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Posts posted by Stilettoscot

  1. I think it depends on how the pics was taken and shown here. I recently took a pic of a beautiful set of heels on a lady at my son's B-ball game. I made it a point to only shoot my main focus...her shoes, and only show as such. Noone would ever know who she was. Now, if someone took a pic, and posted the entire identifying pics without permission, especially in a bad light, then it might not be ethical. But, you go out in public, you risk being seen, video'd, picced, etc.

  2. Arctic, You're awsome buddy! You know the deal with me...yesterday didn't live up to the hype. Here's a pic of my day yesterday. Made it about halfway. Tow driver was actually kinda funny about my ordeal, and took this great pic to sum up my not-so-glorious day....:o Only good thing was during the 5+ hours I was at the shop, I never changed back into my regular shoes. The 3 people at the garage I saw all day didn't seem to notice. Except the tow drive, who seemed to be amused. Thank you for doing the work once again. I am sorry things went the way they do. Let's talk soon.


  3. ... my step daughter, ....

    .....I heard his dad in the back ground supporting him.....


    Is the guy who supported the kid your son???:o

    Either way, narrow minded people are just bumps in the road.

    Sorry you had to hear crap like that.

  4. The thing I don't get is this: Women in the clubs I go to seem surprised I am not gay when I wear my shoes. I am very masculine, and openly (like any guy) attracted to women and femininity. Taking aside many of the TV's at these clubs (who are usually either putting on a show, or gender bent), gay men I know (lots) are not attracted to other men who appear and dress feminine. Therefore, very, very few gay men are attracted to femininity and heels. While I, being straight, am EXCEEDINGLY attracted to heels, and also really enjoy wearing them! So, from my knowledge, very few gay men wear heels.

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