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Everything posted by Shyheels

  1. Alas I couldn’t read it without creating an account . It looks like an interesting article from the very brief glimpse I had before the firewall went up
  2. Nice boots. I’m a big fan of ankle boots with mid-height heels
  3. Yes it’s nice to see you back. I don’t see guys in heels at all where I am. I do wear knee and OTK boots as a matter of routine, although mine are generally low to mid heel - I lead an off-grid lifestyle where high heels would be comically out of place, although I still wear them indoors. But knee boots - and stylish ones, not gum boots - are my normal attire. And nobody seems to notice or care. Or for that matter be in a rush to adopt the style themselves.
  4. Yes the shade of red is very nice - I’m not a fan of red as a rule but those look good
  5. It’s irritating when they get the ads wrong. But they look nice at any rate and hopefully they’ll work out all right
  6. Interesting post - and one that probably reflects the global norm these days. Although I do not travel anywhere near as much as I used to, there is a proud and common slovenliness to dressing these days no matter where you are
  7. One can but hope. The trouble is big companies are so risk averse - in everything - and catering only to the biggest part of the market. Outliers, even substantial ones, are ignored in favour of the quickest and easiest profits. Why else for example would the bulk of women’s shoes range in size from 3 to 8 when there are lots of tall women with bigger feet? It’s easier. Less risk.
  8. Shyheels

    Cali World

    And I am in the northeast, in Yorkshire
  9. Glad you got home safely! Hope the jet lag won’t be too bad
  10. Yes - build up slowly. It’ll pay off in the long run.
  11. Shyheels

    Cali World

    I’m seeing more in the north of England than I did in London
  12. Very nice boots! At least you had a good time going out shopping even if the styles were hideous. The fun is in the company and the outing. Acquisition is secondary, especially since you didn’t need to buy anything
  13. What a lovely photo! Your friend looks vivacious and fun, and I’ve no doubt you’ll have a great time going shopping together. It would be such fun to go shopping with a friend like that. You’re very fortunate. I’ve been to Vietnam only once, but I really enjoyed my time there and would go back in a heartbeat. I’m sorry to hear your mother in law is unwell. Hopefully that will resolve itself.. I’m so glad you’re having a nice time.
  14. Yes it does! But it is meant to be the best you can get. And worth the money if you’ve got nice boots/heels you want to last and look good!
  15. Shyheels

    Cali World

    Boots with 3” heels seem to be firmly in fashion - certainly on my side of The Pond. It’s a style I really like, probably my favourite style
  16. I’ve a pair of tall riding/engineering style pull-on boots (knee height) that I really like a lot. Once I get them on - a bit stiff - they are extremely comfortable, a great fit. Getting them off takes some doing though! It’s why I’d never wear these in an airport where I’d have to take them off in a queue. I’ve been using dubbin and trying to wear them in, and it is (very slowly) working, but does anyone have good tips or advice for this? I’m sure I can’t be the first person to wrestle with much loved but very stiff knee boots!
  17. I was applying some dubbin this morning to two pair of low-heeled knee boots this morning, and one pair of ankle boots with 3-inch heels, all of which have been seeing a lot of use lately, and was wondering what sorts of leather care, cleaners, polishes etc other people use to keep their heels looking good and lasting longer. I use mainly Saphir stuff - made in France. It is rather pricey but it really does an excellent job of keeping the leather fresh, even when I’m wearing my boots in some challenging conditions as I have been lately. What do you folks use?
  18. Another day in the big city yesterday - and in the shuffling crowds an encouraging number knee and ankle boots with chunky heels of varying heights and even a couple of pair of stilettos. Looking at the demographics of the wearers make it clear that it’s the older age group with the sense of style - not only nicer (undoubtedly more expensive) boots but worn with greater panache, the standout being a stylish but by no means showy woman in her sixties looking effortlessly at ease in black OTK boots with 3-4 inch heels and a stylish but generally conservative long coat.
  19. Sounds like it was a great show!
  20. I suspect going out to the theatre and mingling with the dinner and theatre crowd you’re much more likely to see tall stilettos. People dress up for such occasions - often in towering heels 👠
  21. I spent another long day travelling on inter-city trains and saw an encouraging number of boots with chunky 3” heels - not high by the standards if some in here, but a height and style I like very much. I also saw for the first time in a long while someone out and about in four inch heels - knee boots with tall thin block heels. One seldom sees heels that high out and about. I suppose four inch, fashion height, is more likely to be used for dressy or formal occasions than long days on your feet, in trails and railroad stations, where chunky three inch heels would have unbeatable appeal
  22. Today it would be - as he took a selfie for his personal Instagram account (four zillion followers) - “that’s one small step for ME, one giant leap for humankind …”
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