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Posts posted by Stilettoscot

  1. Nicely done. It's good to know I'm not the only one with "butterflies" when going out.. :thumbsup: Next time I go out, I want to build the nerve to go shopping in mine. It'd be nice to shop for well fitting, tighter jeans. At least if I am wearing my heels into the store, the sales lady (who I know I'll have to ask women's pants advice to) will accept me asking? I can really get excited thinking about walking through a store like you did. Hopefully, I can add my own success story!

  2. Name: Scott Age: 33 Gender: Male Location: Near Boston, MA Occupation: Landscaper Height: 6' Weight: 225 Shoe size: US W9.5 - 10. What's your favourite heel style: Stilettos What's your favourite shoe style: My all time favorite is a nice low-vamp pump. Do you wear your heels outside: Yes, starting to more and more. What is: (a) Your favourite heel height: 5 - 6". (:thumbsup: Your highest heel height: 7 1/4" How often do you wear: (a) Your favourite heel height: All my newer shoes are. (:smile: Your highest heel height: At least once a day for at least 30 minutes. Do you wear socks, hose, stockings or bare feet with your shoes: Some bare feet, mostly stockings. Anything else you wish to add: This site rocks!

  3. Most of the time, yes. But always thigh-highs and sometimes with garters. I never wear stockings and heels without shaving my legs well. I wish my skin wasn't so sensative to Nair, but alas... A pair of pumps I have, I can't wear stockings (because the back of the show keeps slipping off my heel as I walk), which is too bad, too. They're hot.

  4. Richie, As far as the beige outfit, the sling-backs are dark brown, which go (I think) a little easier with the outfit. Black, although I've been told (amoung other things) can go with anything, seemed a bit out of place with this outfit, hence buying the brown sling-backs at Macy's. My everyday look? Well, when working (too hot to today in 100f heat); landscaping, picture an absolute mess. Out? Well, Some regular looser fitting collared shirts and baggy pants for comfort. Always due to my frame, and lack of style. More or less, what you saw in the pic minus the heels, plus big, God awful workboots/sneakers. On occasion, slacks instead, and nicer shirts. But boring. Which is why the need for advice. Look looking to achieve? Well, something sleeker, more trendy, worthy of going out without looking like I lost a bet. Like I have some sort of style sense, so when a beautiful lady notices my shoes, she'll notice me, too. Something I can go to the club in...etc. I don't know, really. I appreciate both responses!!:thumbsup: Look forward to getting some nice, women's pants that "should" fit a bit better, and look better for sure.

  5. Since it is rather appearant I am not very fashion oriented, and not wanting to look a fool when I go out on the town in my heels, I was hoping you more savvy folks here could help me out. In the process of getting more "style" clothes for myself and have some questions... 1. I WANT to get nice pairs of straight/boot cut tight jeans (especially black) to wear my shoes with. I know they'd look better. Problem is, with my "breeder hips" and fat ass (for a guy), I have not been able to find any men's jeans like this to fit me, hence the far too baggy ones. Should I buy women's jeans? If so, how do I go about finding the right size? Any other pants recommendations? 2. What kind of shirt would you recommend for someone with my build to wear with said jeans/slacks and stilettos? I would like to wear a nice button down, collared silk job, but will it make me look like a stuffed pepper? 3. Any other heels you recommend besides blocky ones for me (I currently buy/wear stilettos)? I have seen wedges that I liked, but rarely thick heels... 4. Beige collared shirt, beige trousers, "nude" stockings, dark brown sling-backs?? Work? 5. I heard the term "stylist" bandied about. Where do you find yours? I'd rather the advice of people who don't just want to tell me what I want to hear... Thanks in advance!

  6. Good point. I hadn't really thought of it that way. I figured I wasn't really into block heels much (although wedges...not bad), or lower/more discreet ones. I do like reading the stories of others going out with theirs and having no problems. I would be willing to bet it would be like that here, too...and hoping to have more of my own to share. So far, I would "guess" society, at least here, has been more tolerant. Would they be more tolerant to a larger framed guy in stilettos is the question? :thumbsup: For a bigger guy, I do have dainty feet. And, to me, the blockier heels do nothing to "slim" my appearance (but then I am not exactly Mr Style..).

  7. Richie, Well, I'm not sure if my body type is "suitable" by most people's standards, but I can run in 4+" stilettos with no problems, so I can wear them well. Plus, I love the look and walk with them, so I guess, for me, they do fit my body type. As for wearing them out, I'm kept them in or worn them discreetly at night for too long! Over the last couple months, I have built the confidence (thanks to some friends and my sister) to go out more, and am glad I have. Last night, I walked to a friend's busy apt complex for a poker game at about 10PM. Saw quite a few people, but pushed on... Big "step" for me.

  8. Yeah, that's the same (still have it on now)...just took the pic when I got home as the pics from the poker room were too dark on my camera phone. Thanks...the walk out was uneventful as noone was really around at 4am except a couple arguing near the parking lot...:thumbsup:

  9. Back in 1994, I worked in Boston as a mailroom clerk for a large finacial company. As a 20 year old who had a closet "thing" for heels, I was just starting to get out (working in Boston helped) and buy some "stuff". Well, I was working 2nd shift then (3-11:30PM), and my shcedule would be such that I would do my last mail pick-up run to another bulding (about 3 blocks from the mailroom) at 10:45, get back to the mailroom about 11:20...sort through the mail really fast, leave, catch the subway and get to my train about 11:50 in time for the 11:59PM train to my hometown (last of the night)... About a month after starting that shift, while doing the last run on the 41rst floor (I'd have to pick-up mail from the 41rst, 42nd, and 44th floors), I noticed a pair of GORGEOUS 3 3/4" stiletto sling-backs in a cubicle on my route. It was obvious the lady who worked there wore her sneakers in and shoes while there. Well, luck would have it she wore size 10....my size! Obviously, late at night (very rare to have anyone there), I HAD to try them on...beautiful fit! Little test walk...awsome! Next day, my plan was hatched to wear stockings under my uniform (black slacks with navy blue collared shirt...went well with black stockings and these sling-backs!). So arrived, slipped off my ugly shoes...slipped on her sling-backs, and went about my route. What a feeling!! Over the next couple weeks, I did this 2-3 days per week, and always enjoyed it immensely! One time, I almost got back too late as time went by a little too fast... So, this random day comes, and I, as usual, slip off my shoes and leave them near the guard station at the elevator bay, walk just around the corner to her cubicle, and slipped on her shoes. No sweat. Did the 41rst floor, no probs, until I got back to the elevator to go do the other floors from the back way and the cleaning crew were in the lobby!! Panic! Run back the way I came! I was a very shy 20 yr old then, wearing nice high heels...but there I was, cringing and anxiously waiting for the cleaning crew to leave before I had a heart attack! They did leave, but I had no time to change back, as I was now running late. Did the other floors as fast as possible in stilettos, got back to the 41rst floor to change back to leave...and the cleaning crew took my old shoes!!!!! Oh MY GOD!! Now what?? So, I ran around, panicking, looking (hoping) for some guy to have left some pair of loafers or something in their cube. NO luck! 11:35PM comes...I HAVE to leave wearing these shoes!! I am ready to cry... Of course, in the lobby were polished granite floors...and I had to walk by the guards on the way out...then 3 blocks along the busy shopping area...then up the elevator to drop off (left it next to the elevator in panic) my mail (unsorted)...and with my head down, click-clicked through the street to JUST make my subway....packed with Celtic fans! Horror. The worst part was walking through North Station (Boston Garden) with hundreds of Celt fans just getting out of the game. The occasional whistle, "hey babe" comments from drunks...etc.... I just made the 11:59PM train. Cowarded in the corner of the furthest car, I still had all kinds of people (it seemd at the time) staring at my feet.... Cab ride home was fun. Talk about shocking yourself into going out in public (that was my first time..and last for a while!). Of course those sling-backs became a nice part of my collection. Occasional midnight walks around town with them... I would, however, have loved to see the lady's face when she came into work the next day! :thumbsup: True story.

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  10. Not the best looking shoe, but I voted "yes"...with practice. At least for shorter distances. Didn't take me long to learn to walk in 6" (no platform) stilettos pumps back 2 years ago, and could do so after only 10 minutes of trying for decent distances (like car across parking lot to ATM and back...at night of course..).

  11. Echoing most of the answers, I posted "just a man in heels"...except when I go to the clubs. I am (in my eyes) too masculine to completely dress up like a women, but from the waist down, I do wear garter-n-stockings, party heels (clear and slutty), and tight lycra skirt. Feel great in it.... When I go out (hoping to do so more frequently) around town, it's mostly in black denim or blue jeans, and 4, 4 1/2" stiletto pump-like shoes...

  12. Went well. Got to the elevator block in the main entrance, about 6 or 8 people waiting, noone even cared besides a girl (about 19) asking where I got them. I got a few looks from a couple teenage kids with their pants around their knees and hats sideways, but...

    Got off the 8th floor, and walked really fast. Then realised it went well!

    Thanks for the comments. The outfit...maybe one day soon I'll get a little more comfortable out in public!


  13. Thanks Johnie and Richie!

    I went out to a friend's house to play poker with the "boys" and gals". Noone seemed to mind, even the people waiting at the elevators. One of the ladies there did inquire about my shoes, how I walk in them, and if we could go shopping one time together!!

    This was my outfit. Nothing special, except my shoes. I love 'em!


  14. Also try to exude confidence and you win people over. The more I wear heels openly the more I just don't care what people say or think.

    I agree with Richie that we should stop scaring each other and put on nice outfits and shoes and go outside.

    This is the part I, and I am sure many, other guys are having difficulty with. Good advice. I'll keep saying that to myself when I am ready to go into a public place with my stilettos on, knowing people will see....

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