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Posts posted by Stilettoscot

  1. Great night once again. Managed to have quite a few friends (including my ex and another [long before] ex GF) go with me tonight. Usual club in MA, which I really like and which really has a great group of people visit each week! Mall: Having bought my awsome Aldo's last Monday, I needed a whole outfit, fairly fast (got home from work about 4PM), and headed to the mall. Checking on my possible employment status at Aldo (which sounds like a definate possibility), I walked past Spencer Gifts and saw a group of nice Fedoras looking at me! Since Roniheels inspired me, I had to get one...and try to make it work. Found one, all black, which seemed to jump out at me to get, and headed to Macy's to get the shirt and pants to match both the hat and Aldo Tequilas. First stop, women's slacks area. I asked the sales lady what I was looking for, and roughly what size, and she lead me to one of racks where they hung. The funny part was when she asked "Are you sure what your girlfriend's size is?"...to which I replied that they were for me..LOL The look, a quick glance to make sure I wans't playing a joke, was worth a million dollars.:-? After a quick stop upstairs for a silk button down, off to the men's fitting room. Managed to fit well in a size 16, which indicates I'm shrinking. Good thing. Plus, they looked nice (to me) with the shirt and hat. Success! Beard mishap: Upon the usual getting ready routine at home, I managed to somehow cut a chunk out of my trusty goatee, which I haven't shaved for like 9 years. Horrible one, too. After realising it was a lost cause, off it went...then the stark reality of why I hadn't shaved it in so long hit me...in the form of my double chin! :o Still, nothing was gonna ruin this night. I hoped. Club: For the first time in a long time, nearly everyone who said they were going, including my ex-wife and ex-girlfriend (whom I dated before my ex-wife, and who were friends with each other). I even had a long time friend and his beautiful (and high heel wearing) girl drive in from an hour + away! DJ arrived a bit late (or we were really early), but the outfit smashed! The shoes felt like a glove, hat secure, confidence high! The owner of the club (Holly) came up to me and talked a while. Besides being a knock-out, she was very welcoming and we talked about me working security there in September.... All my friends were there by 10PM. About 120 people were on the floor by 11PM. As much as I wanted to see my friends, I spent a lot of time with ladies (both straight and gay) who loved my outfit, and I got very friendly with a couple of them. While the shoes were comfortable (and quality), my thighs got tired from dancing salsa and merenge`, and so I had to rest every 20 minutes or so. About midnight (and 6-7 drinks), I found myself being coaxed to dance on the stage with 4 girls (and one other guy)! I didn't get to live it down! All in all, just a memorable night, just getting in now. Filled with lots of new friends, good old friends, and lots of dance. I did have the highest heels in the place! My new nickname in the club the the "high-heel guy", which is a compliment to me....drinks cost only a few dollars for me (as opposed to $8-9 for everyone else I saw), lots of positive attention, and maybe a new gig! Here's a few pics of the outfit as we stumble out ready to leave. Except for my double chin, I really like how I looked. Loved how I felt. Thanks Roniheels! My hat was a hit...as well as the shoes! 3 pics of drunken posing...1 of the obligatory dangle (worth the $30 pedi)!! Thanks all!





  2. My son is 10, and (though he knows) I would never suggest it to him or even talk to him about it unless he instigated the conversation. But, until he showed sincere interest on his own (and until he got older, probably out of school), I wouldn't really share it with him. It's up to him to make his own choices in life. If he was anything like me, he'd know he had the "gene" for a while now...

  3. Hmm. I can see how the question can be taken either way. While it doesn't say smae "kind" of fear, it can be interpreted as such. I saw it as simply do women have fears like men do, not the same kind...

  4. Thank you Dawn! Here's part of an e-mail I sent a friend describing last Saturday's adventure out... Saturda afternoon started with a Pedi with my niece (my older sis' kid who's just like her, open-minded) who I never got a B-day present for, got French tips on my toes. Nice. Hair done. No money for a trip to Aldo though.. :o Threw a regular outfit together with tight, navy blue women's jeans, and my trusty 5.5" clear slutty heeled sandals (comfortable for long night). Evening went VERY nice! Went with a couple of friends, to a club I've been frequenting recently. Got there nice and early (9PM) and I waited until more people got on the dance floor (as I can dance, but have some "performance anxiety", so needed enough drinks). My friend Whitney was on the floor right from the start. 10PM comes along, more people enter, more walking and flaunting my heels/pedi. Looks (friendly), compliments, a couple points...etc. Then got down to dancing. The DJ played a lot of Spanish music (Regga-tone, salsa, les music mas) which, though not my favorite music, I can dance to very well, even in 5.5" heels and about 6 drinks. Had to rest at times, but was out there, dancing, for most of the next 4 hours! Had to buy a drink for a guy who's HOT mid 40-ish wife (who could dance salsa and reggea SO good...so HOT!!) danced with me for like 20 minutes. She loved my heels, and my God did she turn me on! Little bit of a thing, with nice wedges on, I was able to really hold her around while dancing. Then she magically had to leave to "tend to the jealous hubby" who was being a pain. I didn't even know she was married...all the good ones are it seems. So I got the guy a drink to make him feel better. Later in the night, had a group of 3 girls who certainly loved heels come up to me (and my 2 friends), and start dancing with us, mostly talking about shoes and questioning me about my heels and the usual "why's". It took a touch of effort to convince the "leader" I was straight, but threw her for a look when I recognised her peep-toed denim pumps as the Steve Maddens..LOL I also identified her friend's Aldo black sandals (which weren't the same as the ones I bought)...this blew them away (especially Amy, the "leader with the Maddens on)!!! That girl stuck with me the rest of the night, and want to go shopping with me next week! "Problem" is she's getting married (GRRRRR) in a month...so her interest in me wasn't quite the same as mine in her. But I struck a chord...LOL Other than the usual array of questions (all from girls, lesbian/straight/bi...all), sore feet today, and fun times, nothing unusual more happened. Just a great night! Hoping for another tomorrow night!

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