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Posts posted by jeremy1986

  1. On ‎04‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 12:47 AM, Rhys said:

    I feel very lucky! Trust me haha 

    My wife and I are almost the same size too (I used to be a half size or so larger, but her feet actually seemed to grow after one of the pregnancies!) - so we can basically wear the same too. I wouldn't mind if she'd ask/be ok with me shaving legs (especially coming into winter), but I don't think she would 


  2. As I have mentioned on a number of occasions, I wear heels solely at home, save for one or 2 outings with flat boots. My wife knows, and tolerates it to a certain degree, and has gone heel shopping with me a couple of times. Occasionally I wear them with her around, and her reactions have been getting progressively less 'reactive' over the last few months. She will see me wearing a pair and say something like 'ooh, I see you chose some heels' or ask if they are comfortable. I don't know whether its because she is getting used to seeing me wearing them (only once every 3 weeks or so), or because she is trying to ignore. 

    anyway - I was working from home today, wearing my 5" block heels (see some snaps below from my gallery) with a contrast heel. I wore them the other day and they really went well with my narrow (though not skinny) pants. So I decided to wear them today, knowing she would be back from shopping soon. She saw them and made a small comment as above, and then moved onto telling me stories etc. I joined her in the kitchen as she cooked, and then I decided to join her with some preparations. she was wearing slips lops (bleh) and me in my 5" heels! But it seemed all natural, and she appreciated that I joined her. I did a fair amount of walking about while there and the click-clock could not have gone unnoticed, but I didn't see any sneers and she certainly didn't make any annoyed remarks, which I definitely see as something positive.

    Yes - I know most of you guys will say I do not need to ask for permission, its my right to choose my footwear bla bla..  and yet still - I would like my choice to be accepted and not something that causes friction or tension (there is enough of that even without this...). So yes - doing this 'right' and not overdoing things is something I am trying to do - but still trying to get the doses of heeling that I need and want. (I do heel more often, just not always when she is around).



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  3. 1 hour ago, Cali said:

    I wore my boots to work today and a women who had wedge high heel boots on wanted to get a photos of us together showing our boots side-by-side.  She was a little jealous mine were higher than her's.  It's fun wearing boots with others who also enjoy boots.

    Would love to see the picture of your boots and hers!

  4. 2 hours ago, Rhys said:

    Was in TKMax this evening and I don’t normally adventure over to the shoe/heel section other than when I’m with my partner, but today I was near a store after finishing work, so I went into the store and looking at some heels, found a stunning pair, black and white 6” stilletos (leather) AND I even tried them on! I stood up while wearing them and I felt amazing! While trying them on one guy and one women walked past. Women being a worker, looked down and smiled, the guy just walked past after looking and carried on browsing! 

    I felt so proud just trying them on! And then to see people looking at me while wearing them! 

    Felt like such a big accomplishment, to others it might sound stupid but to me I was on top of the world! 

    well done!

  5. 7 hours ago, Technic said:

     I’m 48 years old heterosexual happily married. My love of wearing women’s boots goes way back to my teenage years when my first real girlfriend had some over the knee boots and wore the same size shoe is me. One evening when we were going to make love she asked me to put them on to see what I looked like I felt strange doing it but as soon as I slid into those boots and zip them up he gave me an instant hard on like I’ve never had before. She also wore a pair of her boots  that night and I had never had such a wonderful time. Since that day I’ve always owned women’s boots and have currently over 30 pairs. I’ve been married for many years and my wife shares and understands my passion of these. Now all my boots are flat or under 1 inch heels which I wear every day under my jeans or pants. I only have two pairs of high heel boots which I only wear when I’m in the house or having sex with my wife  I have no desire to wear any other type of women’s clothing and feel that in the case of knee-high or over the knee boots that are flat or let someone heal should be marketed for men as well. If you go on eBay or primarily Amazon and look at the comments made from people buying boots similar that there are many many who are from man so the manufacturers need to take note of this fact I can’t imagine life without wearing boots interested in your thoughts. Also I have included a picture of one of the fry pair of ovary boots I have I wouldn’t normally wear them over jeans obviously in public but wanted you to see what these look like and how as a guy you could get away with this


    That's a great bio. I think you are living the dream most of us have .... 

    Great boots, by the way!

    • Like 1
  6. Great topic, @TXGuy.

    I'm in a very similar situation as you - love the heels, and love seeing them around - whether on my wife or others...  it gives me sexual excitement seeing them, handling them, talking about them, but I just love feeling them on me too. nothing better than some bed time in heels with the wife, but like you, its fairly infrequent. my wife also does not get it, but she puts up with it to a certain point, generally quietly, other than a comment here or there. she even helped me shop for my first few pairs (we are almost the same size!). 

    Not sure what is my motivation for liking heels - I remember loving a pair of leather high block heels my mom had when I was young, as well as playing with the shaft of some suede boots a teacher had in first grade. I always wonder what went "wrong" with me - was I looking for something more feminine around that I was not getting enough of in my younger years? guess I will never know that part.... but now I love the shape, love what I does to the feet, love the feel of heels and all the different styles. my love had always been for stilettos and stiletto boots, but over the years my likes have expanded to various other styles, and now I love wedges and sandals and (stylish) platforms etc - mostly of the classic look, and never the fetish or over the top patent stuff (no offense to those who enjoy that).  I even find some flats being cute and attractive, but do not own any.  I would love my wife to wear heels more (she has some fab styles), but she hardly wears them now - she's already tall  and has put on weight and does not want to draw more attention to herself... she used to wear them very often when we were younger...  when i ask her to wear heels , like on special occasions, telling her I enjoy seeing her in them, she says she doesn't mind if I look at other women's heels. I do... but its certainly not the same...  sigh... 

    I do wear other feminine items too (I love lingerie), but the focus is always the heels and around the heels, but very rarely fully dress (and I don't pass anyway)

    How to explain the love for heels? good question. I have had some discussions with my wife... explaining the above. but at the end of the day, I don't understand the "why". I enjoy the feel, the styles, the very many options women have... and the bottom line: unlike many brave folks here. I am doing it privately, usually in the privacy of my own home, no one sees or knows, and its harmless. does it change who I am? no. does it mean I am less devoted to my wife or family? no. does it mean I want to be a woman - def no.   sure - I agree its "weird" (the gang here will no doubt put me down for saying that!) and its [unfortunately] uncommon, so folks aren't used to it. 

    Would love to continue chatting about this - seems there are many of us in the same boat. 

    • Like 6
  7. 21 hours ago, Cali said:

    So I have been looking for boots for sometime. Been looking and trying boots on for weeks. Went to DSW and found these...more later.

    Impo Owney.JPG

    Wow, @Cali - these boots are fabulous! They really look super on you. Lets see some more pics when you can ...

    also the all important stats - brand, heel height etc :cheeky: 

    btw, am sure you will look stunning, with leggings ate work. Go for it!



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  8. 3 hours ago, bootedlawyer said:

    Hi @jeremy1986,

    Thank you for the warm welcome:)

    Sadly, the ones with many colors had to go back because the shafts were too big (who would've thought, I usually need at least 15.5 inches in circumference since I have very athletic legs).

    As far as my workplace is concerned, I would say many factors contributed to the integration of my fashion choices - namely:

    * I work as a U.S. tax attorney which is a very specialized area of law practice - meaning that there aren't too many of us around;

    * I am particularly good at my work and I know that they need me;

    * I brought the changes very gradually - starting with women's straight jeans, then bootcut, then skinnies, then leggings and then boots over pants. This slow increase was not intentional though - I was just uncomfortable going out with all these changes. I still remember how I felt when I first went out in public with boots and skinnies, it was nerve wracking. Today? I sport them with huge pride:) My goal is to get to the skirts / tights / boots combos. This is the farthest I am interested in going.

    * It didn't change my attitude one bit - actually, it increased my confidence. I present myself in a completely masculine fashion and I feel even more confident now in my masculinity because I dared be myself. The majority of people (whether men or women) would not dare go against perceived social norms, just look at all the "fashion rules" videos out there. They exist because they have an audience - and a very wide one at that.

    * I love helping the girls at the office pick nice outfits for them. I love women and I love seeing them shine at their fullest extent. I guess it transpires; and

    * I have a reputation of not taking s*** from anyone. I put myself out there for people and go out of my way very often to help fellow coworkers, but when one of them steps on my toe, I make it very clear that I do not tolerate that. For example, I actually had a verbal joust with one of the firm's owner last year and told her I was out of here. We however ended up resolving our issues and yesterday she had me order boots for her.

    I only do something when I feel confident about it, because then I feel judged and disapproved (it's always me doing it to myself). THis leads to me projecting those feelings on others and seeing / seeking disapproval everywhere, which doesn't make for a very good experience.

    Now that doesn't mean people might not be laughing behind my back. However, I do not care. As long as I don't see it, I'm fine. The day it happens in front of me, "s***'s gonna hit the fan". That is for  coworkers, mind you. Strangers, I would just ignore them. But it has yet to happen.

    I have a lot to read about who is here and where you guys are at in your process of integrating your fashion choices into your life. I am hoping to develop a nice camaraderie with you all:)

    Thanks for the looooong response. It's great reading about your journey, and how much you have been enjoying it.  Sounds like we have a lot to learn from (and I don't mean patent law!). And also, if I may say - you sound like an all round positive and giving person. So keep up the good work :cheeky:

    and hoping to see lots more of you here! 


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  9. Hi @bootedlawyer and welcome!

    you have some great boots there - and they look stunning on you with the various skinny jeans etc. The last set with those figure-hugging jeans and OTK boots is particularly sensational, if I may say ... 

    I also liked that pair half way down with multiple colors and a mid sized heel. Do you wear mostly heels, or flatter styles?

    How did your work place come to terms with your fashion changes?

    Enjoy the forum, and keep heeling!


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  10. 22 hours ago, Shyheels said:

    Bring on the summer...an optimistic thought as we in England slide into the back half of October...!

    I know, right :cheeky: 

    4 hours ago, Sydheel said:


    I was always trying to work within a self imposed limit as to how many pairs of shoes I own

    Originally I wanted to always stay within 12 pairs

    Then I decided as I progressed with the styles I was wearing that 20 was a more realistic figure

    I just did a count... How the hell did I get to 40 ???


    Shoe sale coming !!!!

    Hopefully they are all stored better than mine - stuffed in the storage below my bed! 

    Keep us posted with the sales ;) 


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