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Posts posted by Stilettoscot

  1. My advice would be to not only wear long boot cut jeans (as mentioned), but to go with someone (a friend, SO, HH Place member, etc) who knows and supports you. You'd be surprised at how just having someone with you really helps. Saying this, a few glasses of a good shiraz beforehand also helps! Take your time, don't rush it. Some days you'll feel more adventurous, other days you won't. Today was an adventurous one for me, went into Dunkin Donuts about 20 minutes ago to pick up a coffee wearing long black men's jeans and 4" stiletto-heeled Carrini d'orsays. I was driving home from my ex's, saw the DD store not very busy (only 3 cars), had the shoes in my car, and said..."Why not??". Most days I'd have never done this without the girl I'm seeing or one of my friends who know and support me.

  2. Nicely done, Henri. I know you've told me about going into Dunkin' Donuts locally to you to the point the ladies the work there know you, but even this is beyond cool! Please keep us informed of your heeling, and beautiful pumps BTW.

  3. I think had I been asked this question back before I began to embrace my passion for heels and turn it into showing my individuality (and all the perks that came with it), I might have said yes. Especially back in the "confusing" years. But, the fact I have more confidence in myself, lost 45lbs, have a ton of fun, have amazing conversations with women I'd have never talked to before (or been approached by before), and still feel the excitement...it's SO worth being a bit "different"! No way I'd take the pill, now.

  4. Out of the now 25 pairs I own, only 2 are red and 2 are brown. Rest are black. Nothing to do with whether the color is too feminine or not, rather how I liked the shoe it seems. Maybe it's because I can match black so easily? I am sure I'll get some other colors this winter (minus white of course)...we'll see.

  5. Thanks jwhite and Henri! Can't wait for Monday night. Sadly, I'll be wearing black jeans which will cover most (but not all) of the boots..:winkiss: Surprisingly, I got my last pedi 4 full weeks ago and they still look good! In between I've logged about 200 hours of landscaping/large machine operation, some dancing in 5.5" heels, and kicking the heavy bag!

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