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Posts posted by Stilettoscot

  1. All the time. I feel more comfortable, especially standing long time in one spot (like when I work club security), that I'm on my tippy-toes quite a bit for comfort. I also walk around the house on the balls of my feet instead of my heels instinctively. Top it all off I have been told I sometimes lapse into swaying my hips a bit even with flats...

  2. The shoes are nice. I think the reasoning for the more difficulty in her walking in these, even at just 1cm more height, would be that they look like the lift starts further back of the shoe than most shoes at 4.5". This means more toe-box room, but steeper lift. Now, picture the toe-box being shorter (meaning the lift of the shoe starts closer to the toe-box), the angle of the lift would be less steep, even at the same heel height. Steeper lift = more difficulty in walking in them.

  3. My goal, last night, was to take lots of pics like Kneehighs does when he goes out on the town, of my evening out. I managed to take a few pics early at the club during my own "happy hour". I was dressed in my trusty black fedora, white button down at least one size too big (fit me about 45lbs back, but had to make do with it), black embrose tie, Black lady's pants (size 16 from Macy's), and my new-ish knee-high boots with 4 3/4" stiletto. I thought, even though the pics don't make it so, I looked decent. The point was to go out to dinner with my gf, and her friend, then the club. We got there early in the evening, so as to have me already tipsy when everyone shows up for my party when the DJ gets in (about 10PM). Mission accomplished. Even managed a few pics... Problem was, the drunker I got, the less I remembered to take pics. So, with my feet sore from 5 hours of dancing (not bad though), I'll post some pics. Pic 1, myself with the bartender. Pic 2, my outfit, complete with full length leather coat. Pic 3, me and my gf. I was kissing her during the punchline of a joke, or something... Pic 4, me getting lucky with the Bud Girl. Pic 5, Leaving at 2am, HAMMERED! I don't even remember this, so apologies for my appearance, but you only turn 34 once!! Life can be good sometimes, and it was a great night! I just wish I remembered to take more pics during the 4 hours in between pics 4 & 5...LOL PS, leaving my gf's house this morning, I stopped at a busy McDonald's off a highway. Lots of people in the drive through (this was 9:30am this morning) made me decide to go in and get breakfast. Once in I noticed the clicking of my heels on the tile floor. So did the other 15 or so people...too late now! LOL I completely forgot I was wearing my boots! Lots of looks, but nothing said. I just ordered and left, with my head held high! LOL PPS, fashion tip #1,088: Don't expect to look like you've lost weight when you still wear your big shirt!!






  4. Maybe the look meant she was trying to figure out what you said - if you were trying to say "I speak Spanish" it would have been "Yo hablo espanol" (with a tilde over the n) - what you actually said was along the lines of "yes you speak spanish" but I'm not sure what the accent on the end of the "habla" does to the verb tense...


    I appreciate the Spanish lesson. Next time I see my 6th grade Spanish teacher, I'll be sure to let her know... :winkiss:

  5. I guess what I am asking is, am I the only one that has to have a more feminine style to get the sought after thrill of wearing heels? Many of you seem to be well satisfied with the added height and sensation of a heel without the feminine style, but that just isn't doing it for me. I like to know how other feel about the style vs. height factor.

    No. I own 25 pairs of shoes, and minus a pair of 5 1/2" wedges, all are feminine stiletto styles, and all are 4" or over. While I envy others who can still feel the thrill of wearing heels/styles that are much more masculine and lower, I cannot. Like you say, I might as well be wearing men's shoes...

    But that's just me. I LOVE feminine shoes.

  6. ....I haven't turned any heads lately but my wife watched two young female Burger King employees laugh and say somthing in spanish after I walked by. What fun!!!!!!!!!!!

    Had that happen to me a couple weeks back in Hartford CT (McDonald's next to the airport). Walked in, went to the b-room (loved the walk across the tile floor!), came out, 8 people were at the counter, I waited in line. Noone noticed except for the guy and girl behind the counter, both Spanish, and the guy told the girl "él tiene zapatos de las mujeres en sus pies", meaning "This guy has women's shoes on his feet". After I paid the money, I told the young lady "Si habla` espanol"...and the look on her face was funny!

    I would imagine people noticed on the way out as the tile floor was loud, even though my jeans covered most of the shoe. It was fun.

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