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Posts posted by Stilettoscot

  1. Excellent post, and good taste. For your last quandry, I'd also go with the Bardots. Just bear in mind that with strapless shoes at such large size you'll have to get the size nearly perfect to prevent the backs from slipping off as you walk, especially as you are more or less practicing. This is yet another excuse to always try on shoes in the store. I work weekend mornings at Aldo and have 3 regular guys who purchase heels nearly every weekend (and I thought I bought a lot of shoes??!!) who have trouble with pump-like shoes! Many of the summer styles are gone now, with more emphasis on boots. Good time to get good deals on pump like shoes. BUT, make sure they fit perfect... Have fun.

  2. Hi guys, Sorry for the absence, but not only working my usual gig landscaping, but working Aldo (awsome!) Sat/Sun mornings from open to 2PM, but also bouncing in my usual club on Sat nights... Talk about going from being "girly" right to being a "tough guy"..LOL Things will quiet down soon, and I will make a thread about my recent heeling. Some new shoes, and some new adventures. Went to 6-Flags wearing these new wedges (Rue 21), and it was awsome! Bad phone pic, but the pedi was tight... BTW, I wear mostly "feminine" shoes, be they heel height, shape, and strappiness. Pointed toes, too... These wedges...definately feminine, as the French Tipped toes. But me?? Well, not so much...


  3. I had a D'orsay style shoe from Pleaser that had an advertised heel of 6'' but was only 5.5, which is a noticable difference. then I sold them to stilettoscot.

    And still love 'em, mccar7hy!

    They did measure between 5.5 and 5.75" for me. I then got a pair of '6" Dominas which wrap up the calf, and they measure a true 6". Go figure.

  4. Rule #1 when you go out heeling to a club... BRING YOUR OWN CAMERA!! Well, here's a few shots from a week ago. My gf (who said she does not mind being in the pic) decided I try a tighter, more "punk" look. Here's the end result. I do need to lose the remaining 10lbs, but considering my ex wife, ex gf, and both sisters there, and all 4 gave their thumbs up, I'll take it! Felt good, had a blast! Good night... Pic 1 from the house after (due to the camera women not getting the heels in at the club..)....tipsy. Other pics from the club (#2 with gf)...including another bartender drive-by..LOL





  5. My dream shoes would be edible. Made from diferent flavoured and coloured candy. They would smell like honey suckle and never have touched the ground.

    When I wear them I will lay on the riverbank, on my belly, in the warm sunshine and watch turtles playing over the shingle in crystal clear water and giggle while the shoes are sucked and licked from my feet.

    Pure poetry... :o

  6. People are talking about shopping at Aldos or other trendy women-specific high heel stores. This is the only hurdle I can't leap just yet.

    These smaller, concentrated shops are STILL hard for me to go into and actually try the shoes on. Their entire shop is very small, with large glass windows, and usually pretty busy. It's strange. I'll go into any "family-style" store, and try shoes on. Clearance rack at a big mall department store? Fine. But these "full service" shoe stores still kinda scare me.

    I think the main reason that I'm scared is that I don't think those places will carry my size 11, and it'll just be a waste of time. I suppose I'll never know if I don't try - but hey, I've come a long way here.

    As someone who may be working in an Aldo store in a few weeks, I have to say that these type stores may be the BEST places to try on shoes around! But, I see your point about the windows...


    1. Talk to the clerk (especially a pretty lady) right away about your wishes to try on the shoes. Don't nervously peek around at the shoes...go right up to a saleslady. Once you see how helpful and attentive she will be towards you trying on/buying heels, your initial anxiety will fade quick.

    2. Have the "footsies" ready, and try on the shoes pointing away from the windows (usually towards the registers).

    3. Wear in pants you will want to match the shoes with, and ASK THE SALESLADY HER TAKE! This will take your mind off of anything else around you. Noone else will matter, trust me.

    4. Have several styles to try on. Nothing says confidence like a bunch of beautiful shoes near you!

    OR, you could go to the mall where I'll (hopefully) be working soon...LOL

    Oh, and most Aldo stores have the majority of their style go up to size 11, which they list a EU43 (more of a 42)....

  7. Who is to say what works and what does not?

    The new, old Jake attracts much more female interest.

    I will have to live with that.

    Sounds rough... :o

    The attention is there because they like a man who is confident in themself!!

  8. Dave, Yes, everyday I wear them is different. Several times I wanted to wear in my heels to my insurance agent's place, as she is a very attractive women with a great heel taste. First 3 times I went to pay, I got the cold feet. 4th time, I went in wearing 4.5" stiletto pumps, and the reaction from here and the other ladies there was great! I stayed for like 20 minutes, and was completely at ease...even walking over the hardwood floor! Last week I wanted to do it again, and chickened out... go figure!

  9. Without a picture, I can't say for sure, but how do you know the "image in your head" is accurate? Seems Magickman had a vision of what HE wanted to look like, and I'd say from the description he got what he wanted. My ex told me once that girls do NOT go up to someone and give compliments unless they truly mean it. She said they just aren't wired that way... Kudos Magic!

  10. Thanks guy!! The test drive, and the main event both went off great. The "problem" is the pics ar eon my gf's camera, so it might be later today (I hope) before she gets them on the PC... So, I'll write it all up when the pics can help me...LOL LD, Macy's, off the clearance rack (size 9.5), $40!

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