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Posts posted by Stilettoscot

  1. I'm not sure I agree. In my 6" heels, I can walk very gracefully now for a little while (5 min). In heels that high, it resembles walking on the catwalk, and I do it well. And, women like this (that I've seen so far)...

  2. gwl1, I remember buying my first pair of 5" stiletto pumps back when I was 20, and sneaking out of the house at 2am for a stroll down the street. The first thing that crossed my mind was how much harder to walk the shoes were when not on thick carpeting! LOL

  3. Tech, I believe simply by coordinating the look, such as Kneehighs, Jeff, and many others here do, you make it look like everyday living. I'm sorry, but if I saw RadioDave, JeffB, or Kneehighs out around town, I wouldn't assume they were gay/CD/TS at all. I know I'm biased because I'm NOT biased (this make sense?), but do their looks make you think this?

  4. I am 42 and I know that there is a Santa Clause.

    Stilettoscot - I also have some Lifebouy soap on standby if it is needed if the swearing problem keeps up. It has never been proven to cause blindness.:w00t2:

    One of my all time favorite movies..LOL


    How long did it take you to jump from 6" heels up to the height of those (6.3") or higher? I can walk fairly well for 1/2 mile in 6"ers, and am getting these in the mail Monday (6 3/4"!). I know it's gonna be tough...


  5. No offence, Guy-N-heels, but your post leads folks to the conclusion which Trolldeg speaks... The original point of the thread, from what I understand, is how the US Government is intregating Church into Law, and how the term "seperation of Church and State" applies... Since this is about the United States, I fail to see how being somewhere else in the world and being shot/stabbed for being married to the same sex applies to anything here.

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