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Posts posted by Stilettoscot

  1. Richie,

    You didn't answer this question:

    Isn't the feeling of excitement what it's about?

    nor give your thoughts on this point:

    I just could never get the same buzz wearing, say, a 3" cuban heeled boot out and about as the shoes I own and love. To me, I might as well be wearing my regular "men's" shoes...

    Just remember what I think I told you when I first joined:

    "Not all of us can be fashion guru's, and not all of us wear heels for the same reasons."

    BUT, I think your last sentence sums it up well...

  2. Thighboots, I appreciate your comments, and wisdom. And am not saying you are wrong in any way...but... Isn't "labelling" when a man should and shouldn't wear a certain heel style (due to being "out of place") being nearly as close-minded as people who say men should never wear heels of any kind in the first place? I know I am relatively new here, and to attempting to be "stylish" in general. But I thought the whole point of this place was to accept men in heels in general, not really to embark limitations on when men "should" or "shouldn't" wear what, quite frankly, they enjoy so as others not to be "emarrased" to be near? To be honest, most of the places I feel most comfortable wearing my heels (all stiletto right now) are in club-type atmoshperes, and probably for the reasons you describe. I would like to buy other style heels to augment my collection, not to have them be limited to worn only to certain places. I just don't get excited looking at shoes with more "conventional and discreet" heels (ie, 2-3" block type heel) that men are "supposed" to wear in public. Isn't the feeling of excitement what it's about? Take guys like Roni and Kneehighs. I know I am not in their body type, which is conventional "wisdom", but the fact they can make stilettos "work" in public does give me ambition to do the same. Speaking of body type, I saw a large girl the other day (wish I had the camera ready..LOL) downtown wearing 4" stiletto pumps. Even though "conventional wisdom" says she should not be wearing those shoes....she looked amazing!! I don't know, maybe I just haven't been around here long enough. I just could never get the same buzz wearing, say, a 3" cuban heeled boot out and about as the shoes I own and love. To me, I might as well be wearing my regular "men's" shoes...

  3. A nice read. Seems no matter what an upbringing circumstances have, a person tends to be open-minded regardless. A sign of intelligence is being able to make up your mind about something, even if it goes against the grain of what you have been taught through life. I am glad you and your mom are getting along well!:o

  4. My question would be, if some guy, wearing stilettos comfortably, would "look out of place", wouldn't they look more so if they weren't comfortable in other styles? Is the object of these meets to try and "fit in" with what other people think, so as not to stand out, or go out in shoes/styles they are most comfortable in? Looks like fun either way, but it would cause me to do more shopping for heels I normally wouldn't wear if it was the former. Love the pics, Arctic!

  5. I would say you can "try" to adapt different "walks" to your heeling, but at the end of the day, won't any change you make look like you're walking in a "forced" manner? I do sway my hips some, but don't try to. I do walk with one foot nearly in front of the other, but don't try to. If I "tried" to walk differently, my walk would look "staged", and I think that's the worst way to walk...IMO only, of course.

  6. My size contradicts how I walk in heels. I sway my hips, sometimes more than a straight guy "should", keeping my shoulders fairly straight with good posture, but it feels natural. And, it helps me walk gracefully. I guess one walks best in heels like a "women" does.

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