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Posts posted by Stilettoscot

  1. Thanks guys! The shoes are Carrini's that I bought (the day of the pic) from Burlington Coat Factory, and wore out of the store (exciting) and all around that day to do errands. I don't know the model, but I did see they came in sizes up to 12 on the rack there (these are women's 9 1/2). Nice styles, but these jumped right out at me...

  2. Thanks HH! It was kind of a "hunch" deal when I was in the store a month back picking up my Tequilas. After talking with Brittany, she made it sound so cool! It will be (in September, I was told) 1-2 nights per week, out by 8PM (meaning, straight to go clubbing!). Makes up for 4 x 12 hour landscaping days the rest of the week! First day there, I'll be sure to take pics..LOL

  3. SScot, I hop you are not talking about those nice D'Orsay shoes in this pic http://www.hhplace.org/discuss/attachments/real_life_meetings/3064d1217164260-nyc_heel_meet_-_26_july_2008-heel_001.jpg they are a nice looking shoe. Never been one to appreciate fussy decorations.


    Unfortunately, yes. I like these shoes so much I wear them the most, hence wearing them out quick. Some don't like the super long pointed toe, but on this shoe, I love it. They are comfortable, too.

    Oh well, more shopping soon! :o

  4. I have 2 pairs (US 9 1/2 and 10). For the price, they aren't that comfortable.... :o Just bought, second hand, a pair of Steve Madden's 3 1/4" thong slippers. Reason? I'm getting a nice pedicure this Friday, and I am wearing them in and out of the Salon...:-?

  5. FWIW, Kneehighs, I think your outfit, from my standpoint, looks very well thought out and "hip". If I saw you out and about, I would think "here is a guy who puts a lot of thought into his look, and is comfortable with the outcome before he leaves his house.". I would, also, probably have my foot next to yours in a pic for "comparison"..LOL As far as "advice" thrown in at random...there is a time and place for it. I don't believe this thread was such a place as I believe it to simply be a "sharing" thread. And one I look forward to seeing new posts made. OTOH, I didn't think anything rude, from the output in FF's initial post, except that it may be the wrong place for it. I do take umbrage to the "knuckle-draggers" post, but I suppose that it was made in the heat of the moment. Maybe the fact that someone like myself may "need" advice from other, more experienced members of this board. I have had "advice" thrown at me in both positive, and negative ways. However, I don't look at someone like Kneehighs to be in a place where "advice" is needed to be thrown at him in places like this thread. He has given me lots of great advice (including Blues Brothers thoughts..LOL) via PM, and I have them saved. Once you throw advice at someone who puts such great thought into his outfit, such as KH does, then WHERE the advice and how it is given should be more tactful than on a thread where he shares his adventures. Just my 2c. Please keep posting here, Kneehighs, and I'll continue to read with envy!

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