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Posts posted by Stilettoscot

  1. Adeana, I just interviewed at Aldo today. I think I showed up well (no heels, just suit), and learned about the company (thanks for the advice!) before-hand. Employees at this one get a 50% discount off cost, and, like you say, are encouraged to wear any Aldo shoes. I did ask if men were allowed to wear heels, and the manager said "Yes, of course. We want our emplyees to have good first hand knowledge of the shoes they are selling and wearing them always gives good knowledge about them!". How cool is that? BTW, my avatar shoe is one of my Aldo Tequila sandals which I LOVE!

  2. Latin, Well, around our area there's lots of Peurto Rican folks, and the ladies actually loved it! Most of the guys there didn't mind either way, but then again there were a lot more Spanish girls there than guys. If ever you're in my area, let me know. I know the spots..LOL

  3. Have an interview Thursday. Let ya know, but I was told that they have all shifts covered right now, but a girl on the weekends may be leaving soon... Am in the process of learning all I can about Aldo's. Thank God for Google..LOL Thanks Johnie!

  4. I don't know, Richie. Some out there might think men who wear heels have "issues", too..LOL Seriously, I'm only winding you up. But, while a man "needing" to have heels on to accomplish the above described may indeed have "issues" (be they security, emotional, etc), it's not far fetched to think a guy who wears heels may be just more confident and feel much more "in tune" with their S/O without having "issues". With confidence and awareness may come better experiences with others....

  5. I bet you're not climbing up the bar table and show off your heels when you go out, right?

    Actually...guilty as charged this past Saturday at the club after quite a few..LOL

    While your point of the people in the pics hammering the notion that only "gays" wear heels (which we all know is far from true), I guess it's up to you and I to prove differently.

    Last several times in the club, and out in public near them, I have had lots of positive attention from women while wearing my heels. After the usual round of "why" questions, the majority always ask if I am gay, and seem to not immediately believe I am not when I answer, even though I am far from "feminine" in my overall appearance. But, once they believe me (I DID have to "prove" this point to one girl I met in the wee hours this past weekend after the club.. :o ), the conversation is opened, and flows.

    So, when a parade which comes once a year goes on near you, why not participate, get attention, and show a well styled, high heel wearing man to the cameras?

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