have to go to one of those trainings every few years.  But since they pay lots of money to go, I don't mind.

    Several years back a woman (falsely) accused me of sexual harassment.  It turned out to be her M.O.  Every time a person would challenge her statements she would threaten them with sexual harassment and they all had back down. But I was disappointed in the job she was doing and had put together a list of reasons she should be strip of her job, how her actions was hurting the institution in general.  And I submitted those to the administration.

    Then one day she came into my area (where I was in-charge) and started to behave erratically, I asked her nicely and calmly several times if I could help (I knew exactly what she was looking for), but she refused my help.  She continued to behave erratically then yelled at me and the next day filled those sexual harassment charges against me. When in fact she was the aggressor. After several stressful months of meetings with HR, it was proved that her claims were invalid and she later resigned.  It was amazing how many people, both men and women, that thanked me for standing up against her.  

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  2. It's sad that fit and comfort are secondary issues that make people forget.  They end up with heels that look in the closet and they say they can't wear heels. I am often asked how I can wear heels all the time, "don't your feet hurt?"

    I tell them that fit and comfort are the most important things, and of course I must like their style just to take a look at them. If they don't fit why buy them, why keep them?  Then I tell them the most important thing a women told me when I got my first heels over 2.5 inches: "Life's too short for heels that hurt."  What a novel concept!

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  3. Knee high envy.

    I was heading to my car in a grocery store parking lot, A woman passed me (going to the store) with flat knee high leather boots. I saw her look at my knee high suede boots with 4 inch block heels and you could instantaneously see the look of envy on her face.

    Since the pandemic I have mostly been working from home (great commute), I have mostly gotten the occasional "Wow I love your heels" comment from women and a few men.  As a result, there not much to write about

    • Like 2
  4. 17 hours ago, Mr. X said:

    I have always seen women in jumpsuits, and I have always wanted to try them out.  But I had yet to find one that I liked and thought would work for me, until today. 

    Jumpsuit are great but the thing you need to think about is how you will use a restroom when wearing one.

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  5. LOL. It must be Nation Dermatology Week.

    I had my 6 month appointment with the Keeper of Liquid Nitrogen on Friday. Been going every 6 months since I had Mohs surgery about 5 years back.  I wore my Nine West knee high boots with chunky heels outside skinny jeans, plum color turtleneck and a thick hoodie. The nurse that brought me in comment she liked my boots. When the doctor came in, she said that she was surprise that I wasn't wearing heels. Then she lifted one of the boots and saw the 4 inch heel, "I was wrong." 

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  6. 4 hours ago, mlroseplant said:

     Howeveah.  .  . it is difficult to keep from feeling self-conscious when walking past a group of people who are stationary for whatever reason, and are not making a bunch of noise themselves.

    Go old school and carry a Boombox. 

  7. BTW. You are in a better place. I'm at least 30 years older than you. Women my age are not as accepting.  I get more the "it's fine, but my man" vibe. For me, I feel like finding an accepting woman is just slightly easier than having a successful unicorn hunt.

  8. There are three words that might trigger a review.  But this software is better than the software that other sites use to sanitize their sites.

    Some software removes the sequence a$$ from words like pass, glass, passionate, assistant, passport to obtain the "words" p, gl, ionate, istant, pport 

    • Like 1
  9. I was like that at the beginning, trying to make less sound.   I started wearing women's shoe back in 2011. Bare Traps.  Short heels 2.5 to 3 inch. I was so concern about the sound, I even went so as to have one of my shoes resoled with rubber soles.

    But those days are gone.  Nowadays when I'm on-site and late for a meeting, I'm told they know I'm coming because they can here the sound of my heels.

    Free yourself of the worry of the sound by embracing it, enjoy the "power click". 

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  10. I had an unexpected encounter today at my nail salon.  I have been getting my nails done at this salon for over a decade, so I know the women (2 – 4) that own/work at this business.  Today when I enter the first question out of other woman was what size shoes do you wear? A surprising question, but we have talked heels before (this one loves my FreeBirds).  It turns out that her landlord asked her if she knew anybody with size 11 feet because HE has a pair of purple suede heels that he wants to find a new home for.  She will bring them in the next time I have an appointment and I’ll look at them. 

    I also had another client that compared her pedicure color to my colors.

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  11. The question is about older threads, or threads that are revived. The idea I proposed here is that circumstance change, what we worn years ago might have changed.  I would have never worn boots on the outside of my pants years ago. Today I hardly wear my boots on the inside of my pants.  For most, our 'style' evolves over time.

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  12. Went kayaking over the weekend. When I got to the parking lot, I hopped out of my car and started to untie my kayaks. The English chap loading his kayaks onto the truck next to mine shout out, "I need those shoes."  I had my worn out 4" wedges on and he was vertically challenged, needing a stool to reach the top of his roof.  We laughed.

    • Like 2
  13. 3 hours ago, spikesmike said:

    Notice to all:  alicialehoux from -- For the Girls -- section Asked, .........

    The notice is that as a male you can not respond to this question in the For the Girls section.

    I have only applied for one job since I started to wear heels, back in 2018. I didn't wear stilettos, but I got the job.

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